Obsessive Compulsive Disorders Flashcards
What are obsessions?
- 1) Unwelcome, persistent, recurrent, intrusive thoughts distressing to the invididual,
- 2) not excess worries about real life problems
- 3) ind attempts to suppress or neutralise them and
- 4) recognises them as absurd (egodystonic) and product of own mind (i.e. not thought insertion)
What are compulsions
- Repetitive, purposeful, physical or mental behaviours performed with reluctance in response to an obsession.
- Carried out according to certain rules in a stereotyped fashion,
- designed to neutralise or prevent discomfort or a dreaded event.
- excessive and not connected to obsession
- individual realises behaviour is unreasonable
What are examples of compulsions?
- hand washing, cleaning
- counting, checking
- touching and rearrangement of objects to achieve symmetry
- mental compulsions
- hoarding
- arithmomania
- onomatomania
- folie du pourquoi
- excessive tidiness
What is arithmomania
Compulsive counting
What is onomatomania?
Compulsion to utter forbidden word
what is folie du pourquoi?
Compulsion to seek explanations for commonplace facts by asking endless questions
What happens if compulsions are resisted?
Anxiety builds until compulsion completed
What characterises OCD?
A. Obsession +/- compulsions B. Recognised as unreaosnable C. Cause marked distress and are time consuming / interfere significantly with routine D. Other Axis I excluded E. Exclusion of GMC
- Time consuming (>1h/d) obsessions / compulsions
- Present most days for at least two weeks
- Distressing and interfere with activities
- avoidance of triggers
Onset of OCD?
OCD subtypes?
- O&Cs: concerned with contamination (most common)
- Checking compulsions in response to obsessional thoughts about potential harm (e.g. leaving gas on)
- Obsessions without overt compulsive acts
- Hoarding
Complications of OCD?
-Anxiolytic abuse
-EtOH abuse
Distress and functional impairment similar to psychotic d/os
OCD prevalence?
Medical illness a/w OCD?
Streptococcal infection (PANDAS subtype)
Aetiology OCD?
- FHx: 50% of OCD, tics, Tourette’s
- Parental overprotection
- Biochem: 5HT esp
- Cortico-striatal-thalamic circuit (mediates social behaviour)
Psychoanalytic theory of OCD?
Defences against cruel and aggressive fantasies (filling the mind with obsessional thoughts prevents undesirable ideas entering consciousness) and defensive regression to anal stage of development
Behavioural theory of OCD?
-Compulsive behaviour is learned and maintained by OPERANT conditioning: anxiety reduction following compulsive behaviour strengthens/increases need to perform compulsion following obsession.
What is PANDAS?
Paediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococci
What is BDD?
- Preoccupation with imagined defect in appearance or markedly excessive concern with a slight physical anomaly
- Time consuming behaviours: mirror gazing, comparing features, excessive camouflaging, skin picking
Management OC disorders (OCD, BDD)?
- CBT (psychoeducation; graded exposure therapy; relaxation)
- Drug: SSRIs or clomipramine
- Regular review of mental state and risk
- Exclude medical causes
- Liase with work / study
Response to drugs and CBT?
placebo 5%
What is anakanistic personality disorder?
(aka OCD personality d/o) Characteristics: -rigid thinking -perfectionism interfering with task completion -Moralistic rule preoccupation -excessive cleanliness -high standards seldom achieved -tendency to hoard -emotional coldness
Medication used in OCD?
-SSRI e.g.
==>fluoxetine 20-80mg/d
==>sertraline 50 - 200mg
==> fluvoxamine 25mg nocte