Obsessionality & Compulsivity: a Phenomenology of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Denys (2017) Flashcards
the study of experiences, perceptions, thoughts, feelings, memories, and fantasies, aimed at describing reality as it appears to a person. It is about the essence of things: their essential nature without being obstructed by preconceptions and theoretical notions.
wat is een common theme in OCD
desire for absolute certainty and control.
From a phenomenological perspective, the core phenomena of OCD are characterized by
obsessionality, compulsivity, and subjective reflection.
being preoccupied with a specific thought or act. Obsessionality does not specifically relate to obsessions but is present in compulsions too.
hoe is obsessionality te zien in obsessions en hoe in compulsions
Obsessionality is passive in the case of obsessions and active in the case of compulsions:
* Passive obsessionality: feeling passively subjected to the overruling nature of the thought.
* Active obsessionality: actively obsessing over something (ritual).
feeling compelled to think a specific thought or to perform a specific act.
hoe zie je compulsivity in obsessions vs. compulsions
- Direct compulsivity: in obsessions, compulsivity is experienced from the beginning, and it coincides with obsessionality.
- Indirect compulsivity: in compulsions, compulsivity occurs only after a lap of time and is the result of a typical process; at first, the acts are voluntary, but as they increase, they become compulsive.
dus wat zijn obsessions en compulsions op de schalen van obsessivity en compulsivity
obsessions: passive obsessionality, direct compulsivity
compulsions: active obsessionality, indirect compulsivity
subjective reflection=
the attitude of the patient towards obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Contrary to many other psychiatric disorders, patients with OCD play an active and maintaining part in the development and course of the disorder. There is always a moment of subjective reflection following obsessions and compulsions. Subjective reflection in OCD expresses itself in egodystonia and insight.
egodystonia =
a mismatch between an experience and a self-image. In OCD, the content of obsessions and compulsions are not recognized as one’s own or are in conflict with one’s self-image.
hoe verschilt OCD van OCPD
Oobsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) is egosyntonic as the patient experiences their inflexible way of handling things as matching with their self-image.
OCD is egodystonic.
egosyntonia =
harmony between an experience and a self-image
hoe is insight bij mensen met ocd
Patients with OCD can have insight into the exaggerated and unreasonable nature of their symptoms. However, insight is variable: during the peak of obsessions or compulsions insight might prove difficult.