Observation Flashcards
What microbe can be seen with the naked eye
Rod shape that both bacteria and archaea can form
Circular shape that both bacteria and archaea can form
Corkscrew shape that is in a single radon of bacteria
Microbes include members of which of the following groups?
Bacteria, archaea, fungi and viruses
Definition of resolution
The smallest distance between two objects that allows them to be distinguished
Human eye resolution
Approx. 150 um
How do light microscopes allow you to see the object?
Rely on absorption of light be target objects. Includes brightfield, darkfield, fluorescence and phase contrast. Samples can be alive
Electron microscopes
Images are resolved via an electron field
Types of electron microscopes
Scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope
Atomic force microscopes
Map specimen topography, samples can be alive
Bright field microscopy
Most common type of light microscopy. Can magnify a specimen by as much as 1,000x
Positively charged ion
Negatively charged ion
Differential stains
Contain multiple stains that distinguish prokaryotes based on intrinsic structural differences
Who invented gran reactivity staining
Hans Christian gram, a Dutch physician that saw staining targets structural differences in bacterial cell walls.
What makes up a stain
Crystal violet, safranin, mordant , water and ethanol
What is the structural basis for differentiation
Negative staining
India ink is excluded from the encapsulated bacteria
Acid fast
Carbolfuchsin targets mycolic acids in special mycobacterium
Spore stain
Malachite green binds to endpapers coat of spore forming bacteria
According to the endosymbiosis hypothesis, the ancestors of chloroplasts are
A type of light microscopy that requires labeling of the specimen with a flourophore
Fluorescence microscopy
Fluorophores gain energy from light absorption in the blank spectrum
UV. The energy is released as heat and light in the visible spectrum