Obligate intracellular bacteria Flashcards
What are the clinical manifestations of Chlamydia trachomatis? (6)
urethritis; cervicitis; salpingitis (PID); Inclusion Conjunctivitis; Lymphogranuloma venerum: Trachoma.
Where is rocky mountain spotted fever common?
endemic to the east coast
What are the clnical manifestations of Chlamydia pneumoniae? (3)
walking pneumonia in young adults, pharyngitis, bronchitis
What serotypes of Chlamydia trachomatis cause lymphogranuloma venereum?
How is Chlamydia pneumoniae transmitted?
respiratory droplets
How is Chlamydia trachomatis transmitted?
close, intimate contact, human to human
Rocky Mountain spotted fever; What are the symptoms of Rocky Mountain spotted fever? What is the causative agent?
classic triad of reckettsial disease-headache, fever, rash. Reckettsia rickeettsii
T/F: Ricketsia are facultative intracellular parasites
False, they are obligate parasites
What are the clinical manifestations of Rickettsia typhi?
murine typhus-a milder form of typhoid fever
What are the clnical manifestations of Chlamydia psittaci? (5)
psittacosis. After 1-3 week incubation, flu like syndrome with fever and chills. Progressive cough. 30% mortality if untreated. Complications include myocarditis, encephalitis, hepatitis.
What is the reservoir of Chlamydia psittaci?
has an avian reservoir
What is the morphology of Chlamydia psittaci?
obligate intracellular bacteria
Most Ricketsia are transmitted by what?
arthropod vector
Rocky Mountain spotted fever; What three diseases have characteristic palm and sole rash?
rocky Mountain spotted fever, syphilis and coxsackievirus A16 (hand, foot, and mouth disease)
What is the classic triad of rickettsial infection? (3)
headache, fever, rash
What are the top organisms that cause PID? (2)
Chlamydia trachomatis (subacute, often undiagnosed), Neiseria gonorrheae (acute, high fever)
How is Chlamydia psittaci transmitted?
inhalation of dried bird feces. Also air droplets, person to person
What is the major reservoir for Rickettsia rickettsii?
deer and other wild animals
Identify relevant epidemiology and risk factors associated with Rickettsia typhi
attacks only one or a few people at once (compare R. prowazecki)
Rickettsial diseases and vectors: What bug causes Epidemic typhus? What is the vector?
rickettsia prowazeckii. Human body louse.
HOw does the rash of Rocky Mountain spotted fever progress?
centripetally, starting on palms and soles, migrating to wrists/ankles, then trunk.
What are the clinical manifestations of Rickettsia rickettsii?
rocky mountain spotted fever-3-12 days incubation, acute onset of fever, severe headache, prostration and myalgia. 2-6 days later, macules, petichiae start on hands and feet, then move to trunk. DIC edema and circulatory collapse can occur in severe cases.
What lab findings are useful to help diagnose Chlamydia psittaci? (2)
cytoplasmic inclusion bodies inside epithelial cells; CXR shows patchy infiltrates radiating from the hilum.
What is the most common associated with Chlamydia trachomatis?
most common STD in the United States (3-4 million cases per year)
How is neonatal chlamydia acquired?
passage through infected birth canal
Identify relevant epidemiology and risk factors associated with Rickettsia rickettsii.
eastern United States. May to September.
How is Rickettsia typhi transmitted?
flea bites
How is Rickettsia rickettsii transmitted?
bite of the deer-tick
Rickettsial diseases an dvectors: what bug causes Endemic typhus? What is the vector?
rickettsia typhi, flea vector
What is the morphology of Chlamydia pneumoniae?
obligate intracellular bacteria
What is the morphology of Rickettsia rickettsii?
obligate intracellular bacteria
Why do obligate intracellular bacteria need a host cell?
they cannot make ATP
What is the major reservoir for Rickettsia typhi?
wild rodents, rats especially
Lymphogranuloma vereum is caused by what organism?
chlamydia trachomatis
Rickettsial diseases and vectors: What bug causes Rocky Mountain spotted fever? What is the vector?
rickettsi reckettsii, tick vector
What serotypes of Chlamydia trachomatis cause chlamydia?