ObGyn Flashcards
Steroid hormone contraception (MOA)
- Gonadotropin suppression (E+P)
- Alteration of cervical mucus (P only)
- Endometrial atrophy (P only)
Estrogen-containing contraceptives contraindications (4)
- Cardiovascular disease
- Malignancy (Breast, Endometrium, Melanoma)
- Hepatic disease
- Pregnancy
Infertility (etiology 3)
- Anovulation
- Fallopian tube disease
- Abnl semen analysis (volume, concentration, motility, form, pH)
Anovulation (tx 3)
- Bromocriptine (tx hyperprolactinemia)
- Clomiphene citrate (enhances GnRH release: ovulation induction)
- Human menopausal gonadotropin
Fallopian tube disease (mgmt)
- Lysis of adhesions
- Fimbrioplasty
Abnormal semen analysis (mgmt)
- Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
- Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
- Donor insemination
Initial steps if endometrial cancer is suspected
- Endometrial biopsy
- Hysteroscopy if negative biopsy w/ many risk factors or if persistent postmeno bleeding
IUD contraindications (5)
- Undiagnosed uterine BLEEDING
- Acute cervical, uterine, or tubal INFECTION
- Suspected gynecologic MALIGNANCY
Precursor lesion to endometrial cancer
Endometrial hyperplasia (complex hyperplasia w/ atypia)
How is endometrial cancer staged?
Surgically (TAH-BSO, omentectomy, LN sampling, peritoneal washings)
Endometrial cancer risk factors
- Unopposed estrogen (early menar, late meno, chronic anovulation [PCOS])
- Metabolic (DM, HTN, obesity)
- Personal or Fam Hx: breast or ovarian cancer
Cause of CVA tenderness in the setting of cancer
Metastatic obstruction of the ureter
Best diagnostic test to evaluate cervical masses
Cervical biopsy (NOT PAP)
Cervical cancer risk factors
- SexHx (early age of coitus, multiple sexual partners, early childbearing)
- SocHx (low SEC status, cigarette smoke)
Abnl PAP (next step)
Colposcopy w/ biopsies
Mc cause of death in cervical cancer
Uremia 2* bilateral ureteral obstruction
Malodorous vaginal d/c in the setting of cancer
Necrotic tumor
Cervical cancer often spreads through this ligament to pelvic sidewalls
Cardinal ligament (contains uterine artery/vein)
Two types of radiotherapy employed in cervical cancer
- Radiation brachytherapy: implants near tumor bed
- Radiation teletherapy: external-beam radiation
Carneous degeneration (fibroids)
Changes in fibroids due to rapid growth; center of the fibroid becomes red, causing pain
Leading cause of hysterectomy in the US
Mc tumors of pelvis
Physical examination of uterine leiomyoma
Midline, irregular, nontender mass that moves contiguous with the cervix
Medical mgmt of fibroids
- Medroxyprogesterone (Provera)
- GnRH agonist (shrinks fibroid prior to surgery in 3mo)
Confirmatory step/test when uterine leiomyomatas are suspected
Surgical mgmt of fibroids
- Hysterectomy (if pregnancy is undesired)
- Myomectomy (if pregnancy is desired)
- Uterine artery embolization
Type of leiomyoma most associated w/ recurrent abortions
Confirmatory step/test when uterine leiomyosarcomas are suspected
ELAP w/ hysterectomy
Two types of emergency contraceptives (EC)
1) High-dose combination of estrogen and progestin (Yuzpe regimen)
2) High-dose progestin (Levonorgestrel: Plan B)
Associated sx w/ fibroids
Anemia 2* to menorrhagia
Major side effects of combination EC
Nausea and/or emesis
AFP (site of synthesis, analog in adults)
- Fetal liver
- Adult albumin
First-trimester screening
- Biochemical markers
- Transvaginal sono for nuchal translucency
- Anencephaly
- Spina bifida
Two EC efficacy rates
- Combination: 75% reduction in pregnancy rate
- Plan B: 85% reduction in pregnancy rate
Second-trimester screening
Quad screen:
- msAFP
- Estriol
- Inhibin
Benign causes of elevated msAFP
- Underestimated gestational age
- Multiple gestations
- Decreased maternal weight
Benign causes of decreased msAFP
- Overestimated gestational age
- Increased maternal weight
Serum markers in Down’s syndrome
- Low msAFP
- Low estriol
- High HCG
Suspicious msAFP
Multiples of the median (MOM): higher than 2.0-2.5
First-trimester test/screen results in Down’s syndrome
- Low PAPP-A
- High HCG
- Thickened nuchal translucency
First step in the mgmt of an abnl serum screen
Risks of amniocentesis
- Fetal loss
- Chorioamnionitis
Second step in the mgmt of an abnl serum screen (assuming first step is confirmatory)
- Amniocentesis, or
- Targeted US
Window for serum screening
Between 15-21wks
Nontender ulcer with clean-appearing edges, often w/ painless inguinal adenopathy
Syphilitic chancre
Screening and confirmatory tests in syphilis
Serum markers in trisomy 18
- Low msAFP
- Low estriol
- Low HCG
Syphilis tx
Penicillin G (IM)
Initial algorithmic branch point in vulvar ulcers
RPR and HSV viral cultures
if all’s negative = presumed chancroid
Best diagnostic test for genital herpes
Viral cx (gold standard)
Presentation in primary vs recurrent episode of herpes
Primary: systemic and local
Recurrent: local
Herpes tx
Three mc causes of vulvar ulcers in US
- Syphilis
- Chancroid
Next step in mgmt of painless ulcer if RPR/VDRL are negative
Dark-field microscopy
Syphilis tx for pts w/ allergies for traditional tx
PO erythromycin or doxycycline
Titers do not fall after 1yr tx of syphilis (dx)
Neurosyphilis (do an LP)
Tender ulcer w/ ragged edges on a necrotic base, possibly w/ tender LAD (dx)
Haemophilus ducrei
Confirmatory test(s) for chancroid
- Biopsy and/or
- Cx
Presentation of secondary syphilis
- Systemic: maculopapular rash on palms and soles
- Condylomata lata
Mode of syphilis transmission from mother to offspring
Transplacental infection
Syphilis during pregnancy (tx)
Desensitization and penicillin
Risk factors for PPROM
- STDs
- SocHx (Lower SEC status, smoking)
- Cervix (Conization, emergency cerclage)
- Uterus (Multiple gestations, hydramnios, abruption)
Two complications of PPROM
- Infection (chorioamnionitis)
- Labor
Confirmatory findings on speculum examination in PPROM
- Pooling of amniotic fluid
- Alkaline changes of vaginal fluid
- Ferning pattern
US finding in PPROM
Chorioamnionitis signs
- Maternal and fetal tachycardia (>160)
- Maternal fever
- Uterine tenderness
- Malodorous vaginal d/c
Chancroid (tx)
- PO azithromycin, or
- IM ceftriaxone
PPROM (tx)
- Prior to 32wks: expectant mgmt
- After 34wks: delivery
PPROM w/ infx (tx)
- Broad-spec ABX: ampicillin and gentamicin
Sign of fetal lung maturity on speculum examination
Presence of PG (phosphatidylglycerol)