obesity and healthy weight Flashcards
healthy weight
body weight relative to height that does not
increase the risk of developing weight related health problems or diseases
10-15 pounds more than healthy weight
25-40 pounds over healthy weight
diseases associated obesity
Hypertension and stroke
Heart disease
Gallbladder disease
Type 2 diabetes
Some cancers
Sleep apnea
losing 5 - 10 % b0dy weight can produce health benefits such as
lower BP, cholesterol, glucose levels
- definition
- causes
- risk for younger/older adults
definition: weighing too little for your height
causes: excessive calorie restriction, excessive physical activity, emotional stress, underlying medical conditions
risks for:
- younger adults: nutrient deficiencies, electrolyte imbalance, low energy levels, decreased concentration, osteoporosis
- older adults’: low body protein and fat stores, depressed immune system, medical complications, osteoporosis
excess calories can lead to weight gain
- Excess calories are stored as fat, regardless of source
- Limited capacity to store glucose as
glycogen - Can’t store extra protein
- Unlimited capacity to store fat
3 ways to evaluate healthy body weight
Measure % fat
overweight = BMI > 25
obese = BMI > 30
underweight = < 18.5
- increased chronic disease risk for over 25
- doesn’t measure body fat
- not reliable for all people
% body fat!
test: skinfold and bioelectrical impedance
Central obesity (excess visceral fat) versus
subcutaneous fat, increases risk of heart
disease, diabetes, hypertension
normal % fat is 2-24% = men & 10-30 %= women
waist measurement higher health risk #
F: >35 inches
M: > 40 inches
positive energy balance!
more calories consumed than expended (leads to fat storage, weight gain)
* Energy excess
negative energy balance!
more calories expended than consumed (leads to weight loss)
* Energy deficit
energy needs are comprised of 3 things!
basal metabolism (base needs if not moving) (BMR)- 50-70%
thermic effect of food- amount of calories needed to digest, absorb, process food 10%
physical activity - 20-35%
factors affecting BMR
lean body mass, sex, race, age, genes, body size, stress, hormones, starvation, environment temp, caffeine, drugs
physical activity increases energy needs
Energy expended by sedentary people = less than half of BMR
*Very active athletes can expend twice BMR
*Exercise causes small increase in energy expenditure after activity has stopped
5 Social determinants of of Health in healthy people
economic stability
education access and quality
healthcare access and quality
neighborhood and built environment
social and community context
psychological desire for food
physiological need for food
how full one feels determines length of time between eating episodes
physiological mechanism help regulate hunger !
*! Ghrelin: produced in stomach when empty; increases hunger
* ! When fat stores increase, leptin in fat tissue signals brain to decrease hunger and food intake.
* Cholecystokinin: released when stomach is distended, increasing feelings of satiation, decreasing hunger
* Protein, fatty acids, and monosaccharides in small intestine stimulate feedback to brain to decrease hunger
* !Insulin also causes brain to decrease hunger
* ! Many people override feedback mechanisms, resulting in energy imbalance
factors affecting body weight
- genetic differenced in level or function of hormones
- ! Genetic differences in non-exercise associated thermogenesis (NEAT): energy
expenditure in nonexercised movements,
such as fidgeting, standing, chewing gum - set point theory
- We work more and cook less
- gene & environment interaction: Environment of cheap and easily obtainable energy-dense foods stimulates appetite
how to lose weight healthfully
- overweight individuals should aim
to lose about 10 percent of body weight over 6-month period - move it to lose it (45min/day moderate intensity exercise & 10,000 steps a day reduces risk of becoming overweight)
- break bad habits by modifying behaviors like keeping a food log, managing stress, know triggers
how to stay at a healthy weight after weight loss
changes in diet, physical activity, behavior
eat smart:
- eat more vegetables, fruits, fibers
-Include some protein and fat in your meals
▪ Protein increases satiety most
▪ Fat slows movement of food from stomach into intestines
▪ Choose lean meat, skinless chicken, fish, nuts, unsaturated oils
low energy density foods
high in water and fiber,
0.7-1.5 calories per gram,
most vegetables and fruits and yogurt
medium energy dense foods
contains less water
1.5 - 4 calories per gram
ex: bagels, hard boiled eggs, dried fruits, hummus, whole wheat bread
high energy dense foods
low in moisture
4-9 calories per gram
examples: chips, cookies, crackers, butter, oil, bacon
while eating meal you become full enough to stop eating