Medical Complications of Obesity Flashcards
measure of disease to determine a person’s probability of being diagnosed with a disease
measure of a disease to determine a person’s likelihood of having a disease
simultaneous presence of 2 or more illnesses/diseases
Medical complications associated with obesity
- High BP (hypertension)
- Stroke
- Coronary artery disease
- Gastrointestinal disorders
- Hyperlipidemia
- Metabolic disorders
- Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Obstructive sleep apnea
Respiratory Problems
Different types of Cancer
Endometrial, prostate, and breast cancers
Complications of pregnancy
Menstrual irregularities
Mental & Psychological disorders
hypertension !
-High BP
- High BP over 140/90mmhg!
- normal BP= less than 120/80!
-It’s a “silent killer”
-Hypertension is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases
-Overweight + hypertension = cardiac dysfunction, thickening of ventricular wall, large heat volume, so increase risk for cardiac failure
-Consequences of hypertension: aneurism, stroke, heart failure, kidney problems (arteries harden), eye problems (vessels in eyes burst/bleed) , metabolic syndrome, dementia, changes with memory and understanding
- lifestyle changes can lower BP: increased physical activity, better diet, healthy weight, avoiding smoking, and limiting alcohol consumption
-Is clotting in the vessels that causes loss of blood supply (oxygen) to tissues causing cell/tissue death
-Atherosclerotic clot: build up of fat, cholesterol and other substances (plaque buildup) causing a blockage
-Blood clot: blood blocks vessels
-Symptoms: F(facial drooping)A(arm weakness)S(slurring of speech)T(time)
- !Ischemic stroke: artery to brain is blocked
-Hemorrhagic stroke: blood vessel in brain erupts
-!!Overweight/obese/high BMI increase risk for ischemic stroke but not hemorrhagic!
-Preventing stroke: lower BP & cholesterol, eat healthy, exercise regularly, treat sleep apnea, manage diabetes, stop smoking, drink in moderation, reduce stress, keep healthy weight
-Stroke is a comorbidity with hypertension
Coronary Artery Disease
-is a type of atherosclerosis that occurs when the arteries supplying blood to the heart muscle (coronary arteries) become hardened and narrowed
-This hardening and narrowing is caused by plaque buildup starting early in life
-Blood flow to the heart is reduced so which is bad because we need the oxygen it carries to the heart
-Effects caused by blocked blood flow: angina (chest pain) and heart attack because heart muscle cells die with lack of oxygen
-Overtime CAD weakens the heart leading to: heart failure (fails to pump blood to rest of body) and arrhythmia (irregular bpm rhythm)
colon cancer
-2nd most deadly cancer in the US
-Higher BMI in males = higher risk of colon cancer
-Abdominal obesity is linked to colon cancer
Gallbladder Disease
-Cholelithiasis is a condition characterized by the presence or formation of gallstones in the gallbladder or bile ducts
- if there are abnormally high levels of bile salts or cholesterol, then stones can form
-Obesity is main cause of gallstones
-Higher cholesterol is produced in obese people
Diabetes Mellitus (type 2 diabetes)
-Risk for T2DM increases with the degree and duration of overweight in individuals
-Being overweight greatly increases risk for T2DM regardless of ethnicity or gender
-The more weight = more insulin resistance
-Can be managed or reversed through physical activity, diet, medications like insulin
-Diabetes puts people at risk for health complications: premature death, vision loss, heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, amputation of toes/feet/legs
Dyslipidemia or Hyperlipidemia
- abnormalities in cholesterol metabolism & too many lipids (fats) in your blood.
-!Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) = bad b/c it clogs arteries (Borderline high number: 130 mg/dL to 159 mg/dL. High: 160 mg/dL to 189 mg/dL.) !!!!
-Very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) = bad because it carries triglycerides that add to artery plaque.
-High-density lipoprotein (HDL) = good because it brings cholesterol to your liver, which gets rid of it. it’s clearing the blood vessels of cholesterol
-Low level of HDL carries more relative risk for developing heart disease than do elevated triglyceride levels
-Central fat distribution is correlated with lipid abnormalities.
-Excessive body fat in the abdominal region = increased triglyceride levels
-Risks factors for hyperlipidemia: smoking, drinking lots of alcohol, eating foods that have a lot of saturated or trans fats, Being sedentary, Being stressed, genetics, being overweight
liver disease
-Usually due to obesity
-Other causes: diabetes, specific drugs, starvation, protein malnutrition, intestinal bypass, alcoholism, steatosis
-Steatosis: is the term for “fatty liver” and it is not actually a disease, but rather a pathological finding
non alcoholic fatty liver disease
describe a collection of liver abnormalities that are associated with obesity
how to prevent liver disease
- What to avoid: Don’t eat foods high in fat, sugar and salt. Stay away from a lot of fried foods including fast food restaurant meals. Raw or undercooked shellfish such as oysters and clams are a definite no-no.
- Talk to your doctor about alcohol and your liver health
- Eat a balanced diet
- Eat food with fiber
- Drink lots of water
- focus on caloric restriction