Medical Complications of Obesity Flashcards
measure of disease to determine a person’s probability of being diagnosed with a disease
measure of a disease to determine a person’s likelihood of having a disease
simultaneous presence of 2 or more illnesses/diseases
Medical complications associated with obesity
- High BP (hypertension)
- Stroke
- Coronary artery disease
- Gastrointestinal disorders
- Hyperlipidemia
- Metabolic disorders
- Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Obstructive sleep apnea
Respiratory Problems
Different types of Cancer
Endometrial, prostate, and breast cancers
Complications of pregnancy
Menstrual irregularities
Mental & Psychological disorders
hypertension !
-High BP
- High BP over 140/90mmhg!
- normal BP= less than 120/80!
-It’s a “silent killer”
-Hypertension is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases
-Overweight + hypertension = cardiac dysfunction, thickening of ventricular wall, large heat volume, so increase risk for cardiac failure
-Consequences of hypertension: aneurism, stroke, heart failure, kidney problems (arteries harden), eye problems (vessels in eyes burst/bleed) , metabolic syndrome, dementia, changes with memory and understanding
- lifestyle changes can lower BP: increased physical activity, better diet, healthy weight, avoiding smoking, and limiting alcohol consumption
-Is clotting in the vessels that causes loss of blood supply (oxygen) to tissues causing cell/tissue death
-Atherosclerotic clot: build up of fat, cholesterol and other substances (plaque buildup) causing a blockage
-Blood clot: blood blocks vessels
-Symptoms: F(facial drooping)A(arm weakness)S(slurring of speech)T(time)
- !Ischemic stroke: artery to brain is blocked
-Hemorrhagic stroke: blood vessel in brain erupts
-!!Overweight/obese/high BMI increase risk for ischemic stroke but not hemorrhagic!
-Preventing stroke: lower BP & cholesterol, eat healthy, exercise regularly, treat sleep apnea, manage diabetes, stop smoking, drink in moderation, reduce stress, keep healthy weight
-Stroke is a comorbidity with hypertension
Coronary Artery Disease
-is a type of atherosclerosis that occurs when the arteries supplying blood to the heart muscle (coronary arteries) become hardened and narrowed
-This hardening and narrowing is caused by plaque buildup starting early in life
-Blood flow to the heart is reduced so which is bad because we need the oxygen it carries to the heart
-Effects caused by blocked blood flow: angina (chest pain) and heart attack because heart muscle cells die with lack of oxygen
-Overtime CAD weakens the heart leading to: heart failure (fails to pump blood to rest of body) and arrhythmia (irregular bpm rhythm)
colon cancer
-2nd most deadly cancer in the US
-Higher BMI in males = higher risk of colon cancer
-Abdominal obesity is linked to colon cancer
Gallbladder Disease
-Cholelithiasis is a condition characterized by the presence or formation of gallstones in the gallbladder or bile ducts
- if there are abnormally high levels of bile salts or cholesterol, then stones can form
-Obesity is main cause of gallstones
-Higher cholesterol is produced in obese people
Diabetes Mellitus (type 2 diabetes)
-Risk for T2DM increases with the degree and duration of overweight in individuals
-Being overweight greatly increases risk for T2DM regardless of ethnicity or gender
-The more weight = more insulin resistance
-Can be managed or reversed through physical activity, diet, medications like insulin
-Diabetes puts people at risk for health complications: premature death, vision loss, heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, amputation of toes/feet/legs
Dyslipidemia or Hyperlipidemia
- abnormalities in cholesterol metabolism & too many lipids (fats) in your blood.
-!Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) = bad b/c it clogs arteries (Borderline high number: 130 mg/dL to 159 mg/dL. High: 160 mg/dL to 189 mg/dL.) !!!!
-Very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) = bad because it carries triglycerides that add to artery plaque.
-High-density lipoprotein (HDL) = good because it brings cholesterol to your liver, which gets rid of it. it’s clearing the blood vessels of cholesterol
-Low level of HDL carries more relative risk for developing heart disease than do elevated triglyceride levels
-Central fat distribution is correlated with lipid abnormalities.
-Excessive body fat in the abdominal region = increased triglyceride levels
-Risks factors for hyperlipidemia: smoking, drinking lots of alcohol, eating foods that have a lot of saturated or trans fats, Being sedentary, Being stressed, genetics, being overweight
liver disease
-Usually due to obesity
-Other causes: diabetes, specific drugs, starvation, protein malnutrition, intestinal bypass, alcoholism, steatosis
-Steatosis: is the term for “fatty liver” and it is not actually a disease, but rather a pathological finding
non alcoholic fatty liver disease
describe a collection of liver abnormalities that are associated with obesity
how to prevent liver disease
- What to avoid: Don’t eat foods high in fat, sugar and salt. Stay away from a lot of fried foods including fast food restaurant meals. Raw or undercooked shellfish such as oysters and clams are a definite no-no.
- Talk to your doctor about alcohol and your liver health
- Eat a balanced diet
- Eat food with fiber
- Drink lots of water
- focus on caloric restriction
Childhood obesity preventions
- Wellness of mother before & during pregnancy
- Vaginal delivery
- Breastfeeding
- Limiting screen time
- Promoting healthy diet for mother and child
- Regular physical activity
- Good sleep
- Training from health professional
obstructive sleep apnea
- the airway narrows limiting or stopping
airflow - Weight loss can reopen airflow, thereby reducing or eliminating OSA
- OSA in obese individuals may also have implications in the pathogenesis of hypertension and cardiovascular and metabolic abnormalities
- Obesity causes mechanical compression of the diaphragm, lungs, and chest cavity, which can lead to restrictive pulmonary damage
- It is a degenerative disease which frequently leads to chronic pain and disability
- only the symptoms of OA can be treated; there is no cure
- OA is significantly increased in overweight individuals
- knees, finger, neck, hips, ankles
- Adipose tissue produces cytokines that “destroy” the joint cartilage
cancer and obesity
being obese increases your risk of
developing certain cancers, because obesity can lead to chronic low-level
inflammation, which can affect your DNA over time
- being overweight and inactive accounts for ¼ to 1/3 of all cancers of breast, colon,
endometrium, kidney, and esophagus
endocrine changes associated with obesity
- Increased cortisol production
- Insulin resistance
- Decreased sex hormone-binding globulin in women
- Decreased progesterone levels in women
- Decreased testosterone levels in men
- Decreased growth hormone production
- Changes in the reproductive system are among the most common.
- Irregular menses and frequent anovular cycles are common.
- Rates of fertility may also be reduced
Obesity and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
- weight gain and obesity contribute towards the development of PCOS
- insulin is dysfunctional treatment: lose weight, medications, more exercise, eat healthier
Psychological disorders and obesity
- Obesity is associated with an impaired quality of life.
- Higher BMI values are associated with greater adverse effects.
- When compared to obese men, obese women appear to be at a greater risk for psychological dysfunction
Obesity and Covid 19
- induces a state of Chronic
Inflammation (high inflammatory
markers:IL-6, TNFα) - Reduces lymph node size
- Reduces the effectiveness of NK
(natural killer cells) in fighting
inflammation - Causes fat cells during covid to
maintain enzymes that prolong
and spread the infection
anorexia and warning signs !
severe caloric restriction
warning signs: hair loss, self starvation, excessive weight loss, intense fear of being fat, distorted body image,
symptoms: decrease heart rate & BP, osteoporosis, dry skin/lips, thin hair, muscle loss/weakness, anemia, kidney failure
bulimia and warning signs!
binge eating and purging
Russell’s sign: scar tissue knuckles used to induce vomiting
warning signs: self-induced
vomiting; excessive exercising; strict
dieting or fasting; abuse of diet pills,
laxatives, diuretics, tooth decay, gum
disease, broken blood vessels in
binge eating and warning signs !
compulsive overeating
warning signs: Eat in secret, feelings of shame, Eat excessive amounts of food in a short period of time, Eats rapidly to the point of being uncomfortable
how to diagnose metabolic syndrome (prediabetes) !!!
when 3 or more of the criteria are met
low HDL: less than 18.54 = M, 23.4 = F
hypertriglyceridemia: over 30mg/dL
high BP: 130/85 mmHg
high fasting glucose: over 100.8 mg/dL
abdominal obesity: over 40 inches in men and over 34 inches in women
ultra processed foods and how affect apatite !
increased apetite and hunger on ultra processed diet
time of day eating effects !
unusual eating times can be negative on weight and apatite
eating in the morning and front loading can save you from eating more later in the day
you shouldn’t be digesting food as you sleep