OB, Topnotch Flashcards
male counterpart of: labia majora
male counterpart of: labia minora
ventral portion of the penis
male counterpart of: clitoris
Glans penis
male counterpart of: urethral and paraurethral gland
prostate gland
male counterpart of: uterus and lower 3/4 of vagina
prostatic utricle
male counterpart of: greater vestibular gland
bulbourethral gland (Cowper)
male counterpart of: hymen
seminal colliculus
AKA mullerian duct
paramesonephric duct
anlage of female reproductive tract
paramesonephric duct
male counterpart of the following: hydatid of morgagni uterus and cervix fallopian tube upper 1/4 of vagina
appendix of testes
AKA wolffian duct
mesonephric duct
male counterpart of: appendix of vesiculosis
appendix of epididymis
male counterpart of: duct of epoophoron
ductus of epididymis
male counterpart of: gartner’s duct
ductus deferens
ejaculatory duct
seminal vesicle
male counterpart of: ovarian folicle
seminiferous tubule
male counterpart of: rete ovarii
rete testis
male counterpart of: round ligament of uterus
gubernaculum testis
derivatives of paramesonephric duct/mullerian duct in female
uterus and cervix
fallopian tube
upper 1/4 of the vagina
male: appendix testis
derivatives of mesonephric duct/wolffian duct in male
vas deferens ejaculatory duct epididymis seminal vesicle female: gartner's duct
derivatives of urogenital sinus in female
lower 3/4 of the vagina
mullerian duct agenesis
rokitansky-kuster-hauser syndrome
derivatives of urogenital sinus in male
urinary bladder
prostate gland
bulbourethral gland
anlage of kidney
part of hymen that first rupture during first intercourse
6 o clock
AKA as periurethral gland
skene’s gland
AKA as vulvovaginal gland
bartholin’s gland
homologue of periurethral gland
prostate gland
homologue of vulvovaginal gland
bulbourethral gland
main blood supply of the vagina
cervico-vaginal branch of the uterine artery
main blood supply of the perineum
internal pudendal artery
blood supply of the cervix
cervico-vaginal branch of the uterine artery
hormone sensitive? endo/exocervix?
position of the long axis of the uterus in relation to the long axis of the “V”agina
position of the “F”undus of the uterus in relation to the cervi”X”
divide the pelvic cavity into anterior and posterior part
borad ligament
AKA transverse cervical ligament or mackenrodt ligament
cardinal ligament
major support of the uterus and cervix
cardinal ligament
maintain the anatomical position of the cervix and upper part of the vagina
cardinal ligament
termination of round ligament
upper portion labia majora
ectopic in this area result in severe maternal morbidity
prefered portion for tubal ligation
narrowest portion of FT
site of fertilization
widest and most tortuous part of FT
site of most ectopic pregnancy
at what aspect of broad ligament does ovary lies?
in relation to uterus, where does common illiac artery bifurcates?
lateral to the uterus at the pelvic side wall
ovary is attached to the broad ligament thru?
is ovary covered with peritoneum?
blood supply of pudenda
pudendal artery
improper placement of legs in the stirrups. nerve? will result to?
peroneal nerve - foot drop
pressure from the lateral blade of self retaining retractor during abdminal hysterectomy
femoral nerve
on dorsal lithotomy position, sacroiliac joint inc by?
1.5 to 2.0 cm
smallest plane in which baby must pass
boundaries of pelvic inlet
post: sacral promontory
ant: Symphisis pubis
lateral: linea terminalis
transverse diameter
2 farthest point of the brim
right and left oblique diameter
from sacroilliac joint to opposite illiopubic emminence
posterior sagital diameter
intersection of obstertric conjugate and the transverse diameter
anatomic conjugate
obstetrical conjugate
Diagonal conjugate - 1.5
diagonal conjugate
the only pelvic conjugate that can be measured clinically
diagonal conjugate
signs of contraction of midpelvis
ischial spine is prominent
sidewalls are convergent
sacrum is shallow
sacroilliac notch is narrow
midpelvis diameter
> 10cm
pelvic outlet diameter
> 8cm
internal rotation occurs at this level
ischial spine
forceps is only applied if the head is at this level
ischial spine
pudendal nerve block is carried out at what site?
ischial spine
external os is normally located at what level?
ischial spine
in treatment of cervical prolapse, ring pesary is applied above what level?
ischial spine
pelvic type with inc incidence of deep transverse arrest
pelvic type with inc incidence of face delivery
ape-like pelvis
vaginal delivery is almost impossible with this type of pelvis
the 1st meiotic division of primary oocyte arrested at what stage?
the 2nd meiotic division of secondary oocyte arrested at what stage?
metaphase II
how many eggs ovulated in a lifetime
500 (400)
has FSH receptor
granulosa cell
has LH receptor
theca cell
how many oocyte produce during fetal period
6-7 million
at birth - 1-2 million
puberty - 400,000
hormone that causes the ferning of the cervical mucous
peak of LH secretion
10 to 12 hours before the ovulation
ovulation occurs approx when?
day 14
mid cycle pain
causes mid cycle pain
corpus hemorrhagicum
key to the initiation of ECM breakdown of the functional layer
the most striking and constant event observed in the menstrual cycle
period of vasoconstriction
on what day of menstruation does restoration of endomentrium completes?
5th day
the most important factors in recovery of the endometrium
estrogen during the early follicular phase
earliest histological evidence of progesterone action?
basal vacuolation
predominant hormone during follicular phase
predominant hormone during luteal phase
layer of decidua that is in direct contact with chorion
decidua capsularis
AKA decidua vera
decidua parietalis
layer of decidua that will become unresponsive to vasoactive agent
decidua basalis
layer of decidua that will eventually dissapears
decidua capsularies
inner cell mass will become?
outer cell mass will become?
blastocyst implantation will occur when?
day 7 post conception
usual site of implantation
posterior superior wall of the uterus
morula enters the uterine cavity when?
day 3 post comception
produces HCG
forms the yolk sac
contains the amniotic cavity
coincides with first missed menstrual period
susceptible to teratogen
embryonic week 3 to 8
process that establishes the 3 primary layer.
CNS and PNS is derived from?
sensory organ of seeing and hearing is derived from?
lining of GI and Respi is derived from?
RBC is derived from?
CVS is derived from?
Urogenital system is derived from?
organ that is first to develop
heart, upper limb and lower limb will be completes its development when?
8 weeks
external genitalia will completes it development when?
9 weeks
normal AF at term
weight of placenta at term
450 to 500 grams
age of the fetus base on the time lapsed since the LMP
gestational age/ menstrual age
age of the fetus base from the time of fertilization/ovulation
ovulation age/post conceptional age
uterus palpable above the SP
12 weeks
the gender can be identified
14 weeks
quickening can be felt
16 to 20 weeks
testis starts to descend
32 weeks
testis is at inguinal canal/scrotum
40 weeks
use to determine the AOG via UTZ during first trimester
functional closure of FO
several minutes after birth
anatomical closure of FO
1 year after birth
functional closure of Ductus arteriosus
10 to 12 hours
anatomical closure of ductus arteriosus
2 to 3 weeks
test for fetomaternal hge
kleihauer bethke test
most active component of surfactant
dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC)
acounts for 80% of glycerophospholipids in surfactant.
phosphatidylcholine (lecithin)
chromosomal sex is determined when?
secretes mullerian inhibiting factor
sertoli cell
secretes testosterone
leydig cell
hormone responsible for formation of male internal genitalia
hormone responsible for formation of male external genitalia
hormone that is responsible to maternal insulin resistance
Human placental lactogen
preferred precursor of progesterone biosynthesis by the trophoblast
maternal plasma LDL cholesterol
estrogen type that is a marker for fetal well-being
softening and compresability of the isthmus on 6 to 8 week AOG
Hegar’s sign
reason for inc incidence of gallstone in pregnancy
progesteron inhibits CCK
reason for inntrahepatic cholestasis and pruritus gravidarum
estrogen inhibits intraductal transmission of bile acid to the GB
all Coagulation factors inc during pregnancy except?
F11 and F13
total weight gain of a pregnant women
24 lbs
1st - 2lbs
2nd - 11 lbs
3rd - 11 lbs
crystalization and beading is due to?
chadwick sign:
a. presumptive
b. probable
c. definitive
presumptive evidence
Hegar sign
a. presumptive
b. probable
c. definitive
Goodell’s sign
a. presumptive
b. probable
c. definitive
braxton hick’s contraction
a. presumptive
b. probable
c. definitive
postive pregnancy test
a. presumptive
b. probable
c. definitive
a. presumptive
b. probable
c. definitive
cessation of menses
a. presumptive
b. probable
c. definitive
FHR at doppler can be detected when?
10 weeks
FHR at stet can be detected when?
17-19 weeks
best time for OGCT
24 to 28 weeks
treatment for asymptomatic bacteriuria
1st gen cephalosphorin
average weight gain in pregnancy
27.5lbs (25 to 35 lbs)
contraindicated vaccine for pregnant women
yellow fever
hormone responsible for morning sickness
high level of hCG
paglilihi or pica is due to?
iron deficiency
treatment for bacterial vaginosis
metronidazole 500mg/tab bid x 7days
at what AOG does uterine size correlates with AOG?
20 to 31 weeks
when to instruct the patient for fetal movement counting?
28 weeks
normal fetal movement counting?
8-10 kicks / 2 hours
screening for NTD should be done when?
16 - 18 weeks
GBS infection screening should be done when?
35 to 37 weeks
NST should be done when?
> 41 weeks
leopolds maneuver should be done when?
35 - 37 weeks
DOC for intrapartum prophylaxis for GBS
Pen G
test for uteroplacental function
Contraction Stress test
criteria for reassuring CST or negative CST
no late decelaration in the presence of 3 UC in 10 minute period
5 components of biophysical profile
FHR Fetal breathing fetal movement fetal tone amniotic fluid volume
criteria for non reassuring umbilical artery doppler velocimetery
absent or reversed End diastolic flow (ARED)
normal FHT
110-160 bpm
important index of CV function
single most impt indicator of an adequately oxygenated fetus
baseline / beat to beat variability
normal variability
moderate variability (6-25)
etiology of early deceleration
head compression
etiology of variable decelaeation
umbilical cord compression
etiology of late deceleration
uteroplacental insufficiency
five cranial signs of NTD
small BPD ventriculomegaly lemon sign banana sign effecement of cisterna magnus
frontal bone scalloping
lemon sign
elongation and downward displacement of the cerebellum
banana sign
general marker for abnormal development
decrease on triple and quadruple serum markers is indicative of?
trisomy 18
decrease on triple and quadruple serum markers except for hCG and inhibin is indicative of?
trisomy 21
nuchal translucency
down syndrome
hormone responsible for maintenance of phase 1 of parturition or quiescence.
at what phase of parturition does braxton hicks occur?
phase 1 or quiesence
hormone responsible for pahse 2 of parturition or activation
at what phase of parturition does lightening or baby drop occurs?
phase 2 or activation
at what phase of parturition does formation of lower uterine segment occurs?
phase 2 or activation
most common fetal lie
longitudinal lie
most common fetal presentation
most common fetal position
collection of fluid in vagina (what test?)
pool test
in nitrazine test, when the paper turns blue it indicates that the amniotic fluid is in what pH?
crystalization of amniotic fluid (what test?)
fern test
if the cervix is as thin as LUS it said to be that cervix is how many % effaced?
bishop scoring is to determine what?
status of cervix
cervical position if the fetus is low down the cervix
bishop score that indicates the probability of vaginal delivery
> =8
most important force in the expulsion of the fetus
maternal intraabdominal pressure
normal cervical length
2-2.5 cm (?)
pathologic retraction ring, extreme thining of the LUS in obstructed labor
ring of bandl
first pre requisite for birth
narrowest fetal head diameter
greatest transverse diameter of fetal head
cardinal movement that allows the suboccipitobregmatic to present in birth canal
when does BPD pass through the pelvic inlet?
duration of latent phase on nullipara
duration of latent phase on multipara
at what cervical dilatation does descent begins?
7-8 cm
duration of active phase on nullipara?
duration of active phase on multipara?
duration of 2nd stage of labor on nullipara?
50 minutes
duration of 2nd stage of labor on multipara?
20 minutes
duration of 3rd stage of labor
5 minutes
predictive of outcome of labor (division of active phase)
acceleration phase
measures overall efficinecy of the machine (division of active phase)
phase of maximum slope
reflective of the fetopelvic relationship (division of active phase)
deceleration phase
the hand may be used to exert forward pressure on the chin of the fetus through the perineum just front of the coccyx and the other hand exerts presssure posteriorly against the occiput
ritgen maneuver
what sign is when the uterus becomes globular and firmer
calkin sign
degree of laceration when fascia and perineal muscles is involve
second degree
early amniotomy accelerates labor by?
4 hours
late amniotomy accelerates labor by?
2 hours
nerve supply of lower genital tract
pain on second stage of labor
nerve supply of upper genital tract
pain on first stage of labor
anesthetic agent that is contraindicated in patient with pre eclampsia
blocked by paracervical block
frankenhauser ganglion plexus (T11-T12)
ob anesthesia procedure that is most ideal for eclampsia and pre eclampsia
epidural anesthesia
forcep, for delivery of fetus with molded head
forcep, for delivery of fetus with rounded head
tucker mac lane
forcep, for transverse arrest of the head
transverse suprapubic abdominal incision
transverse abdominal incision made with rectus muscle and are divided with scissors
uterin incision above the LUS upto fundus
transverse incision at LUS, least likely to rupture, does not promote adhesion
vertical incision at LUS
MC indication for primary CS delivery?
time interval immediately after the delivery of the placenta up to the time when the reproductive organs return to their normal non-pregnant condition.
puerperium usually last for how many weeks?
6 weeks
uterus will regain non-pregnant size on what week post partum?
4 weeks
signs and symptpoms of subinvoluted uterus
prolongation of lochial discharge
irregular or excessive uterine bleeding
profuse hemorrhage
on bimanual exam: uterus is large and softer than normal
on post-partum bimanual exam:
DOC for subinvoluted uterus
how long does vaginal ruggae reappear?
4 weeks
breast feeding can provide contraception until?
6 months
colostrum has all vitamins except?
vitamin k
fever of >38 C that occur on any two of the first 10 days post partum, EXCLUSIVE of the first 24 hours
post partum fever
most common risk factor for post partum fever
route of delivery
most common cause of post partum fever
three or more consecutive spontaneous abortion
recurrent abortion
most common cause of spontaneous abortion during 1st trimester
chromosomal abnormality (trisomy)
type of abortion that is characterized by ruptured BOW in the presence of cervical dilatation.
inevitable abortion
on UTZ: empty getational sac in blighted ovum.
missed abortion
resumption of ovulation after abortion occurs when?
2 weeks
cannon ball exudates on CXR
metastasis of h.mole at lungs
MC site of GTT metastasis
2nd MC site of GTT metastasis
medical treatment for non-metastatic GTT
MC cause of pregnancy related death during the 1st trimester
ectopic pregnancy
most identified RF for ectopic pregnancy
velamentous insertion of umbilical cord
vasa previa
all previas deleivered by CS except
low lying placenta
painless vaginal bleeding on 3rd trimester
placenta previa
painful bleeding on 3rd trimester with crampy adominal pain. associated with hypertension and previous trauma
abruptio placenta
UTZ: retroperitoneal blood clot
abruptio placenta
uterine apoplexy, extravasation of blood into the myometrium and between the serosa
couvelaire uterus
MC cause of uterine rupture
separation of previous CS scar
type of abruptio placenta that has external bleeding into the vagina
type of abruptio placenta that the bleeding remain inside.
Prolonged PROM, PROM that occurs?
> 18 hours
ROM occurs >37 weeks
ROM occurs
biochemical markers for preterm labor
fetal fibronectin and salivary estriol
MC S/E of Mg SO4?
causes premature constriction of ductus aretriosus
type of breech with high incidence of cord prolpase
incomplete breech
type of breech with lowest incidence of cord prolapse
delivery of the posterior shoulder ahead of the anterior
loveset maneuver
the index and the Middle finger are placed over the baby’s Maxilla to maintain flexion
Mauriceau Maneuver
prefered method for breech delivery
piper’s forcep
fingers are placed over the shoulder and upward traaction is made, legs are grasped and body is swung over abdomen.
prague maneuver
breech is allowed to deliver spontaneously up to the navel, suprapubic pressure is then applied
bracht maneuver
breech decompostion, frank breech to footling delivery
pinard’s maneuver
incision of the cervix at 2, 6, and 10 o clock position
duhrssen incision
replacement of the fetus higher into the vagina and uterus, followed by CS
zavanelli maneuver
surgical incision of the fibrocartilage of the Symphisis pubis
an active phase disorder where in there is an slow rate of cervical dilatation or descent
protraction disorder
complete cessation of of dilatation or descent
arrest disorder
pelvic inlet contraction (criteria)
diagonal conjugate less than 11.5cm
shortest AP diameter less than 9cm
greatest transverse diameter less than 12cm
prominent ischial spine
convergent sidewall
narrow sacrosciatic notch
midpelvis contraction
outlet contraction
acromion presentation
transverse lie
extremity proplapse alongside the presenting part with both presenting in the pelvis at the same time
compound presentation
deep transverse arrest of the head is associated with what type of pelvis?
android and platypoid
deep transverse arrest of the head can be delivered via?
kielland forcep
flexion of the thigh upon patient’s abdomen.
mc robert’s maneuver
progressively rotating the posterior shoulder 180 degrees.
wood’s corkscrew maneuver
fetal shoulder rocks from side to side by applying force on the mother’s abdomen or pressure on the accessible fetal chest
rubin’s maneuver
shoulder horn instrument consisting of a concave blade with long handle, slipped between the symphisis pubis and impacted shoulder
chavis maneuver
posterior arm sweep across the chest wall, followed by delivery of the arm
delivery of the posterior shoulder
pressure is applied to the infants jaw and neck in the direction of the mother’s rectum with strong fundal pressure applied by the assitant as anterior shoulder is freed
hibbard’s maneuver
cephalic placement into the pelvis
zavanelli maneuver
cutting of the clavicle with scissors or other sharp instruments
fetal macrosomia, weight?
> 4000 grams
normal head circumference
32-38 cm
in the presence of fetal hydrocephalus, cephalic presentation, cephalecentesis can be done on what cervical dilatation?
rate of cervical dilatation: 5cm/hour for nulli and 10cm/hour for multi is called?
preciptous labor and delivery
volume of blood loss in post partum delivery.
vaginal and cs route.
vaginal - >500ml
cs - >1000 ml
management for uterine atony
uterine massage
absence or imperfect development of these layers could lead to placenta accreta
decidua basalis and fibrinoid layer (nitabuch layer)
pituitary infarct/necrosis following massive blood loss during delivery.
HPE: mother unable to lactate after massive blood loss.
sheehan syndrome
squamous cells or debris of fetal origin in the central pulmonary circulation.
HPE: hypotension, DOB, DIC
amniotic fluid embolism
a newborn weighs less than 2500 gms no matter the age of gestation is considered?
low birth weight
very low - less than 1500 grams
extremely low - less than 1000 grams
fetal weight falls below 10th percentile for gestational age
decrease in rate of fetal growth.
accurate at diagnosing IUGR related to placental insufficiency.
head to abdominal circumference
Amniotic fluid index value for polyhydramnios.
> 24-25
Amniotic fluid index value for anhydramnios.
less than 5
if indomethacin is given as your management for polyhydramnios it could cause?
premature closure of ductus arteriosus
fetal malformation of CNS and GIT could lead to?
obstruction of fetal urinary tract or fetal renal agensis could lead to?
earliest sonographic finding for IUFD/still birth
robert sign
gas bubble on fetal heart, aorta and big vessel
gas bubble on fetal heart, aorta and big vessel
robert sign
overlapping of fetal skull bones
spalding sign
exaggeration of fetal spinal curvature
ball sign
multiple placenta with a single fetus
one or more small accessory lobe developed in the membranes at a distance from the periphery of main placenta.
placental villi attached to the myometrium.
placenta accreta
placental villi invade the myometrium.
placenta increta
placenta penetrate the myometrium
placenta percreta
UTZ: lack of normal “hypoechoic retroplacental zone”
colored doppler: dilated vascular channels with diffuse lacunar flow
placenta accreta/increta/percreta
normal length of umbilical cord
cord insertion at the placental margin
marginal insertion (battledore placenta)
cord inserts in the membrane at a distance from the placenta, associated with vasa previa.
velamentous insertion
fetal vessel in the membranes cross the region of internal os and occupy a postion ahead of the presenting part.
vasa previa
fertilization of 2 different ova forming 2 embryos and 2 human beings.
influenced by race, heredity, parity and infertility drugs.
fraternal (dizygotic)
fertilization of one ova that subsequently divide into 2 separate embryos.
not influenced by race, heredity, parity and infertility drugs.
identical (monozygotic)
most common?
a. dichorionic, diamniotic
b. monochorionic, diamniotic
c. monochorionic, monoamniotic
monochorionic, diamniotic
least mortality?
a. dichorionic, diamniotic
b. monochorionic, diamniotic
c. monochorionic, monoamniotic
dichorionic, diamniotic
highest mortality?
a. dichorionic, diamniotic
b. monochorionic, diamniotic
c. monochorionic, monoamniotic
monochorionic, monoamniotic
associated with twin-twin transfusion?
a. dichorionic, diamniotic
b. monochorionic, diamniotic
c. monochorionic, monoamniotic
monochorionic, monoamniotic
cleavage at day 1 to 3
a. dichorionic, diamniotic
b. monochorionic, diamniotic
c. monochorionic, monoamniotic
a. dichorionic, diamniotic
cleavage at day 4 to 8
a. dichorionic, diamniotic
b. monochorionic, diamniotic
c. monochorionic, monoamniotic
b. monochorionic, diamniotic
cleavage at day 9 to 12
a. dichorionic, diamniotic
b. monochorionic, diamniotic
c. monochorionic, monoamniotic
c. monochorionic, monoamniotic
cleavage after day 12
a. dichorionic, diamniotic
b. monochorionic, diamniotic
c. monochorionic, monoamniotic
d. none
none (conjoined twin)
fusion of the chest
thoracophagus (MC)
twin peak sign
dichorionic twin
T signs/ hair like sign
monochorionic twin
MC cause of morbidity and mortality in twin pregnancy
preterm labor
mean age of twin pregnancy
35 weeks
results from abnormal arerial-venous communications between monochorionic twins
causes anemia or polycythemia
MC presentation of twin
cephalic cephalic
MC medical complication of pregnancy
MC CNS anomaly that is most specific with DM
caudal regression syndrome
best time to screen for congenital anomalies
18-22 weeks
inc in HBA1c will increase the risk for?
NTD/congenital heart defect
the only mineral that is proven to prevent NTD, HPN and post partum depression
folic acid
FBS value of GDM patient
> 92 to less than 126
FBS value of overt DM
> 126
OGTT values to diagnosed GDM
Fasting: >95mg/dl
1st hour: >180mg/dl
2nd hour: >155mg/dl
3rd hour: >140mg/dl
define gestational HPN
HPN after 20 weeks AOG/ during 24 hours post partum.
no proteinuria.
BP returns to normal by 12 weeks post partum.
diagnosis made post partum.
in GDM FPG should be maintained at?
60-90 mg/dl
proteinuria. laboratory values for diagnosis.
dipstick: 30mg/dl 1+ taken Q6
most important RF for gestational hypertension.
most important etiology of gestation hypertension.
exposure to chorionic villi for the first time
most consistent anatomical findings of HPN in pregnancy
glomerular capillary endotheliosis
pathognomonic lesion in eclampsia.
periportal hemorrhagic necrosis
most common cerebral findings in eclampsia.
hallmark of placental lesion in pre eclampsia/eclampsia.
acute atherosis of decidual arteries
most common hematologic findings pre-eclampsia/eclampsia.
diastolic notch (doppler)
inc stuart index
absent or reversed end diastolic blood flow (ARED)
pre-eclampsia (?)
most reliable sign in preeclampsia
diastolic pressure
the only cure for pre eclampsia.
what to monitor in patient administered with MgSO4
RR >12
UO >30cc/hr
antidote for MgSO4 toxicity
calcium gluconate 1gm IV
anesthesia of choice for pre eclampsia
epidural anesthesia
main ingredient in spermicides
nonoxynol 9
emergency contraception
contraceptive for lactating mother
progestin only pill
after vasectomy man should ejaculate how many times?
14 to 20 ejaculation
similar to pomeroy but without excision, segment is lifted and crashed by hemostat and tied at base
madlener method
crash!!! = mad!
isthmus is cut, proximal segment buried at myometrium, distal end in mesosalphinx.
irving method
burried “nilibing si irving”
a window is made in the mesosalphinx and a segment of isthmus is tied proximally and distally and then excised.
parkland method
window sa park
segment is tied and a suture is tied around the aprroximated base.
the resulting loop is excised, leaving a gap between the proximal and distal ends
pomeroy method
epinephrine is injected beneath the serosa of the isthmus.
the mesosalphinx is reflected off the tube, and the proximal end of the tube is ligated and excised. the distal end is not excised. the mesosalphinx is reattached to the excised proximal stump, while the long distal end is left to “dangle” outside of the mesosalphinx.
uchida method
ui! kita ang nakadangle!
resection of the distal ampulla and fimbrae following ligation around the proximal ampulla.
kroener method
Groove sign
Lymphogranuloma venereum