OB test 13 Flashcards
Hypertonic uterine dysfunction
contractions Q 1-1/2 minutes, duration 90 sec, baseline 10mmhg.
Dilation and effacement does not progress.
Hypotonic uterine dysfunction
contractions Q 7 minutes, 50 sec duration, intensity increases 25mmhg.
Initially good labor, uterus tires at 4 cm dilation.
Precipitous labor
rapid, less than 3 hours.
Problem- trauma to mom or baby.
prolonged labor
exceeds normal time >20 hrs.
Arrested labor
progress stops, fetal descent stops.
Cause- CPD, fetal malproportion
cepelopelvic disportion- baby head cannot fit
Shoulder dystocia
baby descends and should gets stuck behind symphysis pubis.
Tx- suprapubic pressure, mcroberts manuter (keens to chest), woodys screw manuver- turn baby.
Velamentous intersion
cord divides before connecting to the placenta.
Risk- hemorrhage, increase risk compression.
Abnormal cord length
long- inc nuchal cord/knots
short- conpression, abrupt placenta
Prolapsed cord
ROM before presenting part is snug in pelvis.
Risk- cord rushes out with water
tx- get presenting part off cord, rish C/S
Succenturiate placenta
accessory lobe. Continues to bleed after delivered placenta (fundus will be firm)
Risk- can detach=hemorrhage
Circumvallate placenta
double fold of anmion and chorion. Sec surface are for blood vessels to perfuse.
risk fetal dealth, SGA, premature
Battledorf placenta
cord insterts at margin= poor circulation
Placental infarcts/calcification
Ca deposits= old placenta
Placenta previa
implants lower uterine segment. WILL LEAK BLOOD.
Mom anemic, hemorrage during preg.
Abruptio placenta
premature separation of normally implanted placenta after 20 wks
S&S- pain btw contraction, late decals.
Amniotic fluid embolism
amniotic fluid enter materal blood. S&S- resp distress, brain, dyspnea, hypotension
Sedative (ambien, phenergan, benadryl)
used during false/early labor. FETUS greatly effected.
Admin at peak of contraction- fetus will be less effected
Pudendal- regional anesthesia
nerve, either side of perineum. relief perineal stretching. No used often.
General anasthesia
Emergeny C/S, crosses placenta. prepare for fetal resussitation.
Spinal anasthesia
subarachnoid space, mom can’t move legs.
SE- spinal HA
Epidural anastheais
block motor and sensory perception. Can limit ability to push and need to void.
Bishop score
predict inducibility- higher= better
prostaglandins release when ROM occurs
Risk- prolapse cord, infection
Membrane stripping
digitally frees membranes of amnoitic sac from lower segment of uterus around cervical os.
Prostaglandin release, labor in 48 hrs.
prostaflandin prep in vag insert. slow rate
intracervical gel, release prostaglandin faster. increase vag delivery in 24 hrs.
synthetic prostaglandin. intervaginal tab
IV, stim contraction that produce cervical changes and fetal descent.
turn fetus in uterus from undesirable to desirable prosition.
External cephalic version
moves baby by palpating on abdomen external abdomen (no past c/s, placenta previa)
Internal/podalic version
used with multiple gestation to deliver second twin.
Med to relax uterus, ob grabs feet and pulls to feet presentation
surgical incision of the perineum.
midline- downwarn towards sphincter
mediolateral-45 degree angle on left or right
used for any conditiont hat threatens mom or fetus that can be relieved by birth OR shorten 2nd stage
Criteria for forceps
fully dilated head engaged mom bladder empty adequate anathema ROM continuous external fetal monitoring
Vaccume assisted birth
criteria- ROM, head fits, lithotomy position.
NO if- face presentation, CPD, premature, scalp blood samping, small fetus
vaginal birth after cesarean.
NPO, anasthesiologist and OR dr avalible, NO classical incision.
Caput Succedaneum
Localized swelling of scalp.
subperiosteal hemorrhage. Bleeding
Diffuse scalp hemorrhage
bleeding into scalp. Severe swelling.
Transfusion PRN, neuro assess.
Subcutaneous fat necrosis
Localized lesion, inflammation of subQ tissue. Firm lesion. resolves 6-8 wks
forceps, C/S accidental cut, fetal scalp monitor.
tx- clean, abx, watch S&S of infection.
nuchal/mechanical device.
Observe hyperbilirubinemia
Subconjunctival hemorrhage
Presure during delivery. Resolves 1-2 wks
Retinal hemorrhage
Head compression.
1-5 days
Brachial plexus
lateral traction on neck .
C5-T1 innerate arm- stretched
INC risk with asphyciated baby (dec tone)
Erbs palsy
arm limp at side, internal oration, arm extended, finger and arm flexed. (Waiter exspecting money form)
Moro- fingers move, arm does not
C8-T1 Weakness wrist and fingers hand paralyzed Moro- shoulder moves, hand does not. SPLINT TO PREVENT CLAW DEFORMITY
Phernic nerve paralysis
Dec breath sounds on affected size, labored reap.
Better in 6 weeks.
PRN support (O2, vent)
Facial nerve injuries
Pressure from position or delivery
2wk-2mth recovery
Dec movement, tender, palpable, deformity, normal moro
Tx- pain management, careful handling
Torticollis-sternocleidomastoid muscle injury
hyper extension during delivery. hematoma formation=shortens muscle
tx- passive stretching 6 m, then surgery.
Spinal cord injury
Rare, breech