OB Flashcards
Changes in respiratory in pregnancy (6)
- airway anatomy: edema and friable; difficult intubation
- MV and alveolar vent: increases 50% by term 2/2 increase TV (40%) RR 15% (progesterone increases sesitivity to Co2)
- FRC: 20% decrease by term (ERV and RV decrease 20%), rapid desat
- IC increases by 15%
- increased V02 20% prediposes to rapid desat also decrease time required for inhalation induction & pre-oxygenation (de-nitrogen)
- ABG: 7.44/30/103/22
- P50 27 to 30
CV changes in prenancy (3)
- elevated CO predisposes to CHF (40% 1st, 50% term; labor 40% 75% delivery, 30% post 1 hr, , normal 2 weeks (HR 25% SV increases 40%)
- aortocval compresson 18-20 weeks–>compromise venous return (hydration and LUD essential)
- SVR decreases: Decrease BP diastolic>systolic
Heme changes in pregnancy (4)
- anemia: plasma volume increases 50% RBC volume 25% ~hct 35 Hbg 11 (15% decrease)
- Leukocytosis
- hypercoagulable state: 7,8,9,10, 12 increase, fibrinogen increases (11, 13, AT3 decrease)
- plasma protein decrease: total protein, albumin, including plasma cholinesterase (decrease colloid oncoitc pressure. unclear if this increases free fraction of drugs or contibute to edema. increased vascular permeability
gastrointestinal changes in pregnancy (2)
- gastric emptying slows during labor, volume increase pH decreases during labor (not gestation)
- decrease LES tone 2/2 progesterone (Aspiration risk 18-20 weeks)
renal changes in pregnancy (1)
RBF and GRF increases (creatine 0.5-.6) BUN 8-9
endocrine changes in pregnancy(2)
- impaired glucose tolerance
- TBG causes increase in total T3 and T4 levels with no change in free levels
Anesthesia changes in pregnancy (3)
- MAC decreases by 40%
- increase sensitivity to local (cardiac toxicity esp to bupi enhanced)
- decreased epidural space and venous engorgaement increase risk of IV injection and dural puncture
How to assess fetal well being preoperatively
- H&P focusing on prenatal care, last medical assessment, any prenatal problems
- ask about fetal body movements
- obtain FHR tracing (detect 16 weeks), look for rate (120-160) and variability-25-27 weeks (6-10bpm beat to beat varibility): ensure optimal uteroplacental blood flow and O2 delivery to fetus. if bradycardia occurs could promp search for materal condition like maternal hypotension and anemia
ddx of fetal tachycardia and bradycardia
hypoxemia (sympathetic stimulation),
maternal fever #1, maternal thyrotoxicosis, terbutaline, atropine, arrythmia
severe hypoxia/uretoplacental issues, uterine hypertonus, head compression,
hypothermia, complete heart block (SLE antibodies), paracervical block
What is significance of early decels
normal finding from fetal head compression causing parasympathetically induced bradycardia
Cause of late decels?
what would you do?
false alarms common, but can suggest urteroplacental insufficiency
- determine severity. FHR <100 prompts tx, <60 prolonged may require emergency obstectric intervention. Loss of varibility makes prognosis worse
- check mom ABC: 100% O2, well oxgengated, LUD, optimize hemodynamics (fluid/pressors
- determine the circumstance surrounding the change. recieve LA, oxytocin, pt sx,
- make sure OB aware and discuss tx
significance of loss of short term varaibility
etio: sym and para sym interaction is lost consistent with asphyxia
benzos, narotics, absoption of local
mag, atropine, steriod
ancephaly/neurological ab/hypxoxia/ prematrity/ fetal sleep
When would you want scalp pH
to determine significance of nonreassuring FHR
late decels good varaibility >7.25 good <7.2 bad
significance of variable decal: rule 60s
umbiical cord compression. serious if <60 bmp >60 sec, decrease >60bmp
look at varaibility between decels and consider scalp pH
hypertensive dx of pregnacy and dx
- chronic HTN <20 weeks
- preeclampsia: >20 weeks, HTN >140/90 (2 6 hours apart), and proteinuria >300mg/day (1+ dipstick)
- chronic HTN with superimposed preeclampsia