Cardiac Flashcards
How to evaluate nature of cardiac disease?
H&P and ordering appropriate labs
- History: -known diagnosis, past evaluations/hospitalizations, tests, meds/compliance
- cardiac sx (past and current): exercise tolerance, CP, SOB, syncope, orrthopnea, palpitations SAD POE - PE: signs for HF -Rhythm, murmurs, S3 gallop, crackles, edema, JVD
3: Labs: CXR EKG, echo
How do you know when pt is optimized
signs and sx controlled to minimize surgical complications
when should one order a cardiac consult
After assessment, unable to determine nature of disease or I believe pt is not optimized for scheduled (not emergent) surgery
What is one met? 4 mets?
1 met= resting state >4 mets walking up flight stairs or hill
METS<4: eat, dress, use toilet, walk around, walk a block or 2 on level ground slowly
METS=4: light housework, climb a flight of stairs
METS>4: walk@4 mph, run short distances, heavy housework, moderate recreational activities
METS>10: participate in strenuous sports
How do you evaluate a patient periop cardiac risk
identify any active cardiac conditions
identify surgical risk
idenify fxn status
- no risk factors, proceed to OR.
- 1-2, proceed to OR with HR control, or consider non-invasive testing if it will change management. -3 or more and undergoing intermediate risk surgery proceed to OR with HR control, or consider non-invasive testing if it will change management.
- If the patient has 3 or more and undergoing vascular surgery, consider testing if it will change management.
When to obtain preop EKG
Pre-operative EKG, with a level of evidence B:
There is no Class I recommendation for acquiring an EKG.
In a patient with known coronary heart disease, going for moderate or high risk surgery, (Class 2a recommendation)
In patients without known heart disease, going for moderate to high-risk surgery, ( Class 2b recommendation)
There appears to be no benefit for asymptomatic patients going for low risk surgery
When is it reasonable to evaluate LV fxn preoperatively
There is no Class 1 recommendation, all 2a
reasonable to evaluate LV function in
- patients with dyspnea of unknown origin
- patients with known heart disease with worsening dyspnea or change in clinicsl status
- clinically stable pt with prior LV dysfunction with no eval in >12 months
what qualifies as CAD
Revised Cardiac Index
Risk factors are: history of ischemia or heart disease, CHF, CVA, Cr > 2.0, IDDM, high risk surgery
CAD: unstable angina, MI, use nitrate, , active + stress test, path q wave
0-0.4% risk of cardiac complications
1-0.9% risk of cardiac complications
2-7% risk of cardiac complications
3-11% risk of cardiac complications
Active cardiac conditions
- Unstable coronary syndroms:
unstable angina (ACS)
recent MI (30 days)
- Decompensated heart failure
- Significant arrythmia:
High grade AV block, Mobitz II AV block, 3rd degree block
Symptomatic ventricular arrythmia or sx brady
SVR with HR>100 at rest
Newly recognized ventricular tachycardia
4: Severe valvular disease:
1. Severe AS (Mean gradient >40 mmHg, aortic valve area <1 cm2, or symptomatic)
2. Symptomatic MS (DOE, exertional presyncope, or heart failure)
Low risk/intermediate/ high risk surgery
Low risk <1%: ambulatory, breast, cataracts, endoscopic, superficial
Intermediate risk: 1-5%
- carotid endarterectomy, head/neck,
- Intraperitoneal/Intrathoracic,
orthopedic, prostate
High risk: aortic/other major vascular procedures, peripheral vascular surgery >5%
ST elevation vs depression
depression indicate ischemia:
New horizontal or downsloping ST-depression ≥0.5 mm in two contiguous leads and/or T inversion >1 mm in two contiguous leads with prominent R wave or R/S ratio >1.
elevation: epicardial ischemia-vasospasm, infaraction (rare during non cardiac surgery)
New ST-segment elevation at the J-point in two contiguous leads with the cut-points:
-≥1 mm in all leads except V2-V3.
V2-V3: ≥2 mm in men ≥40 years, ≥2.5 mm in men <40 years, or ≥1.5 mm in women regardless of age.
How would you treat myocardial ischemia
- Look at vitals
- 100% O2
- tachy and HTN: deepen anesthetic BB
hypotensive and tachy: phenypehrine, fluids
arythmias: cardiovert/defib, anti-dysarythmic,
consider nitro in absence of hypotension
Induction in patient with severe CAD
Goal: optimize myocardial supply and demand: avoid tachycardia, hypotension, hypertension, hypoxia, excessive contractility. suffiently blunt sympathetic stim during laryngoscopy
- aline, pressors like phenyephrine available, esmolol available (fast onset, short duration B1 selective)
- induce with etomidate (min CV side effects), lido (blunt laryngoscopy), fent
Difficult airway: awake fiberoptic with adequate topicalization sedation, to avoid tachycardia and HTN
When is risk for periop MI the greatest
First 3 days post op
myocardial supply and demand factors
supply: HR, CPP=AdP-LVEDP, hypotension, O2 content, coronary artery diameter
Demand: tachycardia, wall tension (preload and afterload), contractility
HTN consideration head to toe
perioperative risks,
preop assessment
potential causes
Head to toe
neuro: shift in cerebral autoregulation, stroke, retinopathy
cards: LVH, CAD/MI, arrythmia, CHF (diastolic dys)
renal: overactivity of renin angiotensin-aldosterone system, CKD
concerns : BP instability, arrythmias, MI, stroke, CHF, hypoperfusion/end organ ischemia w reduction
- cause (essential, coartation aorta, OSA/obesity renal, endocrine-pheo, hyperaldosterone, cushing, thyroid/parathyroid),
- degree of control, baseline, meds
- end organ effects
PE: signs CHF
Labs: BUN/Cr-renal involement, NA K diruetic effects
EKG for LVH (S in V1 + R in V5 or V6 ≥ 35 mm), arrythmia, ischemia, strain (ST depression and T-wave inversion)
CXR: cardiomegaly, pulm edema
Goal: keep BP within 20% of baseline
Indication for central cathter or PAC, TEE, a line
- monitor CVP/fluid status
- venous access in pt w poor access, drug/hyperailmetation infusion
- pacing
- aspiration of air during venous emboli
monitor filling pressures, PAP, PCWP, CO, MV02, SVR, PVR
- eval global fxn
- RWA (Most sensitive indicator of ischemia)
- fluid status
- estimate preload (filling pressures
- judge accuracy of cardiac procedures
- assess unexplained hemodynamic disturbances
a line
- monitor BP on a continuous beat to beat basis,
- ABG freq sampling
- CPB (non pulsatile flow)
How much does perfusion pressure decrease for every cm above heart
0.7–> 10cm is 7mmHg
RF for PA rupture with PAC
AC or coagulopathy
overinflation of balloon
What conditions confound ischemia detection?
LVH/strain: LV strain pattern: ST depression and T wave inversion in the lateral leads
LBBB; Dominant S wave in V1
Broad monophasic R wave in lateral leads (I, aVL, V5-V6))
digoxin: Downsloping ST depression with a characteristic “Salvador Dali sagging” appearance Flattened, inverted, or biphasic T waves.
pacing: ride side looks like RBBB
Causes increased MV02
- most common- wedged PAC
- sepsis (increased CO, decreased Vo2)
- cirrhosis (increased CO)
- hypothermia (decreased VO2)
- cyanide toxicity (increased CO, decreased V02)
causes that impair ability of proximal pressure CVP PCWP of relecting downstream pressures?
Aneursym types acccording to Crawford
most difficult to repair. highest risk of paraplegia/renal failure
Type 2,3
Type 2
Aortic dissection types
5 types of endoleak
- proximalor distal graft attachment leak sites
- retrograde slow into sac from side branches intercostal artery
- defect/tear in graft or overlap issue
- graft wall porosity
- increaseed aneursym diameter without idenificable cause
I and 3 may require urgent intervention 2,4 usually not
How does SNP infusion lead to toxicity
SNP enters RBC and release NO and formation of CN.
CN can bind to methemoglobin (cyanometheoglobin), thiosulfate (thiocyante) or bind to cytochrome oxidase impairing oxygen utilization.
metabolic acidosis, increased MV02, arrythmias, tachyphylaxis
minimal risk if infusion kept below 0.5 mg/kg/h
tx: 100% O2, sodium thiosulfate, amyl nitrate or sodium nitrate –>oxidize hemoglobin to met hemoglobin, B12
Difference between pre and post ductal coartation
- Coartation
- Post ductal: upper extremity HTN later in life
- Preductal: LE cyanosis as PDA closes
Concerns with a enlarging thoracic aneursym
- Compression
- structures: trachea, bronchus: difficult intubation (DLT L bronchus may be compressed) hemoptsis
- nerves: SLN, RLN (hoarseness)
- vasculature: SVC syndrome
- Thrombosis/emboli
- Rupture/massive bleeding
- Dilation aortic root (AI)
concerns with an expanding throacic dissection
- AI
- ischemia (extension into coronaries)
- stroke (extension to innominate or carotid),
- pericardial tamponade,
- hemothorax (rupture into pleura)
- CXR: widened mediastinum suggests mediastinal bleeding
Concerns for a aneursym repair
- Anesthesia
- Difficult airway-compression (airway compression, SVC syndrome edma), DLT
- Cross clamp
- neuro
- Paraplegia-
- Loss motor with intact vibration and proprioception, sensory (ASA syndrome)
- epidural hematoma if neuraxial performed
- Stroke: emboli, hypotension
- Paraplegia-
- CV
- Aneurysm: rupture, thrombosis, compression (SVC, AI
- Pulm
- Post op pulmonary dysfxn from manipulation of diaphragm and lungs
- Damage to phrenic or RLN
- GI: mesenteric ischemia
- Heme
- Coagulopathy: activation of coagulation (aneurysm thrombogenic), DIC
- dilution effects of massive transfusion,
- Renal
- Post op AKI
RF for paraplegia for aneursym repair
- rupture/emergency
2. prolonged cross clamp
3. location and extent of aneurysm
- detachment of radicular arteries
- advanced age
- vascular insufficiency
Induction goal for aneursym
- Avoid HTNaneurysm rupture while avoiding precipitous drops in BP myocardial ischemia
Monitoring for aneursym
- Aline
- Potential for hypertension above clamp and inadequate perfusion below–> place proximal and distal.
- During cross clamp upper a line would provide info about cerebral and cardiac perfusion while lower a line would allow monitoring of distal perfusion pressure to kidney, spinal cord, mesentery.
- A line on L for ascending repair, and a line on R for descending repair ( clamp often placed proximal to L subclavian in surgery involving proximal descending aorta)
- PAC helpful?
- In pt with poor functioning myocardium or suprarenal clamp
- Increase PCWP after clamp may indicate myocardial ischemia
- Lumbar drain
- Spinal cord perfusion: distal aortic pressure-ICP or CVP
- Passive drainage of CSF to a pressure of 8-10mmHg during procedure and 48 hrs post op
- Zero to mid axillary line or external auditory meatus when supine
- Clamp induced increases CSF pressure: hyperemia above clamp increased ICP–>redistribution CSF into intrathecal space increased
- Neuromonitoring
- SSEP to monitor for cord fxn: monitors posterior column but predicts anterior function as well
How is spinal cord perfused?
- 2 posterior spinal cords supply posterior 1/3 of spinal cord
- Single anterior spinal artery (from basilar and vertebral ) supplies anterior 2/3 of cord motor) with contribution from radicular arteries most important being Adamkiewicz (major supply of lower 2/3 of spinal cord T9-T12 60% time)
Physio effects of cross clamp placement and removal
- Supraceliac: preload increases (redistribution from splanchnic circ), infraceliac may decrease (blood pools in splanchnic circ)
- preserved LV fxn: increase preload increase afterload, increase CO and contractility (2/2 increase preload and afterload), poor fxn- decreased contractility may occur with reductions in CO
- PCWP may increase due to increase preload, increase afterload, ischemia (LVEDP increases without increase AdP
- Spinal cord perfusion decreases
- Distal aortic pressure decreases, CSF pressure increases (hyperemia from upper HTN)
- Metabolic: increased catecholamine release, decreased MV02, decreased total body oxygen consumption, metabolic acidosis
- Release: hypotension 2/2 distal pooling blood, ischemia mediated vasodilation, release of vasoactive mediators and myocardial depressants
What determines the effect of aortic cross clamp on BP
- Level of clamp: supraceliac more HTN
- Severity of cardiac dz-poor myocardial diseases predisposes to hypotension and ischemia
- Presence of occlusive disease-associated with dev of collaterals and less HTN with clamp
- Sympathetic tone and volume status: hypovolemia and low sympathetic tone reduce preload lessening HTN
How to reduce harmful effects of aortic cross clamp
- Appropriate monitors: prox and distal aline, PAC
- Vasodilator for clamp placement
- Long clamp times expected consider shunt
- Aortic arch involved consider DHCA
- End organ protection for kidney and cord
How to prepare for cross clamp release?
- admin vasodilator to facilitate volume loading
- d/c vasodilator just prior to release (guide w TEE or PCWP), and lower depth anesthesia
- correct any electrolyte abnormalities, acid base or coagulopathy
- inotropes and vasopressors available to tx sustained reductions SVR
- ask for slow release of clamp-lessen the suddenness of hypotension allow time for physiologic compensation or medical intervention
What do you do if there is ischemia when clamp placed?
- Remove clamp, 100% oxygen
- If improve with release: lower systolic pressure with vasodilator (SNP, NO, nicardipine),
- Goal: reduce afterload to avoid cardiac ischemia but maintain adequate perfusion to coronaries and tissues distal to clamp
- Ask to shunt
How to minimize cord ischemia during cross clamp of aorta?
- Avoid hypotension MAP>80, maintain normal Hct and PaO2, (monitorand maintain adeuwate MAP above and below cord)
- Avoid hyperglycemia
- Lower ICP w spinal drain (15cc / 15 min max 60cc) ICP 8-10
- Monitor cord with SSEP MEP
- Careful with vasodilators or high conc on inhalational agents (vasodilation increase ICP which transmitted to cord and lower distal perfusion)
- Min clamp time, use shunt, reattach segmental arteries
- Passive Hypothermia to 34 for prolonged clamp time (decrease CMRO2 5% for each 1C)
- Intrathecal papervine for spinal cord vasodilation