OB Flashcards
Define embryo
Fertilization to 8th week of pregnancy
Defie fetus
9th week of pregnancy to birth
Define neonate
live born from birth to 28 days old
First trimester
1-12 weeks
second trimester
13-28 weeks
Third trimester
28-40 weeks
How do you calculate a mothers expected date of confinement? (EDC)?
Nagele’s rule: Add 7 days to LMP and subtract 3 months
Folic acid supplementation in low risk mothers? high risk? What does folic acid help decrease?
Low risk=0.4 mg
High risk= 4 mg
Decrease: Neural tube defects, spina bifida
Required for: Skull and SC development
How many weeks does HCG rise exponentially until it plateaus?
10 weeks
How long post fertilization does the corpus lute produce progesterone?
6 weeks
What is the rate of increase in BHCG in a normal pregnancy?
Doubles every 48 hrs
What two hormones are most pregnancy sx’s due to?
2. Progesterone
Goodell’s Sign
Softening of cervix= 4-6 weeks gestation
Hegar’s Sign
Softening of uterine isthmus=6-8 weeks gestation
Chadwick’s sign
Bluish discoloration of cervix= 8-12 weeks gestation
Down syndrome findings
- Thickening of nuchal
- Absent fetal nasal bone
- Increased HCG levels @ 11-13 weeks (should plateau @ 10 weeks)
- Decreased Pregnancy-assoc plasma protein A (PAPP-A)
What does increased AFP levels indicate?
- Neural Tube defects
2. Multiple gestation
At how many weeks do you start to hear fetal heart tones? How many bpm is WNL?
Begins 10-12 weeks
120–160 bpm= WNL
When does fundal height begin?
20 weeks gestation
When do cervical exams begin?
37 weeks gestation
“Count to 10” method
Perception of 10 fetal movements (FM) over 2 hr OR 4 FM over 1 hour while mother I at rest
When do we start screening for GDM?
24-28 weeks
GDM Diagnosis
- 50g 1-hour glucose challenge test: Value >130=Failed test
2. 100g 3 hr GTT: > 2 abnormal results= GDM
When do we start screening for Rh (-)?
26-28 weeks
If a women is Rh (-), when are you going to administer RhoGAM?
28 weeks
When do we screen for Group B Strep?
35-37 weeks
Group B strep (+) treatment
IV Ampicillin: 2 g, then 1g q. 4hrs until delivery
If a women is in labor, but did not have the Group B screening, what is your treatment/management?
Requires empirical abx therapy
What organism does undercooked meat contain?
- Listeria
2. Toxoplasmosis
What organism does contaminated raw milk/cheese contain?
When should women avoid traveling?
> 35 weeks
Define effacement
Thinning or shortening of the length of the cervix
Normal length= > 2.5cm
Define Dilation
Diameter of the cervical os in centimeters
Complete dilation=10cm
Define Presenting Part of labor
Part of baby coming first through birth canal: Vertex=Head Breech=Feet* Face=Transverse* Compound=Multiple parts*
*= likely C-section
Define Station part of labor
Degree of descent of presenting part in birth canal in relationship to ischial spine:
(-)= Babies head ABOVE ischial spine
(+)= Babies head BELOW ischial spine
Define the First Stage of Labor
Interval between onset of labor and full cervical dilation and effacement
Define the Latent Phase in the First Stage of Labor
Begins with first regular contractions
Ends @ 3-4 cm dilation
Rate of dilation=<0.5 cm/hr
Define the Active Phase in the First Stage of Labor
Dilation rate increases to 1 cm/hr
Ends with complete dilation
Define the Second Stage of labor
Begins with complete dilation and ends with delivery of infant
Define the Third Stage of labor
Begins with delivery of infant
Ends with Delivery of Placenta (<30 minutes after delivery)
What does Late Deceleration in Fetal HR during labor indicate?
- Fetal Hypoxia
- Placental Insufficiency
- Maternal Hypotension/Hypoxia
*Need to deliver the baby right away
What indicates Hypocontractile uterine activity (Power)?
- <3 contractions in 10 mins
- Contraction <50 secs
- <200-250 MVUs
Solution/Tx for Hypocontractile uterine activity (Power)?
Pitocin: Augments labor
What is the MC complication in EARLY pregnancy?
Abortion (<20 weeks)
What is the MCC for abortion?
Chromosomal abnormalities
Define Threatened AB
Vaginal Bleeding with CLOSED cervix
Define Inevitable AB
Vaginal Bleeding with OPEN cervix
Define Incomplete AB
Products of conception partially passed
Define Complete AB
Passage of entire conceptus
Define Missed AB
Pregnancy retained despite death of fetus
Define Septic AB
Recent spontaneous AB complicated by intrauterine infection
- Advanced Maternal Age
- Prior spontaneous AB
- Multigravity
- Alcohol
- Illicit drug use
- Smoking