What are the 4 main steps when making an oak barrel?
What are the extractable compounds from oak?
QTT: Quercotriterpenoside (sweet perceptions compounds)
EGT: Tannin (ellagitannins)
Whiskey lactones (coconut)
Phenols coming from lignin: eugenol (cloves) & guaiacaol (smoke)
What are the 3 main species of Quercus that are used for barrels?
Q. Robur (pedunculate)
Q. Petrea (sessile)
Q. Alba (white or American)
Which Quercus species has coarse grains?
Quercus robur (pedunculate)
Which Quercus species has the most phenolic compounds and which the less?
Most: Quercus robur (pedunculate)
Less: Quercus Alba (white/USA)
Which Quercus species has the most whisky lactones?
Quercus Alba (white/USA)
Why is French oak so much more expensive than USA oak?
Because FR oak must be cut along the grain to ensure water tightness. So more losses.
Which wood, FR/USA, gives risk of green character in case of short maturation?
French oak
Which wood, FR/USA, gives more tannin?
French oak
Which wood, FR/USA, is mostly used for short ageing period?
USA oak
What is the ONF and it’s function?
ONF = Office National des Forêts
They own and regulate about 80% of the forests
Name 3 places to buy oak
ONF (best quality)
Private forest
How old is a tree in general when it is being cut?
150-200 years old
At what time of year do we cut the tree?
During winter when there is no sapflow
Is the phenolic composition the same between all the Quercus species?
No. Even a lot of difference from tree to tree. Species and origin do have an influence.
What are ‘duramen’?
The part (heartwood) that we see as the ‘rings’, that is being used for barrel production
What technical restrains cause 75% loss during production of FR oak? (3)
A specific thickness
Minimal width
Why do we season the wood? (4)
To reduce wood humidity
To eliminate negative extractable compounds
Decrease of tannin
To produce aromatic compounds
What is the minimal amount of months that we need to season the wood?
24-36 months, depending on origin
Optimal is 30 months.
What are alternatives for oak rather than barrel ageing?
Oak chips (quick)
Oak powder (stability & sensory)
Which type of oak