O-vocab Flashcards
to deliberately make s/t confusing or difficult to understand
( muddle - 뒤죽박죽 만들다와 비슷 )
[obfuscate his identity] - 자신의 신분 감추기 위해서 썬글쓰고 가발쓰고..
[obfuscate his poor performance] - 노래 못하는 가수가 자신의 실력 가리려고
충분히 반대할만한 -> 문제의 소지가 있는, 사람들의 반대를 살만한
[objectionable contents]
e.g.) webtoon 등에서 조폭이야기..
노골적, 저질스러운 성적 묘사나 장면, 이야기,
online comments sections with profanities and obscenities
online comments sections with profanities and obscenities
not well known
많은 사람에게 잘 알려지지 않은
세혼단 is an obscure book.
off the charts
어떤 수치가 급증하다
s/t is off the charts
s/t is rising off the charts
what if one’s anxiety is off the charts?
old school.
옛날사람. 꼰대
I am old-school. So I don’t condone such behaviors.
소수독점. 과점.
Oligarchs 과두정치하는 놈들 (우두머리 몇놈이 통치)
e.g.) 귀족, 엘리트
monopoly 독점
omnipresent /
어디든 존재하는 (ubiquitous)
뭐든 할 수 있는 (almighty)/
다 아는
Civic life fails impress him, exemplifying an omnipresent tension between nature and the world.
~를 단적인 예시로 보여주다.
Civic life(인위적 삶) fails impress him, exemplifying an omnipresent tension between nature and the world.
on course to
very likely to achieve s/t or have a particular result.
~대로 하면 ( )한다. ( )을 향해 순항중이다.
Better still, ‘Take Off’ is on course to break through the 5-million viewer mark.
이대로가면 곧 5백만 관객을 돌파할 것으로 보인다.
on demand
원할때 언제든
[on-demand video]
보고싶을 때 언제든 주문해서 볼 수 있는 비디오
on end
이어서 계속 (back-to-back과 비슷)
I watched movies all night for days on end.
He’s given 3 two-hour lectures back to back.
The back-to-back negotiations left him exhausted.
on the brink of
~의 직전에
The region is on the brink of war.
The company is on the brink of bankruptcy.
The last time I saw him was on the brink of a complete nervous breakdown.
on the heels of
~에 바로 이어서
[come on the heels of s/t ]
on the horizon
in the offing
on the hunt for 사냥감
He’s out on the hunt for great place where he could learn English.
on the move
it’s hard to talk on the phone on the move only 10 years ago because of weak signals.
You should not be using your smart phone on the move.