B-vocab Flashcards
baby-minder (a person who is paid to look after other people’s babies or very young children)
mind your own business
an accumulation of something, especially uncompleted work or matters that need to be dealt with.
e.g.) The FDA now faces a backlog of generic drug applications./
The National Assembly has a huge backlog of bills to discuss.
n. 목록 (화장실에서 정, 부, 비품 체크체크)
v. 기록하다
generic drug
특허권이 만료된 약들
consecutive, happening one after the other
[back-to-back wars]
(informal) to criticize someone or something
[badmouth somebody]
go rogue
제멋대로 굴다, 통제상태를 벗어나다
=run amok
e.g.)This is only the latest of heartbreaking, tragic cases of badmouthing gone rogue
벙찌게 만들다, 황당하게 만들다.
e.g.) 동주가 대학 꼭 가야되요? 라고 함. His answer baffled Mr.Han. /
Mr.Han was baffled by his answer.
past experiences or long-held ideas regarded as burdens and impediments.
마음의 짐, 부담감
내가 잘 하는 나만의 분야
한쌤의 bailiwick은 teaching English.
bail s/b out
보석금을 주고 꺼내주다
She bailed him out for $40,000.
꼭 감옥이 아니더라도 돈을 써서 곤경에 빠진 사람을 구해주면 bail out 쓸 수 있음.
The government bailed out the insolvent banks.(구제금융으로 파산 면하도록)
balancing act
편향되지 않으려고, 균형을 유지하려는 노력, 행동
왕의남자 이준기 생각
a bank run
집단적인 예금 인출상태
A batch of things or people is a group of things or people of the same kind, especially a group that is dealt with at the same time or is sent to a particular place at the same time.
The first batch of iPhone 11 (묶음)
be due to do something
마땅이 그래야 하는 일이다 (expected to happen)
The bus is due to arrive in a few minutes.
This was due to a small glitch in the system. (-때문이다)
due date 기한일
be it
whether it be,whether they be, be they
그게 이게됐건 저게됐건
I love all sorts of music be it rock, jazz or hip-hop.
be leery of
미심쩍은, 조심스러운
You should be leery of people who come up to you on the street saying some good things about you.
be replete with s/t
좁은 공간에 뭐가 많은 느낌
the Internet is replete with home remedies like Pantene hair conditioner
be taken aback
깜놀해서 몸이 뒤로 나가는 형상
be shocked or surprised by somebody/something
I was taken aback by the news of his promotion.
bear the brunt of
어떤사태 (e.g. 자연재해)가 발생했을 때 그 피해나 충격의 여파를 전면에서 감당하다
Tokyo bore the brunt of the earthquake that struck Japan on Sunday.
Tourism slumped in those regions hardest hit by the virus, with hotels and local businesses bearing the brunt.
beat s/b to s/t
He beat me to it.
걔가 선수쳤어
맨 바닥에 놓여있는 바위 / 나의 사상과 사고의 근간을 이루는 믿음
[bedrock belief]
미국인의 bedrock belief
We believe anyone can succeed if they work hard
to cut off someone’s head, esp as a punishment
측정인자가 될 수 있는 척도, 기준
an indicator or predictor of something
e.g.)미세먼지 농도
한쌤은 남산이 잘 보이는지 아닌지를 bellwether로 삼음
feel happy and comfortable in a particular place or with a particular group of people
You belong with me (네가 있을 자리는 여기야. 넌 나랑 잘 어울려)
You don’t belong here! (넌 해나이츠랑 안어울려!)
sprightly (a.)
The bellwethers of global activity look sprightly, too.
bend one’s ear
귀에 딱지가 앉도록 계속 이야기하다
to talk to s/o, esp for a long time about something that is worrying you
between them
다 합쳐서
The CEO and his son together holds a 51% stake in the company.
= The CEO and his son between them holds a 51% stake
한쪽으로 치우친 다양한 사고를 못하는 사람
we are living in a world full of bigots.
(사람의 성향이) 한쪽으로 치우친 사고만하는
= prejudiced
having such strong opinions about a group of people that you are unwilling to listen to anyone else’s opinions.
bilk 누구 out of 얼마
bilk 얼마 from 누구
뜯어내다, 사취하다, 짜내다
They bilked their victims out of $ 4m
They bilked $4m from their victims.
biodegradable materials.
The dead bodies were broken down by microbes.
blanket (v.)
to cover something completely with a thick layer.
[a blanket disapproval] [a blanket approval]
[a blanket denial]
e.g.) 정통 종교를 추종하는 사람에게 그 신을 모독하는 행위, 신성한 물건 훼손하는 행위
=sacrilege, profanity (신성모독이 될 수 있는 욕설)