o'chem flashcards unit 3 pt 2
functions of leukotrienes
asthamtic and allergic reaction
mediator of smooth muscle contraction
bronchconstriction and increase vascular permeability
what is esterfication
reaction of an alcohol with an acid to produce ester and water
what is the common functions of cholesterol
Fluidity of cellular membrane
precusor for steriod hormone and bile salts
plamitic acid and palmitoleic acid both have 16 carbons. Which molecule would have a higher boiling point?
Plamitic acid
What are the 3 classes of steriods
bile salts
explain what is lipid bilayer is
A thin layer/membrane made up of two layers of lipids
made up of a polar head and a nonpolar tail
Saturated molecules have?
no double bonds (Higher boiling point)
draw the backbone of triaglycerol
3 fatty acids
backbone of sphingophospholipid
fatty acid
phosphate+amino alcohol
All phospholipids have?
polar head
non polar tail
true or false
Lipids have no common functional group but most lipids are insoluble in water
What does CIS bonds do to a molecule
reduces the melting point
draw the backbone of glycerophospholipids
2 fatty acids
phosphate group + amino alcochol
Name this fatty acid
Name this fatty acid
Name this fatty acid
Unsaturated molecules
double bonds-lower MP and BP
how many hydrocarbonds does steriod rings has?
true or false
Bile salts are secreated into small intestine during digestion
true or false
Hormones are effective at low concentration
steriod hormones are derivatives from?
Backbone of Sphingolipids
Hydrocarbon branch
fatty acids