nutrition requirement in infants, children and adolscents Flashcards
Z score system
measure of dispersion/ relative deviance of the data from the mean/median value
More sensitive descriptor than either percentiles’ or ‘percent of the median’
percentile system
position of an individual on a given reference percentiles
Each percentile level represent the % of the reference population at or below that level
Percent of median:
expressed as percent of the median value of the expected reference
Different cut-off level for percentage of median is given for different indices.
other growth indices
Before birth
birth weight
Birth length-for age
Birth head circumference-for age
Before birth
cut-off points used
SGA- <10th percentile; Z scores90th percentile; Z scores>+2SD
Intrauterine growth is affected by maternal:
height, smoking, health,infection,diabetes, hypertension,nutritional factors
fetal factors
gestasion age, genetic, gender
Birth weight
low- <2500g
normal- 2500g to 4000g
high- >4000g
Birth length-for age
females- 45.6-52.7cm
males- 46.3-53.4cm
birth head circumference- for age
normal- 3rd to 97th centile; b/w (-3sd) to (+2sd)
indication of malnutrition
WFA- general malnutrition
HFA- stunting- chronic malnutrition
WFH-wasting- acute malnutrition
mild form of malnutrition
b/w -1SD/Z score to -2SD/-2Z score
moderate underweight
b/w -2SD/-2Z score to -3SD/-3Z score
moderate stunting
–2SD/-2 Z score to -3 SD/-3Zscore
moderate wasting
–2SD/-2 Z score & -3 SD/-3Zscore
moderate overweight
+2SD) to (+3 SD
severe form of malnutrition
measurement is < -3 Z scores of the standard values
measurement of mid-upper arm circumference
used in emergency situations like famines or refugee crisis
Mild- 12.5 to 13.5 cm
Moderate- 11.5 to 12.5 cm
Anthropometric measurements to evaluate nutritional
1- BMI percentile and Z score
Percentile:- ≥95th percentile- obesity ≥85th- <95th percentile - overweight 5th - <85th percentile - normal < 5th percentile - underweight Z-Score:- Overweight: >+1SD Obesity: >+2SD Thinness:
2- stunting
3- Skin fold thickness
Triceps SFT: over the triceps muscle mid way down the back of the upper arm
Biceps SFT: measured as vertical fold taken midway down the front of the upper arm over the biceps muscle
Subscapular SFT: vertical fold taken just below and lateral to the inferior angle of the scapula with shoulder arm relax
Suprailiac SFT:in the mid axillary line immediately above the iliac crest grasped obliquely
The cutoff point for diagnosis of Obesity in adolescent is:-
≥95th percentile triceps skinfold
≥95th percentile subscapular skinfold