Nutrition part 2 Flashcards
BMI (body mass index)
scale used to measure/quantify “adiposity” (just an estimate, bc not specific to body fat in calculation)
* weight lifters can have falsely high BMI, *doesn’t apply to children – use separate chart (age and sex adjusted)
BMI= mass (kg)/(height (m)^2)
Produced in liver,
Carries triglycerides and cholesterol to extra-hepatic tissues.
ApoB-100…+ApoC II and ApoE
Cholesterol biosynthesis
Energetically demanding,
Get Cs from acetyl CoA
Uses 6 ATP and I NADH, also: HMG-CoA Reductase,
* dolichol, heme A, and ubiquinone
Rate limiting step of cholesterol synthesis
HMG-CoA Reductase, in ER Limited by: - gene transcription - protein turnover - post translational modification Feedback regulation: cholesterol
HMG-CoA Reductase regulators
inhibition: AMP-activated protein kinase (+AMP, + sterols)
Activation: phosphatase (+insulin)
Sterol regulatory binding protein (SRBP)
Transcription factor in ER…
When low cholesterol: moves to Golgi, gets cleaved by proteases, goes to nucleus and stimulates expression of HMG-CoA reductase gene
Medication type used to lower cholesterol,
= competitive inhibitor of HMG CoA Reductase
(AND promotes SREBP via cholesterol feedback loop –> increase LDL receptors and cholesterol uptake by cells)
ie: Lipitor, zocor, lovastatin
Soluble, specialized lipid transport molec.
= amphipathic alpha helix (proteins to outside, lipids to middle)
Structural components: apolipoproteins (“baggage tags”)
- ApoA, ApoB, ApoC, etc
4 types of cholesterol (sizes)
VLDL- very low density 0.95-1.006. Trig.
IDL - intermediate density 1.006-1.019.
LDL - intermediate density 1.019-1.062. Cholesterol esters and cholesterol
HDL - high density 1.062-1.210. Cholesterol ester and cholesterol.
*each with own apolipoprotein
Smallest lipoprotein, Produced in intestinal enterocytes, Carries triglycerides and cholesterol (from small intestine to organs) ApoB-48 ... + ApoC II and ApoE
Made from VLDL when lose triglyceride.
Main carrier of cholesterol and cholesterol esters to peripheral tissues or liver for excretion.
Produced in liver and intestine.
* for reverse cholesterol transport!
(Exchanges apolipoproteins and lipids between particles)
Uses ApoA I, ApoC II, and ApoE
Lipoprotein lipase regulation
activated by ApoC-II
(*ApoC-II repressed in fat during fasting but NOT in m)
Also: gene expression… + insulin, feeding; - fasting
(LPL= enzyme to convert cholesterol from VLDL to fatty acid and monoacylglycerol)
Reverse cholesterol transport
Transport of cholesterol back to liver to be excreted
*exchanges from tissue to LDL (transporter) via cholesterol ester transfer protein (CETP)
ATP-binding cassette protein
Required by HDL to get cholesterol from tissue,
(So can send back to liver)
Powered by ATP hydrolysis,
Transports cholesterol from inner leaflet of plasma membrane to outer leaflet
LCAT (lecitin:cholesterol acetyl transferase)
Enzyme on HDL that converts cholesterol from tissue (from ABC protein),
Converts to cholesterol ester
Foam cell
A macrophage engorged with lipids.
First gross indicator of atherosclerosis
Nitrogen balance
Nitrogen taken in should equal nitrogen lost
In: digestion and AA absorption
out: excreted in urine (urea and ammonia) and and lost in skin and feces
*to maintain free AA pool
Types of Nitrogen IMbalance
Positive - childhood growth, lactation, injury recovery
Negative = (1 or more AAs missing from pool; cannot replace normal protein loss) – traumatic injury, cancer, malnutrition
* Cachexia: - N bal.–> muscle loss, fatigue, etc.
— NOt fixable by diet (from cancer, AIDs, trauma, etc)
Severe protein insufficiency,
w/ moderate energy intake
Permament growth stunting, mental disability
Severe protein AND energy insufficiency,
Little muscle mass, little/no fat, poor strength
Permanent growth stunting, mental disability
Transport of nitrogen through body
In form of AAs (esp. Ala, glut)
Bc ammonia and urea = toxic
– conversion to ala/glut by transaminases (swap amino grps)
(Works for all AAs except lysine and threonine)
* Vit B6 = cofactor
Glutamine synthetase
Makes glutamine from NH4+ and glutamate, uses ATP
In peripheral tissue and muscles
(Reverse once in liver = glutamate dehydrogenase)
Converts glutamine to glutamate and ammonia
in liver, kidney
(= reverse of glutaminase rxn, used to convert glut from transport back to useful molecs – esp. glutamate)
Allosteric regulator (Activator!) of carbamoyl phosphate synthetase, When glutamate and acetyl CoA are high
*argenine activates N-acetylglutamate synthesis
Activated ribose sugar ring for nucleotide synthesis (de novo or salvage)
ribose-5-phosphate –(PRPP synthetase)–> PRPP
rib-5-PO3 = from pentose phosphate pathway
Purine biosynthesis
Built directly onto PRPP backbone;
Requires 3 AAs, CO2, and 10-formyl THF (donates 2 Cs).
uses 6 ATP to drive
PRPP –> IMP –> AMP or GMP (—> ATP/GTP)
- feedback reg. to IMP and + cross-reg. to AMP/GMP
Regulation of purine biosynthesis
positive and negative allosteric feedback regulation.
Mostly negative feedback at IMP (before branch),
Positive Counter-regulation btwn 2 branches maintains balance btwn ATP and GTP branches.
Pyrimidine biosynthesis
First assemble base, then attach to PRPP.
UMP is 1st product,
Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II
Enzyme in cytoplasm,
Makes carbamoyl phosphate
(For combination with Aspartate to make Pyrimidine ring)
blood-brain barrier
keeps toxins out and allows selective transport, w/ P450 drug metabolizing system (–> enzymatic barrier).
*restrict AA passage
Special transporters:
- low Km glucose transporter
- essential Fatty acid transporters (NO non-essential FA uptake)
- ketone body transporters
energy to brain from…
glycolysis, TCA, and oxidative phosphorylation
–> take in as glucose
Starvation: ketone bodies (*no energy storage IN brain)
also: need sphingolipids for myelin.
essential fatty acids
omega 3s and 6s
can’t boisynthesize these bonds
how P450s detoxify
make soluble by adding hydoxyl and/or ketone groups
if make polar => soluble, so can excrete by body
amphipathic lipid molec,
made on serine backbone,
built onto ceramide.
* important in brain as myelin component!
AAs in brain
used as NTs or to make NTs,
so restricted passage across Blood-brain barrier
(so don’t interfere w/ signaling)
*aminotransferases - enzymes to convert btwn AAs (make into NTs)
alternate name for aminotransferase
enzyme, converts btwn 1 AA and another
* for nitrogen transport*
ATP yield from substrate-level phosphorylation
makes 4, uses 2
RBC (aka erythrocyte) metabolism
Glycolysis and substrate-level phosphorylation ONLY
(bc no mitochondria)
* use lactate dehydrogenase to regenerate NAD+
* pentose phosphate pathway: use some glucose to make NADPH
- recycle lactate to liver for gluconeogenesis (Cori cycle)
ALSO: side rxn makes 2,3-BPG (lower O2 affinity)
2,3-BPG (Biphosphoglycerate) in RBCs
negative allosteric regulator (lowers hemoglobin affinity for O2)
- made in side rxn of glycolysis
pentose phosphate pathway in RBCs
uses glucose (small percent of total) to make NADPH
- need NADPH for glutathione recycling
- –> protection against ROS, etc.
compound used to protect against damage from ROS.
ie: in RBCs
* to recycle: need glutathione reductase and NADPH
- –> deficiency => acute hemolytic anemia
iron deficient anemia
from low concentration of hemoglobin in RBCs (–> smaller)
– need more Fe (from diet)
megaloblastic anemia
RBCs = immature.
from folate or Vit B12 deficiency
(needed for dNTP synthesis)
acute hemolytic anemia
deficiency in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
–> low NADPH
(so problem in pentose phosphate pathway to make glutathione)
genetic mutation in ferroportin
(transfers Fe from intestinal enterocyte to blood stream)
- most common genetic disease in human population
enzyme that makes dTMP from dUMP
Thymidilate synthase