misc. sem. 1 Flashcards
4 main principles of ethics
- Beneficience - benefit the patient
- Nonmleficience - do no harm
- Autonomy - no coersion into decision
- Justice - equal care and access to care, receive best possible care
informed consent
patient must be given information about the treatment AND consequences of no treatment.
should NOT be under control of anyone else (avoid testing children).
ie: predictive testing for adult onset diseases, research, etc.
ethical issue with confidentiality (and genetic testing)
Physician cannot give others (ie: family members) information about test results.
However, should educate pt. on importance of informing family members of relevant results (ie: Heritable cancers, etc.)
“Knock-in” genome changes
when foreign genes are introduced into genome (-> transgenic).
* usually gain of function for the introduced gene*
– nonhomologous recombination,
vector injected into male pronucleus (just after fertilization)
“Knock-out” organism
germline deletion of a specific endogenous gene,
*often lethal,
produces “null organism”