Nutrition in Adults Flashcards
- Nutrition Screening in Adults - Assisting Patient's with Eating and Drinking - Nasogastric tubes: feeding via an enteral pump - Feeding via a PEG (bolus and pump feeding) - Medicines administration via a PEG tube
How many steps are there to the MUST score?
5 steps
What are the 5 steps to the MUST score?
Step 1: calculate the patient’s BMI
Step 2: work out weight loss score
step 3: Acute diseaes effect score
step 4: add scores together to get overall risk of malnitrion
step 5 : management guidlines
If a patient’s height’s cannot be measured what do you use instead?
recently documented or self-reported height.
alternative measurements i.e. ulna to elbow
What are some signs of malnutrion?
muscle wasting
What does MUAC stand for?
Mid upper arm circumfrence
What should you do when a patient is unable to choose what to eat for themselves?
ask relative or carer
What are some advantages to using an enteral pump for feeding?
pump delivers food at a constant rate
rate can be titratec according to patient tolerance
easy to monitor amount of food delivered
once pump is programmed it can deliver food automatically over sever hours without staff input
what is the main disadvantage to having an enteral pump?
patient may have to be attached for several hours thus reducing mobility.
Why is it important to obtain aspirate from the patients when feeding via an enteral pump?
to measure ensure correct placement of the nasogastric tubes.
What pH value should you expect from the aspirate of a nasogastrc tube?
between 1 to 5.5
How can you ensure correct placement of a nasogastric tube?
remve some aspirate and test the pH, if pH is between 1-5.5 tub is correctly positioned.
What are some of the indications to using a nasogstric tube?
Those with an unsafe swallow
Altered level of consciousness
To supplement oral intake.
Before introducing any feed fluid or medication into a nasogastric tube what should you ensure?
that the tube is in the correct place
How do you workout how far you will need to insert the tube?
First measure from nose to earlobe.
then Measure from th earlobe to two finger-widhs below the xiphisternum
How many attempts should you do when inserting the the nasogastric tube
You have 3 attempts after which you must seek help from a senior member of staff
During the first 10-14 day of the peg tube what should be used to clean the ara?
a gauze dipped in water or saline.
After 10-14 days, It’s important taht you do what to the PEG tube?
Rotate it regularly to prevent the internal fixation device from becoming embedded.
Why should you rotate the PEG tub regularly afte to 10-14 days
to prevent the internal fixation device from becoming embedded.