Nutrition & Food Processing Flashcards
What is food?
Food is anything that we eat or drink to maintain life, growth and our normal bodily functions
Food is composed of many substances called _ ?
What does having a balanced diet mean?
That we should eat a variety of nutrients every day.
What should our daily diet include?
Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, mineral salts, cellulose and water
What do most processed foods contain?
Added salt, sugar, preservatives, flavourings and colourings they are consuming
Proteins are foods for _ ?
Growth and repair eg muscle building
Carbohydrates like sugar and starch are foods that _ ?
Give us energy
Carbohydrates like fats and oils are foods that _ ?
Help us store energy in the form of body fats and provide insulation and protection for the nerves and organs.
What do vitamins and minerals do?
Build our bones and teeth and help us maintain a healthy immune system
What is the healthiest way to eat vegetables?
Uncooked, raw
What are the ways that we lose nutrients when preparing food?
By overcooking, peeling, canning, dehydrating, adding bicarbonate of soda during cooking.
All packaged food is required to display a nutrition information label. True or false?
What do food nutrition labels do?
They tell the consumer exactly what is in the product that they are consuming
What is food processing?
Food processing is the process of turning raw plant and animal materials into food products
Why is food processed?
To make it edible and ready to eat or quick and easy to prepare.
To make it last longer
To improve its nutrient value
What are fortified foods?
Fortified foods are foods that have had vitamins and minerals added to them to raise or restore their nutrient content
What is preserving?
Treating food to make it last longer.
What is brine?
A salt water solution used for pickling foods
What are the advantages and disadvantages of drying?
Advantages: Stops micro-organisms from growing; keeps most nutrients
Disadvantages: Can cause loss of some nutrients; dry weather conditions are needed for drying food
What are the advantages and disadvantages of refrigerating?
Advantages: Slows growth of micro-organisms
Disadvantages: There is a slow loss of some nutrients with time
What are the advantages and disadvantages of freezing?
Advantages: Prevents growth of micro-organisms by low temperature and unavailability of water; nutrients not usually lost
Disadvantages: Unintended defrosting can reduce product quality
What are the advantages and disadvantages of adding salt?
Advantages: Micro-organisms cannot grow in salty water; process does not destroy nutrients
Disadvantages: Increases salt content of food
What are the advantages and disadvantages of pickling?
Advantages: Prevents growth of micro-organisms; no loss of nutrients
Disadvantages: Some people are sensitive to some chemical preservation