Biodiversity & Ecosystems Flashcards
What does biodiversity mean?
Bio is short for biology (living things) and diversity (variety). Biodiversity means all life on earth. Biodiversity means the variety of life in a certain area.
How many known species are there?
Over a million
Why is biodiversity important?
Without biodiversity there would be an imbalance in species, habitats and ecosystems on earth.
What can we do to help biodiversity on earth?
We can protect habitats, species and ecosystems around us
Why is biodiversity declining?
Increasing carbon levels, exploitation animals, use of land and sea (destroying habitat), climate change
What is an ecosystem?
An ecosystem consists of all animals and plants found in one place as well as non-living things
What are the types of ecosystems?
Grassland, river, pond, forest
What is a grassland ecosystem?
A large open space with plenty of sunlight. Hot summers and cold winters. Grassland plants are mainly grass and small bushes.
What kind of animals live in grassland ecosystems?
Zebras, rhinos, giraffes and jackals
What is the main threat to grassland ecosystems?
What is a river ecosystem?
River ecosystems have water systems that flow through the land to the sea. Plants in this ecosystems include pondweed and reeds.
What kind of animals live in river ecosystems?
Fish, frogs, insects and birds
What is the main threat to river ecosystems?
Water pollution
What is a pond ecosystem?
Pond ecosystems are fresh water ecosystems with plenty of light and shade around the edges. Organisms that live in this ecosystem include water lilies, pondweed and reeds.
What kind of animals live in pond ecosystems?
Fish, birds and frogs
What is a forest ecosystem?
Forest ecosystems are shady and cool with little sunlight. Can be damp.
What kind of animals live in forest ecosystems?
Buck, wildcats and snakes
What is the main threat to forest ecosystems?
Chopping down trees (deforestation)
What does abiotic mean?
Non-living (air, water, sunlight, nutrients, temperature and soil)
What does biotic mean?
Living (micro-organisms, animals, fungi, plants and people)