Nutrition final - Minerals Flashcards
Major Minerals
Space cheese potentially cause magic pee smell
Sodium Chloride Potassium Calcium Magnesium Phosphorus Sulfur
Trace Minerals
charming invisible[ zebras crap illustrative scenes
Chromium Iron Zinc Copper Iodine Selenium
Most abundant cation in the ECF.
- maintains blood volume
- nerve impulse transmission
- muscle contraction
Sodium (excess and def.)
Excess : HTN and edema
Def. : (rare)
-HA, confusion, coma, death
Sodium (foods)
Table Salt Soy sauce Tamari Celery (processed foods can contain Sodium w/o chloride as an additive and don't always taste salty)
Most abundant anion in ECF
- maintain fluid balance
- HCL in St.
Chloride (excess/def)
Excess : vomiting
Def: rare
Chloride (foods)
Processed foods
Table Salt
Soy Sauce
Main cation in ICF
- maintains fluid balance
- cell integrity
- nerve impulse
- muscle contraction
Potassium (excess/def)
Excess :
- muscle weakness
- vomitin
Def :
- increased BP
- Kd Stones
- irregular Ht beat
- muscle weakness
Potassium (foods)
Avocado nuts/seeds cruciferous veggies bananana skwash poTaTo
Calcium (% in body, and 2 forms)
Most abundant mineral in body - 2%
2 forms:
- hydroxyapatite : bones and teeth
- ionized calcium : bodily fluids for physiological activity.
Calcium (what does it do?)
- calcifies bones and teeth
- blood clotting - activates thrombokinase
- regulates Ht beat
- Transport ions across cell membranes (nerve transmission and muscle contraction)
Calcium (where its stored and homronal regulation)
-skeleton is a Ca bank (borrow and return ca)
- parathyroid
- Calcitonin (ca lowering)
Calcium (excess/def)
Excess: rigor, muscles cant relax
Def: poor dietary intake
- bone depletion ~ osteoporosis
- stunted growth in children
Calcium (foods)
Dairy (yogurt, cheese, milk)* Sardines * Tofu* Green leafy veggies Cruciferous Veggies Fortified grains Legumes Seamariuana(weed) Sesame seeds
Calcium Balance (this is a big one)
Calcitonin vs parathyroid hormone
Calcitonin (lowers blood Ca levels which inhibits calcitonin secretion)
- rising blood Ca signals thyroid to secrete calcitonin
- inhibits activation of vit. D
- prevents Ca reaabsorption in Kd
- Limits Ca absorption in intestines
- Inhibits osteoclasts
Parathyroid (raises Ca levels which inhibits PTH secretion)
*Falling blood Ca signals parathyroid to secret Parathyroid hormone
-stimulates activation of vit. D
-stimulates ca reabsorption in Kd
Enhances Ca absorption in intestines
-Vit D and PTH stimulate osteoclasts
- Catalyst for ATP production
- cell membrane stabilization
- synthesis of protein, lipids, and nucleic acid
- DNA synthesis
- Muscle contraction
- Blood clotting
- BP regulation
Magnesium (food)
*Nuts and seeds (cashew)
*Legumes (Artichoke)
*Fish (Halibut)
whole grains
green leafy veggies
2nd most abundant mineral in the body
- formation of:
- bones and teeth
- Atp
- nucleotides and nucleic acid structures
- biosynthesis of phospholipids in cell membranes
- carb metabolism
Phosphorus (excess/def)
Excess :
calcification of non skeletal tissue, kidneys
Def :
muscle weakness
bone pain
Phosphorus (foods)
*Dairy (yogurt)
*Nuts/seeds (sunflower)
easily attainable in diet
-methionine and cysteine
needed for skin, nails and hair
Sulfur (excess and def.)
excess : none
joint pain /arthritis
impaired liver fx
Sulfur (foods)
Eggs Legumes Whole grains Garlic Onions Cruciferous Veggies - brussel sprouts, cabbage