Nutrition and Growth chapter 6 LECTURE 3 Flashcards
Bacteria get nutrients from environment
- _____________: used in large amounts; carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, potassium
- _____________: used in small amounts; chlorine, magnesium, calcium, iron;
1) Macronutrients
2) Micronutrients
also contains (trace elements = bacteria needs in small amounts) Ex. zinc, copper
Organic nutrients contains __________________, while Inorganic nutrient lack ____________________.
1) carbon and hydrogen
2) carbon and hydrogen
Carbon source
_____________: can use CO2
_____________: requires organic molecules (C and H)
FYI- humans take organic stuff
1) Autotrophs
2) Heterotrophs
Energy source
- ______________: uses light for energy
- ______________: chemicals for energy
1) Phototroph
2) Chemotroph
Microbial growth ( population size)
- ___________: Makes a copy and splits cell in half. (asexual repr, produce clones)
- ______________________: ( unrestricted, no limitations)
- ___________________: time required for bacterial cell to divide; varies for all population doubling time
1) Binary fission
2) Exponential (logarithmic) growth
3) Generation time (population doubling time) -bacteria has short generation time
1) Phases of Reproduction
- Adjust to environment
- Make new enzymes
- Hours–> days (depending on conditions)
- slow growth
Lag phase
2) Phases of Reproduction
- Rapid bacterial replication and growth
- increase antimicrobial susceptibility
Exponential (log) phase
Phases of Reproduction
- Pepleted (running out) nutrients, accumlated (gather) wastes
- Dying cells = Cells produced
- Rate of reproduction
1) Stationary phase
running out of nutrients, gather waste, dying cells (= cells produced; no growth because things die while things are produced)
4) Phases of Reproduction
- cells die faster than produced
Death phase
Reactive oxygen species
- electrons boosted to higher state
- phagocytic cells use this oxidize pathogen
Singlet oxygen ‘O2
Reactive oxygen species
- Formed during incomplete reduction of O2 during electron transport in aerobes
- Extremely reactive and toxic
- 2O2- + 2+ superoxide/dismutase ————–> H2O2 +O2
Superoxide radical O2-
Reactive oxygen species
- 2H2O2 catalse ————–> 2H2O + O2
- H2O2 + NADH + H + H2O peroxidase —————> 2H2O + NAD
Peroxide anion O2^2-
Reactive oxygen species
- Most reactive
- Not a real threat to aerobes
- from ionizing radiation and from incomplete H2O2 reduction
Hydroxy radical OH-
____________________: cap screwed on tight so no oxygen gets in
Thioglycollate medium
_________________: requires oxygen; growth only at the top
Obligate Aerobes
__________________: presence and absence of oxygen (growth everywhere, mostly on top)
Facultative Anaerobes
__________________: ceases in presence of oxygen; only without oxygen (growth only on the bottom)
Obligate Anaerobic
_____________________: only without oxygen, but continues in presence of oxygen (equal growth everywhere)
Aerotolerant Anaerobes
_______________: only aerobic growth; oxygen required in low concentration (middle growth)
If it gets too cold enzyme moves too slow……. Nothing happens.
too hot à enzyme moves too fast
Cardinal temps
- ____________
- ____________
- ____________
1) Minimum
2) Maximum
3) Optimum
________________: -10C to 10C (best) to 20C
________________: 0C to 20C (best) to 30C
________________: 10C to 37C (best) to 50C
________________: 40 to 60 (best) to 73
________________: 67 to 90 (best) to 110
1) Psychrophiles
2) Psychrotrophs
3) Mesophiles
4) Thermophiles
5) Hyperthermophiles
___________: acidic environments (5 and under)
___________: 5 to 8
___________: base (8 and above)
1) Acidophile
2) Neutrophile
3) Akaliphile
Symbiosis means the ___________________________________
association between organisms in a community
commensal: _________________________________________
parasitic: _________________________________________
mutualistic: ___________________________________________
1) one organism benefits from association, one is unaffected
2) one organism benefits from association, one is harmed
3) both parties benefits (ex: bacteria in gut; they get nutrition and home, we get digestion and vitamins)
Biofilms ——-> aggregate of microbes in which cells stick to each other on a surface
- __________
- __________
- __________
* disinfectants, antibacterial, and other remedies are not effective against some biofilms
_____________: bacterial mob mentality; the do “bad” things around other bacteria that they wouldn’t do by themselves
Quorum sensing