Nutrition Flashcards
Poor diet can cause? (5)
- Heart disease,
- stroke,
- hypertension
- Diabetes
- Some types of cancer
What are the two initiatives by Let’s Move? What does each do?
- Eat healthy >> giving parents tools to make healthy choices >> improving nutrition in schools - Healthy People 2020 >> Nutrition and weight status
Take Care NY’s initiative?
Promote physical activity and healthy eating
Function of fatty tissues? (2)
- Fatty tissues secrete hormones that help regulate the immune system and inflammation.
- Fatty tissues also produce chemicals that cause inflammation.
Obesity can cause an increase in? Weight gain leads to? (3)
- obesity can cause an increase in inflammatory chemicals which inhibit the correct function of the weight controlling hormones
- weight gain = inflammation = inhibition of weight controlling hormones = further weight gain =
Foods that produce inflammation? (4)
- refined sugars
- refined grains (white rice, white bread, white flour…)
- high glycemic starches (high fructose corn syrup, refined basked goods and snacks, soft drinks)
- vegetable cooking oils with high omega-6 to omega-3 ratio (safflower oil, sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, grape seed oil)
What is a healthy diet omega 6/omega 3 ratio? Western diets average?
- healthy diet omega-6/omega-3 ratio = 1
- western diets average 15/1 - 16.7/1 – large omega 3 deficits
Impact of having excessive amounts of amounts of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA)?
Excessive amounts of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and a very high omega-6/omega-3 ratio, as is found in today’s Western diets, promote the pathogenesis of many diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, whereas increased levels of omega-3 PUFA (a low omega-6/omega-3 ratio) exert suppressive effects.
Foods that produce inflammation? (5)
- trans-fatty acids (deep fried foods, fast foods, commercial baked goods, margarine, vegetable shortening…)
- dairy products
- feedlot-raised meats red meat and processed meat
- alcohol (regular high consumption)
- artificial food additives (packaged foods)
Foods that help reduce inflammation? (6)
- salmon
- grass-fed animal foods
- olive oil
- dark leafy greens
- cruciferous veggies
- cherries
Key points of taming pain? (6)
- food items are packages of nutrients, interdependent combinations, that insure that the vitamins and mineral will be maximally effective
- every system in your body needs you to bring in the right nutrients. Imbalances of these nutrients can cause pain
- magnesium rocks
- calcium rocks
- build you body’s health back up, because a stress system is an inflamed system
In order to stop chronic pain, you must? What can cause musculoskeletal/nerve symptoms? They will cause?
- You must restore health to all the compromised systems of your body
- Too much or too little of a nutrient
- Imbalances will damage cells and trigger an immune response
Low magnesium can lead to? (5)
- muscle cramps
- joint pain
- fibromyalgia
- migraines
- neurological signs
Low potassium can lead to? (5)
- effects nerve conduction
- fatigue
- weakness
- muscle cramps
- slow Gi tract
Low copper can lead to? (3)
- Bone and joint problems
- fatigue
- weakness
Low B6 can lead to? High?
- numbness & tingling
- nerve damage with numbness/tingling/weakness
Low vitamin d leads to? (4)
- poor sleep
- fatigue
- muscle cramps
- weakness
Low calcium leads to? (5)
- weak bones
- muscle pain/cramps
- neurological signs
- heart arrhythmia
- confusion
Why is magnesium so important? (2)
- A lot of vitamins are co-dependent with magnesium
- Magnesium is essential to brain function – needed to develop myelin coating for nerves, controls sodium/ potassium balance within brain cells, and is critical to the function of over 300 enzymes needed for brain metabolism
Functions of magnesium? (6)
- maintains muscle, nerve and brain function
- supports immune system
- assists bone density, energy level, metabolism & protein synthesis
- promotes muscle relaxation
- decreases muscle cramps, numbness and tingling
Chronic sleep deprivation has a significant effect on health? (5)
- decreased performance and alertness
- memory and cognitive impairment
- stress
- decreased quality of life
- decreased immune function
Long-term effects? (5)
- high blood pressure
- heart disease
- stroke
- obesity
- depression
Why is lack of sleep so detrimental?
Based on our findings, we believe that if you lose sleep that your body needs, then you produce these inflammatory markers that on a chronic basis can create low-grade inflammation and predispose you to cardiovascular events and a shorter life span”
3 negative consequences of lack of sleep?
- Adults who sleep the least appear to be the most likely to gain weight and to become obese.
- Sleep-deprived people tend to develop problems regulating their blood sugar, which may put them at increased risk for diabetes.
- Sleep deprivation puts the body in a state of high alert = increases stress hormones = increases blood pressure = increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
Relationship btwn sleep and healing? (3)
- Sleep is believed to help reduce inflammation as a result of a decrease in stress hormones.
- It is during sleep that our bodies repair damage and heal through cell division and protein production.
- Delta waves trigger the release of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) making deep sleep essential for healing and regeneration.