Intro to HPW Flashcards
Define health
A state of complete physical, mental and social well
being and not merely the absence of disease or
Dimensions of health? (5)
- mental
- emotional
- spiritual
- social
- physical
What is physical health? (4)
- absence of disease and disability
- biological integrity
- response to injury and recovery
- foundation for achieving wellness in other dimensions
What is emotional health? (3)
- feel and express the full range of human
emotions - ability to express and subdue emotions
given the context - encompasses self-esteem, self-acceptance,
self-control, stress management
What is social health? (4)
- effectively fulfill social roles
- connects with others
- maintains intimacy
- demonstrates respect and tolerance for others
What is mental health? (4)
- ability to reason, analyze, and evaluate
- ability to learn
- memory
- humor
What is spiritual health?
a high level of commitment in relation to a well-defined world view or belief system
What is wellness? (2)
- An approach to health that focuses on balancing the many aspects, or dimensions, of a person’s life through increasing the adoption of health enhancing conditions and behaviors rather than attempting to minimize conditions of illness
- Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than being free from illness, it is a dynamic process of change and growth.
Difference btwn health and wellness?
Health is a static measure at a specific point in time. Wellness is dynamic and consists of an individual ’ s health-related habits and practice over time
What is health promotion?
Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health . It moves beyond a focus on individual behaviour towards a wide range of social and environmental interventions .
Impacts and implications of vision 2020? (3)
- Addressing obesity & related chronic diseases will be priority #1.
- Payment for health & wellness programs will increase.
- Behavior change will be a key skill for successful physical therapists .
Multiple and interactive factors that determine the
health status of individuals or populations? (5)
- Biological Factors
- Behavior
- Environment: Social & Physical
- Access to Health Care
- Policies and Interventions
3 pillars of promotion?
protection, prevention, education
Define prevention
Actions and interventions designed to identify risks and reduce susceptibility or exposure to health threats prior to disease onset (primary prevention), detect and treat disease in early stages to prevent progress or recurrence (secondary prevention) and alleviate the effects of the disease and injury (tertiary prevention)
What is primary prevention?
• Action taken to avert the occurrence of the
What is secondary prevention?
Action taken to detect disease at its earliest
What is tertiary prevention?
Action taken to minimize effects of disease and
recurrence. “Wellness for those with chronic
Benefits of education? (2)
- empowers individual with knowledge
* motivates individuals to take action
Benefit of protection?
Reduces the likelihood that people will
encounter environmental hazards or behave in
unsafe or unhealthy ways.
Why is it important to
promote health? (3)
- Mortality - death
- Morbidity - disease, disability
- Cost: medical costs of disability/disease; lost years of income; loss of quality of life
Define disability
limitation in activity caused by a chronic condition or impairment.
What is epidemiology?
The study of the distribution and determinants of health and disease, morbidity, injuries, disability, and mortality in populations
Risk factors for diabetes? (7)
- Obesity(#1 risk factor)
- Poor diet
- Physical inactivity
- Genetics
- Increased age
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
Risk factors for obesity? (8)
- Genetics
- Physical inactivity
- Unhealthy diet
- Poor lifestyle
- Smoking (quitting
smoking) - Lack of sleep
- Some medications
- Social and economic issues
Risk factors for CVD? (8)
- Physical inactivity
- Poor diet
- Tobacco use
- High blood pressure
- High blood cholesterol
- Overweight/obesity
- Diabetes
- Alcohol use
Role of PT?
at least half of premature
deaths in the US are attributable to behavior or lifestyle causes
7 healthful habits for longevity?
- Moderate food intake
- Eating regularly
- Eating breakfast
- Not smoking
- Moderate or no use of alcohol
- 7-8 hours of sleep
- Moderate activity level
The effects
of a healthy lifestyle? (4)
- Increased lifespan
- 7-12 years delay in chronic disability
- 75% decreased in the amount of near death morbidity
- Dramatic decrease in health care costs
How to gain 10-15 years out of life? (3)
- Don’t smoke
- Accumulate 30 minutes or more of moderate intensity physical
activity on most, preferably all days of the week. - Eat a healthy diet