Nutrition Flashcards
Essential Nutrients
Provide energy, build and repair body tissues, and regulate body functions, and cannot be manufactured by the body.
Includes water, protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
Include water, protein, carbohydrates, and fats.
Required in the body in the greatest amounts.
Provide the body with energy in the form of calories.
Water = essential for health and survival.
Fats = 9 calories/gram
Protein = 4 calories/gram
Carbohydrate = 4 calories/gram
Include vitamins and minerals.
Are needed in small amounts
Accounts for 50-60% of our body by weight.
85% of our blood, 70% of our muscles, and 75% of our brain.
Helps to perform many essential functions such as carry nutrients, maintains temperature, lubricates joints, helps with digestion, rids the body of waste through urine, contributes to sweat production (cooling message for the body).
High fluid intake linked to reduced risk of kidney stones, colon cancer, and bladder cancer.
Water Loss
We lose a lot of water (2-2.5L) on a daily basis through perspiration, urination, bowel movements, and normal exhalation.
Water is lost more rapidly through exercise, living in a dry climate or at a high altitude, excessive alcohol/caffeine consumption, skipping a meal, or when we are ill.
How much water should we consume in order to ensure adequate fluid intake for healthy functioning and to prevent dehydration?
Women (19+) = 2.2L (9 cups – 250 mLs/cup) per day
Men (19+) = 3 L (12 cups) per day
Sports drinks and unsweetened juices can also help us rehydrate, but should be consumed in moderation (water is still preferred).
Alcohol and caffeinated drinks contribute to total fluid consumption, but actually make us less hydrated as they have diuretic effects
The measure of the amount of energy that can be derived from food
Estimated Energy Requirements
Our daily caloric needs.
Depends on age, sex, body frame size, weight, height, percentage of body fat, activity level, basal metabolic rate.
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
The number of calories needed to sustain your body at complete rest.
How many calories should we consume per day?
It depends on your daily caloric expenditure.
~90% occurs because of our resting metabolic rate (RMR).
-RMR includes BMR + any additional energy expended on daily sedentary behaviours (ie. sitting, standing, food digestion).
The remaining 10% of our daily energy expenditure is defined as exercise metabolic rate (EMR).
-includes typical daily physical activities like climbing stairs, walking, etc.
Equation to calculate EER in notes!!!!
Where do we our calories/energy from?
Proteins, Carbohydrates (simple and complex), and fats (saturated and unsaturated).
How does protein work in the body?
When we consume foods that contain protein, our digestive system breaks the protein down into amino acids (which are organic compounds).
Amino acids carry out numerous body functions such as repair and growth of muscles, and building antibodies, enzymes, and hormones.
Amino Acids
20 amino acids broken down into complete proteins, incomplete proteins, and complementary proteins.
Complete proteins
Provide 9 essential amino acids.
Must be obtained from diet, cannot produce them ourselves.
Typically in animal proteins.
Can also be found in plant-based alternatives such as soy or quinoa.
Incomplete proteins
Might have relatively low levels of one or two essential amino acids (or missing altogether), but higher levels of others.
Includes grains, dry beans, and nuts.
Complementary proteins
A combination of incomplete proteins to ensure the body gets sufficient protein.
How much protein do we need?
As a general rule of thumb, it is recommended to consume 0.8 grams of protein/kg of body weight.
However, this is dependent on physical activity level, along with types of physical activity you partake in.
There is not an upper limit of tolerable protein consumption either.
During pregnancy, an additional 25 grams/day of protein should be consumed.
Responsible for providing our brain and body with glucose.
Carbohydrates are the most efficient source of energy, even though fats provide more calories/100g.
-because we break down carbs and convert them to energy faster.
Classified as monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides.
Glucose, fructose, galactose.
Consist of 1 simple sugar unit.
Known as simple sugars or simple carbohydrates.
Sucrose, lactose, maltose, table sugar; found in milk, yogurt.
Consist of 2 sugar units bonded together.
Must be broken down into simple sugars before they can be used by the body.
Starches, fiber, glycogen.
10+ sugar units.
Known as complex carbohydrates.
Also must be broken down into simple sugars before they can be used by the body.
Simple Carbohydrates
Natural sugars such as lactose in milk or fructose in fruits.
Added sugars such as candy, pop, fruit drinks, pastries, other sweets.
Added Sugars and Diet
It is recommended to consume no more than 10% of your daily total calories of added sugars.
This excludes naturally occurring sugars in fruit, vegetables, milk, grains, etc.
Complex Carbohydrates
Grains, cereals, vegetables, beans, nuts.
Stored in the body as glycogen until we need to use it as energy at which time it is broken down into glucose.
Staple of a healthy diet, but many Canadians get their complex carbs from refined grains, which have stripped of their fibre and nutrients.
Whole grains are recommended as they are linked to reduced risk of all-cause deaths including heart disease and cancer.
Either soluble or insoluble.
Soluble Fibre
Absorbs water, enabling the body to trap nutrients (ie. glucose).
Helpful for…
-slowing the absorption process in the blood, keeping food longer in the small intestine (what happens when you feel full).
-aids weight management and blood sugar regulation.
-interfering with absorption of dietary fat and cholesterol reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Can be found in oatmeal, barley, fruits, legumes, and leafy greens.
Insoluble Fibre
Cling to water and help prevent constipation and inflammation of the bowel.
In other words, keeps you regular.
Likely reduces risk of colon cancer, but findings somewhat inconclusive.
Low Carb Diets
Recently people have been adopting very low carb diets (ie. Atkins, Keto, Paleo).
Benefits include…
-weight loss since reserved fat stores are burned and used as sources of energy, out of necessity.
-reduced blood sugar and risk of type II diabetes.
-improvements in cardiometabolic risk factors such as increased HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) which absorbs and carries cholesterol back to the liver.
Potential downsides include…
-osteoporosis, kidney damage, increased cancer risk, arrhythmias, digestive issues due to lack of fibre.
Fats (lipids)
Misconception that fats should be avoided in our diet, most likely because the term fat has a negative connotation and is considered synonymous to being overweight/obese.
Fats are essential in our diet.
-carry fat-soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K) and aid in their absorption in the intestine.
-protect organs from injury.
-regulate body temperature.
-play an important role in growth and development.
-enhance brain development and function.
Broken down into saturated and unsaturated fats.
Saturated Fats
Carbon atoms are saturated with hydrogen atoms.
Stable molecularly.
Typically solid at room temp.
Cause an increase in LDL’s (bad cholesterol) which is linked to heart disease).
Includes animal fats like butter, coconut oil, palm oil, palm kernel oil.
Unsaturated Fats
Feature at least one double-bonded carbon.
Easier for the body to break down and use.
Include monounsaturated and polyunsaturated.
Less stable molecularly.
Monounsaturated Fats
1 carbon double bond.
Linked to improve blood cholesterol levels.
Includes olive oil, canola oil.
Polyunsaturated Fats
More than 1 carbon double bond.
Include omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.
Linked to prevention of blood clots and heart disease.
Lowers LDL’s
Ie. fatty fish like salmon, walnuts.
Trans Fats
Worst kind of fat.
Twice as damaging as saturated fats.
Technically are an unsaturated fat, but hydrogenated.
-hydrogen atoms added to the chain to increase its stability.
Increases LDLs, reduces HDLs.
-increased risk of heart disease
ie. margarine, baked goods, fried foods.
A from of fat manufactured by our bodies that circulates in our blood.
80% made by our liver.
20% from the food we eat.
Include HDL’s and LDL’s.
High Density Lipoproteins.
Good cholesterol.
Transport cholesterol to our livers from metabolism and elimination/removal of LDL’s.
Low Density Lipoproteins
Bad cholesterol.
Accumulate on inner walls of arteries (ie. plaque).
Restrict blood flow = increased risk of blood clots = increased risk of stroke and heart attack.
How much fat should we consume?
~25-35% of our daily caloric intake.
Keep saturated and tans fats below 10% (total with saturated representing the majority of the 10%).
Rates higher than ever in Canada.
BMI and Obesity
People with a BMI = or greater than 30kg/m2 are considered obese.
Ratio of weight to height toc ategorize people’s weight status (ie. overweight, obese).
However, the BMI is generally considered most useful for individuals age 20-65, and has a number of constraining factors.
Not considered useful for babies, children, teenagers, pregnant women, and very muscular people like athletes.
BMI formula = mass (kg)/height (m)2
BMI Classifications
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = 30 or greater
Obesity Trends
% of Canadian Adults BMI Obesity
-1979 = 14%
-2004 = 23%
-2012 = 24.8%
-2020 = 26.6%
-2023 = 30.5%
As of 2017, 30% of Canadian children and youth were classified as overweight or obese.
By 2040, according to current trends, expected that 70% of adult Canadians aged 40 years will be either overweight or obese.
What’s the big deal about obesity and sedentary behaviour?
In the past, serious illnesses were mainly infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, polio, etc.
But now, mainly degenerative diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, strokes, etc.
Chronic/Degenerative Disease
Disease of long duration and generally slow progression.
Account for 89% of all deaths in Canada.
Leading cause of avoidable illness, health care system utilization, and premature deaths.
We contract these diseases by allowing our bodies to degenerate due to poor diet, lack of physical activity, smoking, etc.
Chronic Disease and Physical Activity
Conditions/diseases that can stem from physical inactivity are very concerning.
Global report = obesity bigger health crisis than hunger.
How do we combat obesity?
Exercise and physical activity.
-it depresses appetite (suppresses hormones that control hunger)
-maximizes fat loss and minimizes loss of lean muscle tissue.
-burns high number of calories and increases metabolic rate.
-allows your body to use more calories for energy than storing them as fat.
Healthy diet also combats obesity.
Goods news associated with chronic diseases…
Many of the chronic conditions associated with physical inactivity can be reduced by healthy lifestyle choices.
Many researchers and health care providers advocate for starting young.
Instill physical activity habits in children and youth.