Nutrition Flashcards
What does it mean to have a smooth curve on the blood sugar spectrum?
Eat good carbohydrates; complex for energy, and simple occasionally
What is the difference between simple and complex carbs?
complex; long energy
simple; short energy
What happens to the Vitamin C in a potato when it is processed?
It is decreased and lost
Binge Eating (define)
eating too much to the point of obesity and health problems.
binge and purge
Anorexia Nervosa
obsessed with being thin
Which diets and pills have quick results but long term health effects
liquid, fad, and starvation diets, prescription and over-the-counter pills, laxatives and diuretics
how to lose weight intentionally
Combine caloric restriction with physical activity, follow dietary guidelines, stay hydrated, and eat REAL food
How to gain weight intentionally
Increase calories and exercise
How many calories is 1lb of body fat?
3500 calories
Base Metabolic Rate
the amount of calories you burn at rest
Body frame
weight and density of you bone structure, will help determine your healthy BMI
Healthy transit time for waste discretion?
Healthy: 14-24 hours
Typical American: 48 hours
oils (how much a day?)
5 tsps a day; Vitamin E and fatty acids
dairy (how much a day?)
3 cups; calcium and protein
fruits (how much a day?)
2 cups a day; low in fat; simple carbs
veggies (how much a day?)
2 1/2 cups a day
What type of cholesterol is good and which is bad?
HDL is good; LDL is bad
produced in the intestines and liver; essential to hormones and cell membranes
Types of fat
Saturated fat, from animals; unsaturated fat, from plants
What are the hazards of proteins?
Calcium loss, dehydration, wasteful of resources; 10lbs of grain per 1lb of beef
What does protein do?
Maintains homeostasis, regulates blood sugar
Incomplete proteins
plant sources; must be eaten in combination
Complete proteins
animal foods
How many amino acids are required by the human body and how does it get them?
23 required; 15 produced naturally; 8 need to be consumed
Healthcare facility
Place where you receive health care
Health service
the work performed by a health care provider
Healthcare provider
A licensed professional that provides health services
What are the long term health effects of a high simple carbohydrate diet?
diabetes and heart disease, not to mention weight gain.
How does diabetes work?
a lot of blood sugar enters into the bloodstream, making the pancreas pump out more insulin and the cells become resistant to the insulin because there is too much of it to respond to.
what happens to your body and your blood sugar spectrum when you eat high amounts of simple carbohydrates in a day?
you are causing your blood sugar to constantly spike up and down and cause crashes, which will make you feel tired and fatigue, and the more you eat like this, you are increasing the risk of diabetes.
Men and body image disorders
stem from unrealistic view about size and muscle mass; poor habits include mega dosing of calories and nutrients, steroid use, and overtraining injuries
body composition
Essential body fat needed for optimal health; adipose tissue - internal fat which can increase likelihood of disease
Vitamin B
Thiamin (B1)-nerve function
Riboflavin (B2)-energy utilization
(B9)-formation of hemoglobin in red blood cells
Vitamin C
strengthens blood vessels and immune system, aids in iron absorption
can be fat soluble (A, E, K, D) or water soluble (B, C)
undigestible part of plants; absorbs water; makes waste products larger and softer; intestinal muscles stronger; can push waste through faster
How to avoid a spike?
Eat breakfast!
How to maintain a smooth curve on blood sugar spectrum
combine sugar intake with protein, unsaturated fat, complex and simple carbs
main source of energy; break down into glucose; complex and simple carbs
Vegetarians are less likely to develop:
heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer
meat and beans (how much in a day?)
5 1/2 oz. a day; fatty acids
grains (how much in a day?)
3 oz. a day; fiber, iron, and vitamins
raise your good cholesterol by:
reduce animal foods; exercise; avoid alcohol; don’t smoke; women in general have lower cholesterol levels
store unused calories in the bloodstream
exceptions to the rule of oils:
tropical oils have lots of saturated fats; hydrogenation changes unsaturated fat to saturated fat like potato chips or peanut butter (trans-fat)
Plant fats
Avocadoes, nuts, flax, dark leafy greens, olive oil, seeds, soybeans.
Functions of fats
Stores vitamins, builds brain/nerve tissue, part of cell/hormone structure, provides insulation
Builds and repairs body tissue
What are the five subgroups of vegetables
Dark green vegetables;
red and orange vegetables;
beans, peas, and lentils;
starchy vegetables;
other vegetables
___ occurs when too much insulin is in the bloodstream
When looking at a nutrition label, what is considered a high nutrition value?
20% or higher
Which fad diet focuses on eating vegetables and meat but not beans and such?
Metabolic Rate
how many calories your body burns at rest
Fish are a great source of what?
Omega 3