nutrition Flashcards
define malnutrition
MALNUTRITION is a condition where one or more nutrients are not supplied to the body in correct amounts.
what are diseases that result from over-nutrition?
- Obesity
- Hypertension
- Dental caries
what are diet related diseases?
- Diabetes
- Food intolerance/allergies
what are diseases that result from undernutrition?
- Anorexia nervosa
- Bulimia nervosa
- Constipation/diverticulitis
- osteoporosis
what causes obesity
When energy intake is greater than energy expenditure
what are the physical affects of obesity?
- Excess energy is stored in adipose tissue
- Extra workload for cardiovascular system
- Fatigue
- Stress on body joints
- Reduced body temp. control
- Associated conditions: diabetes, CVD, respiratory diseases
economic costs of obesity?
- Cost of hospital treatment
- Surgery
- Medicine
- Toll on ability to work
- Absenteeism
what is dental carries
An infectious disease that can lead to cavities (small holes) in the tooth structure that compromises both the structure and the health of the tooth
causes of dental caries
- Poor dental practices
- Diet high in sugar
- Sugar reacts with bacteria in mouth to produce acid
physical effects of dental caries
- Decay on enamel causes nerve exposure in tooth, then toothache
- Bad breath
- Loss of teeth
economic costs of dental caries
- Cost of dental treatments (i.e. fillings, crowns and dentures)
what is the condition that results from inadequate iron?
what does inadequate calcium cause?
what is type 2 diabetes
Diabetes Type II
Type 2 diabetes Is a progressive condition in which the body becomes resistant to the normal effects of insulin and/or gradually loses the capacity to produce enough insulin in the oancreas.
causes of diabetes type 2
- Usually develops in adults over the age of 45
- Physical inactivity
- Poor nutrition
- High blood sugar levels
- History of smoking, drugs…
physical affects of type 2 diabetes
- Excess blood glucose causes: diabetic coma in extreme cases, high urination and thirst
- Energy source comes from adipose tissue as glucose is not available
- Weight loss muscle wasting can occur
- Renal failure due to excess use of kidneys
- Can cause blood flow problems
costs of type 2 diabetes
- High cost of medication
- Constant testing of blood sugar levels
- Health problems that result can be expensive to treat
what is cvd
Cardiovascular Disease
CVD is used to describe many conditions affecting the heart and blood vessels. CVD includes coronary heart disease, stroke and heart failure.
how to diagnose CVD
Blood tests
Blood pressure monitoring
what is cvd caused by
Hardening of arteries (arteriosclerosis) is caused by a collection of fat (cholesterol) along artery walls, resulting in narrowing of arteries, restricting blood flow to the heart
physical affects of cvd
- Heart attacks can result in restricted oxygen supply to heart muscle
- Strokes can also occur if blockage is in the brain
economic costs of cvd
- Most expensive disease in terms of amount of people suffering that need to be treated
- Expensive in terms of medication and surgery costs
- Recuperative time is long
- Time off work is extensive.
what is anorexia nervosa
Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia nervosa is amental illness and eating disorder involving self-induced weight loss by controlling the consumption of little to no food, coupled with rigorous exercise.
cause of anorexia nervosa
Psychological obsession with weight loss which can be triggered by a number of factors:
- Puberty onset
- Low self-esteem
- Influence of media on body image perception
physical affects of anorexia nervosa
- Muscle wasting
- Abnormally low body weight
- Absence of consecutive menstrual cycle
- Slowing of pulse and basal metabolic rate
- Low blood pressure
- Anaemia
- Tooth decay due to HCI acid from vomiting
- Death in extreme cases
- Burnt oesophagus
economic costs of anorexia
- Due ot major occurrence happening from teens to early adulthood, effect on unemployment
- Use of expensive resources to treat the condition (i.e. overseas clinics)
- Psychological counselling
- Special wards
what is bullima nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa
An eating disorder characterised by a distorted body image and obsessive desire to lose weight, where extreme overeating and uncontrollable bingeing episodes are followed by fasting and self-induced vomiting
causes of bulimia nervosa
Low self-esteem
Stressful life events
Personality factors
physical affects of bullima
- Weight loss not prevalent due to huge food intake
- Abuse of laxatives can lead to bowl dysfunction
- Tooth decay due to HCI acid from vomiting
- Burnt oesophagus
economic costs of biullima
- Counsellors and dietitians need to be assigned in hospital
- Medical cost
- Family support and community support groups