nutrients Flashcards
what are nutrients?
what are they made of?
a substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life.
they are made of elements.
what’s the difference between macro and micronutrients?
macro - needed in larger amounts, chain bonding
micro - lesser amounts needed, single bonding
what is a calorie?
Is a unit of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water to 1 °C
ex of macronutrients
ex of micronutrience
macro=carbohydrates, lipids, protine
micro=water, vitamins, minerals
waht are simple sugars? what are complex sugars? what do they have in common?
simple sugars - a type of carb, quick source of energy
complex sugars - type of carb, made of starch and dietary fiber, longer source of energy.
list types of simple sugars (5)
lactose - milk sugar
maltose - found in grains
glucose - blood sugar (absorbd easy)
fructose - fruit sugar, foud in most plants
sucrose - white stuff, cane sugar ( in veg and fruit)
list types of complex sugars (2)
starches - breaks down in simple sugars(glucaose), starch is long sustained energy,(potatoes,corn, wheat, rice, legumes)
dietary fiber - only form of carbs that dosnt produce energy, there are 2 types. soluble fiber and insoluble fiber.
explain 4 pts about insoluble fiber, where can it be fonund?
- does not dissolve in water, instead and absobs water and provieds bulk to stuff in gut
- promotes reg bowl movements
- lowers risk of colon cancer
- whole whet products, fruit and, veg
explain 4 pts about soluble fiber, where can it be fonund?
- dissolves in water
- increases thickness of stomach contents
- reduces blood colesterall lvls (carries ldl -low density lipoprotine,bad- out of body)
- lentes, fruits, veg, peas,oats
why is fiber said to be good in general?
helps maintain good bady weght, because it keeps you full onger, helps clear your system too!
what is the glycemin index? how is it usefull to ppl?
glycemic index is the system of classifying carbohydrates. it messures how fast and hoe far blood sugar lvls rise after eating a food containing carbs.
its usefull to ppl with diabetes as they can what foods not to eat (would mess with thier sugar lvls) by looking at the foods glycemic index.
when does a food have a high glycemic index? list som foods that do.
food that is converted almost imediatly to blood sugar, cousing rapid spikes and declines are known to hv a hig glycemic index
jelly beans, candy, cola, juice,french fries,
when does a food have a low glycemic index? list som foods that do.
food that is digested more slowly, causing a slower change in blood sugar lvls have a low glycemic index.
high fiber foods such as; bran cerials, chickpeas, black beans, high fiber veg.
how many claorie are in 1 g of carbs, fats, protines?
carbs - 4 cal
protines- 4 cal
fats - 9 cal
what are the main functions of fats?
- to provide energy to body
- to provide heat
- to protect and insulate organs, body parts
- transport fat souluble vitamis (A,D,E,K) to other parts of body.
what are the 3 types of fats:
tras fats
points about saturated fats- 3
- bad guys, bc they raise the amout of colesterall in the blood
- usualy sold at room temp
- present in al animal foods and tropical oils, least amount is found in fish
points abt insaturated fats -4
- 2 types poly and mono saturated fats (diff between em is how the elements are organised and single and double bonding)
- usualy liquid at room temp
- found in veg oils like olive(not tropicals ones)
- help lower the amount of cholesteral in the blood, good guys
points abt trans fat -5
- aka hydrogenated oil
- when unstaturated fat is hydrogenated through a chemical process, the chem structure changes in trans fatty acids (liquid turns to sold)
- rais the lvl of bad colesterall and lower good colestall lvls
- raise rise of heart desies at this fat clogs arteries.
- ex shortning
protines are one of the ——– basic nutriences and is ——- for survival.
what are the 3 main functions of protines?
provies energy
buids and reparies cells and muscle
maintains body tissue
what are protines made of? how may of these are there? elaborateon them my guy.
- protines are made of amino acids.
- there are 22 of them.
- certain protines are made with a specific combo of amino acids.
- 9 are essential (we cant make them, gotta eat em)
- the rest are not essential ( we can make them)
- there are 2 types, complete and inclomplete.
explain complete protines, what are they? where are they found?
complete proteins are proteins which have all 9 of the essential amino acids.
complete protines can be found in all animal products (meat,milk,eggs)
explain incompete protines, what are they? where are they found?
protines that dont have all the 9 essental amino acids , but anly hv some.
these come from from plants such as (legumes, seeds , nuts)
you can eat diff plant foods with incomplete protienes to get the 9 you need. (vegetarins so it this way)
what is the percentage of your calories should come from each type of macronutrient?
55% or more - carbs
30 % or less - fats
15 % about - protines
what elements are (macronutrince) carbs, protines,and fats made of ?
carbs - c h o
lipids - c h o
protines - c h o n
what elements are (micro) water, minerals, vitamins made of
water - h o
minerals - calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and magnesium etc
vitmins - losts of elemients, can differ.
what dont micro nutrients give you that macro does?
miro dont give any energy, cals.
what are vitamins? do we need allot or a liitle? what are the 2 subcategories.
- are chmicals that help regulate vital body processes and aid other nutrients in do thier job.
- our body need a small amount of them.
- they act as cofactors for enzymes. (activators and speedingupers)
- water and fat soluble
which vitamins are fat soluble? what do fat soluble vitamins do?
- A D E K
- anly absorbed through help of fat
- stored in fat
- if too much is stored, can be toxic
which vitamins are water soluble? what do water soluble do?
- B1 (tiamin) , b2 (riboflavin, b3 (niacin) , b5 ( pantothenic acid, b6, b12 , C, biotin, folic acid.
- are soluble in water, can be flushed out.
do all ppl need same vitamins?
no, diff ppl, diff ages, diff genders, diff weights hv diff requirements.
what are minerals? do we need alot or a little?
are non living substances that help your body work properly, and in some cases become part of body tissues, such as bone (calcium). they also work as enzymes and coenzymes. help improve body function.
we only need small amounts.
list some examples of minerals
calcium, chloride, chromium, copper, iron,zink, flouride, iodine megnesium, phosphorous, pottasium, selenium, sodium, sulphur, zink.
what are electrolytes, what do they do? linst examples, whwere can you find them, who needs them, why? what happens when u are low
- sre specific major minerals
- that work together to maintain body fluid balance
- mojor minerals include ; potassium, sodium, choride
- can be found in sports drinks like gatorade
- althles recomended to take them to replenish, bc fluid balance is distrupted when you sweat
- dehydrated, fever,
wat is water,
what does it do
how much are we made of
- water is an essential luquid (h20) needed for survival.
- it takes ot toxins, lubricates joinst, helps digestion, maintan body temp, essental for homeostasis, prevents dehydration, protects organsand keeps them healthy, helps transport nutrients.
- 70%
what does dri stand for
what is it
what does it do
- dietary reference intake
- its a nutrition recomendation to help north americans stay helthy.
- it asseses the nutrient needs of diff ppl (ages, gender, weight, special needs)
what desese do you get if ur a kid and dont hv enough protine.
what happens
where is it common
the child dose not reach full frowth
common in developing countries
what desese do you get if ur a adult and dont hv enough protine.
what happens
where is it common
muscle wastage happens (adult form of kwashiokkor)
also in develping places
what happens when you dont hv adequet vitamin a
night blindness (bad eye sight)
dry scaly skin
what desese do you dont hv enough vitamin d (state the one for bothe adult and children )
what happens
where is it common
bones become soft and bulge out bc its not present to absorb vC
common in children
spine and leg bones become soft and bent out bc its not present to absorb vC
adult for of rickets
what illness do you get when you are low on thiamine - b1
what does it do
weight loss and appetite loss, musculat weakness,
rapid heartbeat, mental confusion.
what dese do you get whe you are low on b3 niacin?
what does it do
what happens when does a pregnant woman get birth defects
when low on folate
what illness do you get whn you are low on vitamin c
what happens
tiredness,weakness, shortness of breath, bleading gums,loss of apetite
what illness when low on calcim
what does it do
weakness of bones
low iron illness
what does it do
pale skin, tiredness,appetite loss,
low iodine illness
what does it do.
weigth gain with enlarged thirod gland, slower mental and physical response