Kitchen Safety Flashcards
What should you do to prevent burns or fires🔥
Tie hair 💆 Wear mits (dry to prevent heat ) 🧤 Tune pan handles inwards 🍳 Pot lid away from u (steam burn ) ☁️ Towles and cloth away from heat 👚 Clean stove of grease and food 🧼
How do you treat minor burns
1- run under cool water
2- apply lotion , burn cream
3- cover loosely with gauze
How do you extinguish a fire 🔥 with a fire extinguisher 🧯
Pass P... pull pin A... aim at base S...sparky fire S... sweeping motion used
How do u prevent falls
Clean spills
Clear floor
Secure carpets/rugs
Fitting shoes, laces tied
How do you treat falls
Leave person if bones seem broken
Then alert adult/ emergency services
How to decrease a fire
Smother with wet towel
Put salt
Put backing soda
What should you remember about grease fires
Never put in water, will spread
How do you prevent cuts
Keep knives sharp Hold knives with handle Wash knives separate Don’t catch falling knife Keep finger clear of knifes, blades Sweep up glass immediately
How do you treat cuts
Run under warm water to clean
Apply antibacterial spray
Apply pressure if blending a lot
Wrap with bandage/ gauze
How do you prevent choking
Chew with mouth closed
No taking, laughing when eating
Don’t play with food
Chew food properly before swallowing
How do you treat choking
Do the heimlich technique
Alert adult
We’re does food and air go
Air goes in trachea
Food in esophagus
How do u prevent shock
No metal in microwave Don’t plug in too many applicaneces Unplug appliances after use Dry hands only white appliances Keep appliances and wires away from h2o
How do you treat shock
Unplug appliance
Don’t touch a person in shock
Call emergency service
Name some other ways to be safe in the kitchen
Chemicals away from food Like foods with like to avoid contamination Cook foods properly Wash hands Store heavy items on bottom shelf Refrigerate properly
what are biological danger in the kitchen
biologial dangers in kitchen = bacteria, pathogens, microbes.
where is bacteria found/ were does in com from?
bacteria is naturaly occuring in organisms we eat.
it can grow on our food.
it can be transfered from other things to food.
what is cross contamination
cross contamination is when bacteri from one food or thing, is transfered to another food when safe food handling is not done.
what is a foodborn illness? what is it also known as?
aka, food poisoning. is when a person gets ill from consuming food contaminated by microbes (pathogens, bacteria, germs etc)
why is food born illness the lagest class of emerging infectous desies.
changing population (increse) changing pattern of food production/consumption drug resistant bacteria.
food bone illnes is confused with the flu why? what do they hv in common?
symptoms such as stomach pain diareah head ache chills fever nausea
when can symptoms of food born illness start to appear?
30 min- 2 weeks
but typicaly ;
30 min- 48h
what are the most common food bon illnesses?
clostridium botulium escherchia coli (e coli) clostridium perfringes salmonella listeriosis
clostridium botulium - 3 points
- in adults, the gasses made by the bacteria are poisonous and can make you sick.
- found in; canned low acid food, raw parboiled meat from marine animals
- double vision, nausea, vomiting, tieredness, dizzyness, headache, dry throat, respiratory failure in extream cases.
escherchia coli (e coli) 3 points
- live in the intestines on catle animals, when butaredd can spread to other meat surfaces.
- can spread by contact with infected person, or surfaces they have touched, non clorinated water, unpasturiesed cider, and undercooked meat.
- flu like symptoms; stomach cramps, vomiting, and in extream cases , kidney failure.
clostridium perfringes , 3 points
- spore forming bacteria that produces a toxin in digestive tract of ppl who ate the bacteria
- can be found in high protine, low starch foods (beans , gravy, fries) and can commonly occur in badly handled left overs.
- gassy diareah, cramps and headache.
salmonella, 3 points
- found in intestines of animals, animal poo, smll percentage on unbroken eggs
- found in raw poultry, undercooked meats, unpasturised milk and eggs, fuits and veg if grow in contaminated soil.
- mild diareah, abdominal cramps, vomiting, fever and dehydration.
listeriosis 3 points
- affects old adults mostly, weak immune system ppl, preg woman, newborns, also normal ppl rarely
- diareah, gastro intestinal problems, fever, muscle ache, the bacteria caouses invasive infection most of the time ( goes into blood contaminates other areas) ,
- can happen as much as 2 months after eating the food.
who is responisbe for maintaining safe food
all involved in process
the govt and food industry work together to make shure we have safe food
its important to not forget your own part at home
how many cases of food born illnesses are reported each year in canada
1 million, prob more bc they share flue like symptioms.
what are the 4 steps for food safety? explain each.
Separate: keep like foods to gether to avoid cross contamination, hve seperate cutting boards, cover food
Cook: cook at right temp , serve imediately or bacteria can grow, danger Zone temp is 4-60 deg farenhight.
Clean: wash hands, area, utensles, before, during and after use, to clean use milk bleach and water, wash produce
Chill: cold foods should be kept a 4 dec celcious, refrigerate or frease perishbles to slow down or stop bacteria growth.
list general personal hygene matters ( altleast 5)
- hair tied back
- clean clothes/apron
- no hats , unless chef hats
- no lick fingers
- cover cuts and wounds on hands properly (bandage/glove)
- use diff spoons for stirring and tasteing
explain what temp a frig should be and what goes were in a fride.
4 deg c
ready to eat- top
leftovers - mid
taw or raw - bottom
go through the temp range, what are bacteria doing at each temp?
74 c - no growth, few live 60c - many survive 52c - DANGERZONE rapid growth 15c - some growth 4c - slow growth (optimal fridge temp) 0c - freezing temp no growth.
what internal temp for….(meats)
poultry- 74
ground beef - 68
pork - 66
fish and shellfish - 60