Nutrient cycles Flashcards
The simple sequence of a nutrient cycle
Nutrients taken up by producer as an inorganic ion (simple inorganic molecule)
Producer incorporates nutrients into complex organic molecules.
Producer eaten and nutrients passed to consumer and along food chain.
When producers/consumers die, complex molecules are broken down by saprobiontic microorganisms (decomposition).
Inorganic ion released
Role of saprobionts in recycling chemical elements
Feed on remains of dead plants/animals and their waste products e.g. faeces, urea, and break down the organic molecules
By secreting enzymes for extracellular digestion, saprobionts absorb soluble needed nutrients
Role of mycorrhizae in recycling chemical elements
Symbiotic relationship between fungi and roots of plants = mycorrhizae
Fungi act as an extension of the plant roots (made of thin strands called hyphae)
Increase surface area of root system increase rate of absorption of water/nutrients
Mutualistic relationship – plant also provides fungi with carbohydrates
Main stages of the nitrogen cycle
All involve microorganisms (fungi/bacteria)
Nitrogen fixation
Nitrogen-containing compounds e.g. proteins from dead organisms/animal waste broken down.
Converted to ammonia which goes on to form ammonium ions (NH4+) in the soil.
By saprobionts which excrete enzymes for extracellular digestion.
Ammonium ions in the soil -> nitrites -> nitrates (nitrogen-containing compounds)
A two-stage oxidation reaction by nitrifying bacteria
Bacteria need oxygen to carry out conversions
Nitrates (nutrients) can be absorbed by plant root hair cells by active transport
Application – farmers aerate their soil to increase O2, allowing number of nitrifying bacteria to increase and denitrifying bacteria to decrease which maximises nitrogen availability
Nitrates in the soil convert to nitrogen gas via denitrifying bacteria (anaerobically respire) when low oxygen concentration in soil i.e. waterlogged because more anaerobic denitrifying bacteria (and less aerobic nitrifying and nitrogen fixing bacteria)
(Reduces availability of nitrogen compounds for plants)
Nitrogen fixation
Nitrogen gas (N2) converted (reduction) to nitrogen containing compounds e.g. ammonia by nitrogen-fixing bacteria
Can be ‘free living’ in the soil
Or ‘mutualistic’ (live in nodules on roots of plants e.g. legumes; acquire carbohydrates from plant while the plant acquires amino acids from bacteria)
Nitrogen cycle importance
Nitrogen gas (N2) is unreactive and not easily converted into other compounds
Most plants can only take up nitrogen (by active transport in roots) in the form of nitrate
Used by plants/animals to make proteins/nucleic acids (assimilated) growth
Stages of the phosphorous cycle
- Phosphate ions in rocks released (to soil) by erosion/weathering
- Phosphate ions taken into plants by roots and incorporated into their biomass (assimilated)
Make biological molecules such as DNA, RNA, phospholipids (and NADP and RuBP in plants).
Rate of absorption increased by mycorrhizae
- Phosphate ions transferred through food chain e.g. as herbivores eat plants
- Some phosphate ions lost from animals in waste products (excretion), and plants and animals die
Decomposed by Saprobionts – release enzymes for extracellular digestion
Release phosphate ions to the soil
Note: Weathering of rocks also releases phosphate ions into seas, lakes and rivers
Taken up by aquatic producers e.g. algae
Passed along food chain to birds
Guano, a waste product of birds, returns a many phosphate ions to soils in coastal areas
The need for fertilisers
Replaces nutrients (nitrates and phosphates) lost from an ecosystem’s nutrient cycle when crops are harvested or livestock (animals) are removed
Nutrients removed from soil and incorporated into their biomass can’t be released back into the soil through decomposition by saprobionts
Hence, fertilisers improve the efficiency of energy transfer (more energy can be used for growth)
Nutrients can no longer be a limiting factor
Increase overall productivity of agricultural land
Artificial fertilisers
Contain pure chemicals e.g. ammonium nitrate as powders / pellets
Inorganic substances are more water soluble so larger quantities washed away, impacting the environment
Natural fertilisers
e.g. manure, compost, sewage
Cheaper/free but exact nutrients cannot be controlled
Environmental issues caused by fertilisers (leaching)
Leaching of nutrients, where rain/irrigation systems wash water-soluble compounds out of soil into waterways e.g. rivers
Worse when more fertiliser added to field than used (excess)
Leaching leads to eutrophication
Leaching less likely with natural fertilisers; nitrogen/phosphorous contained in organic molecules and organic molecules are less soluble in water so need to be decomposed by saprobionts before nitrogen and phosphorous are released (as soluble inorganic molecules)
Environmental issues caused by fertilisers (species diversity)
Leaching can also reduce species diversity
Favour fast growing plants e.g. grass/nettles so slower-growing plants lose out, a decrease in organisms who feed off them
- Rapid growth of algae in ponds and rivers (algal bloom)
- Algae blocks light, preventing it from reaching plants below
- Death of the plants below as they cannot photosynthesise
- Aerobically respiring saprobionts decompose the dead plant matter, reducing oxygen concentration of water
- Leading to death of aquatic organisms due to lack of dissolved oxygen for aerobic respiration