Gene expression is controlled by a number of features Flashcards
Stem cells what are they
Stem cells are unspecialised cells capable of:
Self renewal; can divide to replace themselves
Specialisation/differentiation; can develop into other types of cell
Stem cell specialisation
A stimulus e.g. a chemical causes the the selective activation of genes; some cells are activated whilst others are deactivated
mRNA is only transcribed from specific, active genes and translated onto ribosomes/proteins
These proteins modify the cell permanently and determine the cell structure and control cell processes
Totipotent cells
Occur for a limited time in early mammalian embryos
Can divide and differentiate into every cell type in body (including the cells that support the embryo, such as the placenta)
Pluripotent cells
Found in embryos
Can divide and differentiate into most cell types (every cell type in body but not the cells of the placenta)
Multipotent cells
Found in mature animals
Can divide and differentiate into a limited number of cell types
e.g. multipotent cells in bone marrow can differentiate into different types of blood cell
Unipotent cells
Found in mature mammals
Can divide and differentiate into just one cell type
e.g. cardiomyocytes (cardiac muscle cells) can be made from a type of unipotent stem cells and epidermal skin cells can only be made from another type of unipotent stem cell
Stem cells implementation in medicine
Regrow damaged tissues in accidents (i.e. skin grafts) or by disease (i.e. neuro-degenerative diseases, Parkinson’s disease)
Drug testing – used to grow artificial tissues
Developmental biology research – provide insight into embryological development
Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) how are they produced and why are they useful
- Produced from adult somatic cells i.e. non-pluripotent cells or fibroblasts
- These adult pluripotent cells are created by putting specific protein transcription factors associated with pluripotency into cells, causing the cell to express genes associated with pluripotency (reprogrammed)
- Cells are cultured which leads to the production of induced pluripotent stem cells
This is used in medical treatment instead of embryonic cells which is useful because:
No immune rejection as can be made using patient’s own cells
Overcome some ethical issues with using embryonic stem cells e.g. no destruction of embryo and adult can give permission
Evaluate use of stem cells in treating human disorders
The use of embryonic cells; tiny ball of cells, incapable of feeling pain, not equivalent to a human and they would otherwise be destroyed (if from infertility treatment which creates more than needed)
Duty to apply knowledge to relieve human suffering
The use of embryonic cells; embryo is a potential human; should be given rights
Still under research; Induced pluripotent stem cells – cannot yet reliably reprogramme stem cells, so it could begin to multiply out of control, and cause tumours
Transcription factors
Transcription factors are protein molecules
They move from the cytoplasm to the nucleus
In the nucleus they bind to DNA at a specific DNA base sequence on a promoter region (near the start of their target genes)
Stimulate (activators) or inhibit (repressors) transcription (the production of mRNA of target genes by helping or preventing RNA polymerase from binding to the start of the target gene
The role of oestrogen in initiating transcription (activator)
- Oestrogen, a steroid hormone, can diffuse across the phospholipid bilayer of the cell-surface membrane as it’s lipid soluble.
- In cytoplasm, oestrogen binds to a receptor of an inactive transcription factor, forming a hormone-receptor complex
- Inactive transcription factor changes shape, resulting in active transcription factor
- Diffuses from cytoplasm into
nucleus and binds to specific DNA
base sequence on a promotor
region - Stimulates transcription of genes
by helping RNA polymerase to bind
Epigenetics what is it
Changes in gene function (expression) without changes to the base sequence of DNA, caused by changes in the environment
Epigenetics can determine whether or not a gene is expressed
Organisms inherit epigenetic changes from their parents i.e. offspring can be affected by environmental changes that affected their parents or grandparents
How epigenetics can inhibit transcription
Via methylation of DNA:
Methyl groups are added to cytosine bases in DNA and changes the DNA structure; nucleosomes pack more tightly together
Prevents transcription factors from binding so that RNA polymerase cannot bind (genes not transcribed).
This is irreversible
Via decreased acetylation of associated histones:
Decreased acetylation of histones increases positive charge of histones.
Histones bind to DNA (which is negatively charged) more tightly
Prevents transcription factors from binding; genes not transcribed
The nucleosome is the DNA wrapped around histone proteins; how closely the DNA and histone are packed together affects transcription
Relevance of epigenetics on disease development and treatment, especially cancer
Epigenetic changes that increase the expression of an oncogene, or that silence a tumour suppressor gene, can lead to tumour development
Tests can be used to see if a patient has abnormal levels of methyl and acetyl – early indicator of cancer (called a biomarker)
Could be manipulated to treat cancer i.e. drugs to prevent histone acetylation/DNA methylation that may have caused these genes to be switched on/off, resulting in cancer
RNA interference (RNAi)
RNA molecules inhibit translation of mRNA produced by transcription (gene is ‘switched on’ but encoded protein not produced i.e a ‘silenced’ gene)
Small, double-stranded RNA molecules stop mRNA from target genes being translated into proteins
The molecules involved in RNAi are called siRNA (small interfering RNA) and miRNA (micro RNA)
Occurs in eukaryotes
miRNA expression deregulated in many human diseases including cancer, so it offers opportunities as biomarkers and novel therapies
Small interfering RNA (siRNA)
Formed as double-stranded molecules 21-25 bp long, one strand incorporated
into a protein-based RISC (RNA-induced silencing complex)
Single-stranded siRNA within a RISC binds to a molecule of target mRNA containing a sequence of bases complementary to its own
Proteins associated with the siRNA cut the mRNA into fragments i.e. mRNA is hydrolysed
Similar process occurs with miRNA in plants
Micro-RNA (miRNA)
Formed as hair-pin bends of RNA but processed into single-strands 22-26 nucleotides long, both become incorporated into a protein-based RISC (RNA-induced silencing complex)
Less specific than siRNA, so it may target more than one mRNA molecule
Single-stranded miRNA within a RISC (multiprotein complex) binds to a molecule of target mRNA containing a sequence of bases complementary to its own
miRNA-protein complex physically blocks the translation of the target mRNA i.e. translation is stopped
Cancer and classification of tumours
Cancer is the uncontrolled cell division of cells which leads to a tumour that is malignant (spread easily throughout the body via metastasis)
Benign tumours are non-cancerous
Features of a benign tumour
Grow slowly (rare mitoses)
Well differentiated/specialised (cells retain function and normal shape, regular nuclei)
Normal, regular nuclei
Well defined borders/boundary; cell adhesion molecules stick cells together and to a particular tissue, often surrounded by a capsule so remain within tissues
Easy to treat - can normally be removed by surgery, rarely returns
Features of a malignant tumour
Grow rapidly (more frequent and/or
abnormal mitoses)
Cells become unspecialised/poorly differentiated
Irregular, larger/darker nuclei
Irregular/poorly defined borders and not encapsulated; cells break off (+ grows projections into surrounding tissues) so metastasis occurs
Removed by radiotherapy/chemotherapy as well as surgery; can be life threatening and recurrence more likely
Tumour suppressor genes function and role in tumour growth
Their normal function is to code for proteins involved in control of cell division
In particular, stopping the cell cycle when DNA damage is detected
Also involved in causing self-destruction of the cell (apoptosis) where damaged DNA cannot be repaired
In the development of tumours, the mutation of tumour suppressor genes alters amino acid sequence and tertiary structure of protein which leads to a non-functional protein
Increased methylation could also cause this as it prevents transcription/expression of protein
Damaged DNA not repaired/cells not killed, leading to uncontrolled cell division
Proto-oncogenes function and role in tumour growth
Their normal function is to code for proteins involved in control of cell division
In particular, stimulating cell division (when growth factors attach to receptors on cell membrane, so cell division is required)
In the development of tumours, mutation could turn it into permanently activated oncogene
Decreased methylation/increased acetylation causes excess transcription
Leading to cell division being permanently activated and thereby rapid, uncontrolled cell division occurs
The role of increased oestrogen concentrations in the development of some breast cancers
Areas of high oestrogen concentration such as adipose tissues in breasts are where cell division is more likely to become uncontrolled
Oestrogens ability to stimulate cell division can assist cancerous cells if they occur, helping tumours form quickly
Growth of cancer minimised with drugs blocking production/action of oestrogens in the breasts
e.g. Tamoxifen prevents oestrogen binding to receptor