Nursing Theories Flashcards
Interpersonal Theory creator
Hary Stack Sullivan
Explained the role of interpersonal relationships and social experiences in regards to the shaping of personalities and importance of life events to psychopathology
Interpersonal theory
Interpersonal theory stage 1
0-18 months
Oral gratification
Interpersonal theory stage 2
18 mo-6 years
delayed gratification
ITP stage 3
6-9 years
Forming of peer relationships
ITP stage 4
9-12 years
Same-sex relationships
ITP stage 5
Early adolescence
12-14 years
Opposite sex relationships
ITP stage 6
Late adolescence
14-21 years
self-identity deveoped
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
basic (physiological, safety)
Psychologic (belonging, esteem)
fulfillment (self actualization)
health belief model author
Marshal Becker
Health Belief model idea
Healthy people do not always take advantage of screening or preventative programs because of certain variables
Variable included in Health Belief Model
Perception of susceptibility
seriousness of illness
perceived benefits of treatment
perceived barriers to change
expectations of efficacy
Transtheoretical model of change
steps (5)
Motivational interviewing principles (4)
Express empathy
develop discrepancy
Roll with resistance
Support self-efficacy (a belief in change)
Self-efficacy and social learning theory author
Albert Bandura
Self efficacy and social learning theory idea
People learn from each other
Bridge between behaviorist and cognitive learning theories
Encompasses attention, memory, and motivation
Behavior is a result of cognitive and environmental factors
Self Efficacy and Social Learning theory
Theory of Cultural Care author
Madeline Leininger
Theory of Self Care author
Dorothy Orem
Three parts of theory of self care
Self Care
Self-care deficit
Theory of nursing system
Nursing is a form of action
Theory of self care
people need to be self reliant and responsible for their care
theory of self care
Therapeutic Nurse-Client Relationship Theory author
Hildegard Peplau
First significant psychiatri nursing theory
Therapeutic nurse-client relationship, or ITP by Peplau