Nuclear physics Flashcards
how was the alpha scattering experiment setup?
- alpha particles used as projectiles to study the structure of gold atoms
- a very thin gold foil was used as the target for the alpha particles
-a fluorescent screen was used as the detector, when alpha particles struck the screen a flash of light was produced allowing the team to see the trajectories
what was the alpha scattering experiment measuring?
- the number of alpha particles deflected by an angle theta
why did the apparatus have to be evacuated?
- to stop the alpha particles being stopped by air
what was the first Rutherford conclusion?
- atom has a very small positively charged nucleus
- responsible for the repulsion force on the positively charged alpha particle, causing it to change direction
what was the second Rutherford conclusion?
- nucleus contains nearly all the mass of the atom
- conservation of momentum explains this
MaVa + Mn x 0 = MaVa
nucleus barely moves after repulsion of a particles so Mn>Ma
what was the closest distance of approach?
- minimum distance an alpha particle can get to the nucleus before being repelled due to Coulombs Force
what was the equation for closest distance of approach?
kinetic energy at start = potential energy at repulsion
what was electron scattering
- experiment used to study the structure of matter
- high energy electron beams fired at a target
- deflection was analysed giving conclusions
what are the three equations for electron scattering?
lambda = h / p
p = E / c
sin theta = 1.22 lambda / d
what is meant by an empirical equation?
- an equation based entirely on experimental results
what was the empirical equation for radius of nucleus?
R = Ro x A^1/3
derive how i can plot this graph
R = Ro x A^n
ln R = lnRo + lnA^n
ln R = n lnA + lnRo
whats the equation for nuclear density
p = 3/(4piR^3) x m
what is radiation?
- when an unstable nuclei emits energy
give the nature of each three types of radiation
alpha particle - helium nucleus
beta particle - fast electron
gamma ray - electromagnetic photon
give the charge of each of the three types of radiation
alpha particle is +2e
beta particle is -e
gamma ray is 0
give the masses of each of the three types of radiation
alpha particle - 6.6x10^-27kg
beta particle - 9.1x10^-31kg
gamma ray - 0
give the speed of each of the three types of radiation
alpha particle - 5% of c
beta particle - 98-99% of c
gamma ray - c
give the ions per mm of air for a particle of 3MeV
alpha particle - 10000
beta particle - 100
gamma ray - 1