Nuclear Fission Flashcards
1g of split uranium fuel releases ….. More energy than burning 1g of oil.
What is the chain reaction?
The nuclei split and release neutrons which split more unstable nuclei, with the split nuclei being roughly equal in size. These nuclei release two or three more neutrons.
Control rods …. Nuclei to prevent…
The reaction from happening too quickly which would make the reactor overheat.
The control rods can be moved … To the fuel rods or further away to affect …
Closer, rate.
What do the fuel rods do?
This is where the uranium fuel is held. The fuel rods emit neutrons at the fuel and absorb neutrons which are released.
What does the coolant do?
Water, or CO2, takes away the heat and this produces steam to turn a turbine and generator.
What is done with low level waste?
Low level medical waste or waste from power stations such as paper and gloves are buried at secure landfills.
What is done with intermediate level waste? (Ie- metal casing for fuel rods)?
This waste is quite radioactive and will remain so for tens of thousands of years. This is stored in concrete blocks and buried with steel canisters.
What is done with high level waste?
This is so radioactive it generates lots of heat. It is sealed and glass and steel and cooled for 50 years before placed in permanent storage?
Why does the waste need to be buried in geographically stable locations? (Ie- places with little tectonic activity).
If it is unstable and prone to earthquakes the canisters could break and the radioactive waste could leak.
Why is most intermediate and high level waste kept on site?
Locals often object if geologists find stable sites.
Why may we need to reduce the strictness of laws in future?
We may learn of the dangers of radiation and learn to store waste.
Why is storing nuclear waste a long term problem?
The half life for some nuclei is tens of thousands of years.
How does fission work?
- Neutrons are fired at uranium nuclei.
- The heavy and unstable nuclei then split into two.
- Mass is released as energy and neutrons are given out.