NSSI Flashcards
______ engaging in self-inflicted harm to the surface of the body (cuttng, stabbbing, burning or rubbing) w/o the intent of suicide
Non-suicidal self injury
What are the characteristics associated with NSSI?
- Onset is 13-15 years of age
- common in adolescents and tends o decline with age
- common among 2SLGBTQ individuals as they face unique stressors of discrimination, identity related stress, social rejection
- common in disorders like ASD, MDD, BPD and Anxiety disorders.
- ## indivisuals with difficulties in communication tend to perfrom NSSI as a reuslt of frustration like ASD folks have impusivity problems and also have low tolerance to frustration. It is also a form of expression/coping mechanism for those with ASD as communication is a challenge for them
Why do people engage in NSSI?
- Emotional regulation:
- tension relief
- release of endorphins
- cutting through numbness and dissociaion such that pain makes them feel some emotions
- managing or coping with overwhelming emotions - Social signalling - a way to communicate distress
- use this as a means to express emotions they cannot express verbally like shame or embarrassment
- use signal distress and elicit care response from others - if person is not receiving care or concern from those around this can be a way to do so - other reason:
- punishment for self - using punitive measures to keep checks on self/ high standards for self/ perfectionism?
- control/body autonomy: unable to assert control, they use such means to take control of life
- pain processing and neurobiological factors: heightned pain tolerance so cutting helps release certain neurotransmitters that make them feel good
What are the various risk factors for NSSI?
- prior history of NSSI
- personality disorder traits like impulsivity, intense emotional responses
- impulsivity and decision making difficulties
- bullying
- gender-female
- adverse childhood problems