Depression Flashcards
What is persistent depressed disorder?
Less severe but long lasting symptoms than MDD. Less common but has earlier. Long casting nature can lead to MDD (70%. ) tends to become a personality trait. Also has an earlier onset (11-12 years of age)
What is disruptive mood regulation disorder?
This diagnosis was a response to over-diagnosis of BP among youth
① severe temper outbursts that are overreactions to situations
②chronica persistent irritable angry moved b/w those outbursts
③ overlap with ODD but odd kids have better emotional regulation.
4. low reliability due to lack f knowledge on how it may present
5. comorbidities
5. difficulty establishing DMDD as a discrete diagnosis
Define bipolar disorder.
Depression & manic episodes.
Define mood disorder
Mood disorders can be defined as poorly defined, persistent, extreme, ongoing poorly regulated emotions. Moods can vary from extreme unhappiness to hugh elation.
Which age group experienced the highest rate of MDD from 2008 toi 2012?
12-17 and 18-25 while those above 26 had fairly stable rates
What is MDD?
It consists of the following characteristics for 2 weeks or more:
- irritable mood/depressed mood
- loss of interest/pleasure in activities
- distress and impairment in functioning
- other symptoms include but not limited to sleep disturbances, diff in concentrating and feeling worthless
How can we categorise the symptoms of depression?
1. dysphoria - general dissatisfaction or general uneasiness with life
2. anhedonia - loss ofpleasure or interest in activities
3. irritable mood - annoyance, temper outbursts, touchiness
1. Insomnia-hypersomnia
2. wright loss/weight gain
3. fatigue - loss of energy
4. feeling restless or slowed dowm
1. lack of concentration or ability to think
2. ideas of worthlessness and excessive guilt which an turn into delusions
3. indecisiveness
4. low-self esteem: if it is hinging to one particular aspect and if it takes a hit then its harmful
1. Withdrawal
2. Co-rumination - dep ppl attract dep ppl and tend to openly talk about negative feelings. Such individuals tend to bond over shared negative feelings. This can exacerbate feelings
What are the 2 main characterizations that need to be present for an inovidual (atleast1) to be diagnosed?
- Loss/diminished of interest.
- Depressed/irritable mood most of the day, every day in almost all activities
what are specifiers for MDD?
They help in diagnosis or assessment of MDD
1. Severity ratings of mild/moderate/devere are determined with the help of the following:
- number of symotoms
- amount of symptom distress
- impairment in eceryday functioning caused by the symptoms
- In full or partial remission i.e if the person met criteria for MDD earlier and does not right now then are they depressed?
- sINGLE OR RECURRENT EPISODE - chronicity is determined in regards to whn did the 1st ep was experienced
- psychotic symptoms?? -delusion/hallucination
- anxious symptoms: feeling tense, restless
What kind of behaviours or symptoms should be expected in pre- pubescent ages
- Somber/tearful
- irritable
- withdrawal from social activities
- somatic complaints
- poor school peformance
- defiance/aggression
PDD was also known as ___
What is double depressiom
presence of symptoms of both MDD and P-DD in a child
What are some of rsk factors of MDD?
- emotional reactivity - prevalent in preschoolers who are at higher risk of dperesssion. occurs even before an episode
- gender orientation: girls and non-binary are at a higher risk. Girls because of differences in limbic system activation when processing sadness, use more ruminative coping style.
- BIPOC youth face higher rates of depression but lower levels of treatment
What is the role of race and ethnicity in the in determining depression rates?
- higher rates of depression among women
- racial discrimination was the best predictor of depression explaining 25% variance
- less availability and uptake of discriminated groups despite higher prevalence
- 16% first nations youth experienced depression as compared to 8% canadian populations
What treatment has been successful in treating depression among youth?
- Interpersonal psychotherapy for adoloscent depression - improving interpersonal functioning by enhancing communication skills in significant relationships has also helped