NREMT Flashcards
What is cardiogenic shock?
It is shock caused by the heart(CHF, MI)
What is obstructive shock?
It is something obstructing the hearts ability to pump effectively(pulimary embolism, tension pheomothorax, cardiac tamponade)
What is distributive shock and the 3 types
Shock distrusting distribution of blood
1. Sepsis
2. Anaphylaxis
3. Neurogenic
What is hypovulimic shock?
Shock caused by loss of volume
Parasympathetic nervous system?
Eyes: constricted
Heart rate: low
Lungs: constrict
Stomach and intestines: on
Sympathetic nervous system?
Eyes: dislate
Heart rate: up
Lungs: relax
Stomach and intestines: off
What is Cushing triad and what’s it for?
It is for ICP(intercranial pressure)
1. Hypertension in stystolic
2. Bradycardia
3. IRR(irregular slow respirations
Low blood sugar
Cool and pale skin
Warm dry skin
What is becks triad and what is it used for?
For cardiac tamponade
1. JVD
2. Hypertension
3. Muffled heart sounds
What is a cardiac tamponade?
It is when the sac around the heart fills up and puts pressure on it.
What is a pulimary edema?
When blood backs up into lungs
Caused by CHF
Signs and symptoms: coughs up red frothy sputum and rales lung sounds.
What is a pulimary embolism?
It’s a blood clot that gets to the pulimary artery
Tachycardia, chest pain, difficulty breathing
Ectopic pregnancy
When the egg is fertilized outside the uterus usually in faluppian tube.
High pain scale and left shoulder pain
False contraction during first trimester