NPS & Drugs of Concern (E2) Flashcards
Synthetic or natural psychoactive substances created to mimic effects of many controlled substances.
What are new psychoactive substances (NPS)?
What is the common name for new psychoactive substances (NPS)?
Designer drugs
What is the purpose of designer drugs?
To evade federal laws & regulations
Are designer drugs approved for medical or recreational use?
Synthetic { } are CNS stimulants, much like meth, coke, and MDMA.
List 3 effects of synthetic cathinones.
1) Euphoria
2) Acute psychosis
3) Aggressive behavior
Synthetic { } are plant materials sprayed with random chemicals, and they mimic THC.
List 3 effects of synthetic cannabinoids.
1) Psychotic episodes
2) Withdrawals
3) Aggressive behavior
Are Drugs of Concern controlled by the Controlled Substances Act?
They may or may not be
Drugs of Concern can range from { } substances to { } drugs.
1) Illicit
2) Prescription
This Drug of Concern is a cough suppressant present in over 120 meds that causes euphoria and visual & auditory hallucinations in high doses; it can also cause death when mixed with other drugs.
What is DMX (dextromethorphan)?
This Drug of Concern is derived from tree leaves in Southeast Asia and can lead to addiction when abused.
What is kratom?
How differently does kratom affect the body in low versus high doses?
Low doses - stimulant
High doses - sedative
This Drug of Concern is an herb that is either chewed, smoked, or vaporized and causes feelings of fear/panic, overlapping realities, and uncontrollable laughter.
What is Salvia Divinorum?
This Drug of Concern is found in plants, fungi, & animals and leads to short hallucinogenic effects, typically only lasting an hour.
What is DMT?
This is a plant where the primary hallucinogenic compound is DMT. Indigenous shamans in S. America often use it for religious practices.
What is Ayahuasca?