Nov. 21-24 Flashcards
Ella Mae Lentz
Deaf American
Poet, teacher, advocate, writer
Deaf family (she is oldest and has 1 brother)
Research on ASL
Author of book
Sign Name: E palm facing out taps right side of head 2x
Gary Malkowski
Sign Name: G with fingers pointing left tap forehead then chin
Canada’s first Deaf parliamentarian and first one in the world to address a legislature in a sign language, specifically ASL
Member of Ontario NDP
Director of SLIC
Q taps in front of body 2x slightly moving to right
P with right hand at right side of head, starts with palm/fingertips facing back, rotates forward and middle finger taps right temple
Sl Institute of Canada
Sign, Language, Institute, Canada
Agreement Verbs Practice (remember OSV)
She give him a chocolate chip cookie
Teacher take pen from me
You show me your keys
Cat I feed
Feed with 2 hands in direction to subject you are feeding
Left palm facing up, pinky side belly on elbow armpit of right side, right elbow slightly angled upwards
Right palm facing down straight in front, left elbow parallel to ground fingertips pointing to right, Right elbow at fingertips of left arm
4pm is afternoon; 5 Pm starts evening
L with arms; left elbow palm facing down, right elbow at left fingertips with right fingertips pointing upwards
Left palm facing down, right palm goes over the pinky belly side of the left hand so that fingertips point downwards and palm resting onto of left palm, fingertip bellies facing body
Matt Daigle
Funny cartoon artist
William Hoy
Deaf baseball player
Brought hand signals to the major leagues in the late 1800s (1888)
(e.g. Safe, Out, etc)
“Dummy”: person can’t talk
Silent Natural movie
Pinch with right thumb and index finger 2x onto base of left palm facing upwards
Today and then evening
Left palm faces right, right thumb digs into centre of left palm and index and middle finger point out then pivot to face upwards
Left elbow parallel with ground, right hand flicks bunny ears fingertips towards floor 2x
All morning
Morning but right elbow slowly swipes up
All afternoon
Morning but right elbow slowly swipes down
All night
Night with angle palm of right hand on top of flat left palm facing down, slowly pivots down into evening/right palm faces up/hugs left palm
Night, turn circle outwards from body and up until Afternoon
Eat 1x then morning
Left elbow parallel to ground fingertips pointing right, Right elbow on left fingertips with fingertips pointing up
One Day
Number 1 then day
All Day
Left arm parallel to ground palm facing ground, right elbow on left fingertips palm facing to the left, slowly falls down with palm open until right palm touches left elbow
Eat then evening
Time then 7 then morning
Once in a while
Right palm faces body and circles outwards as it moves away from body
Curved bunny ears curve into right low cheek 2x
Blow bubble
Pinch fist into claw fist with palm facing body at lips and move outward into claw fist like bubble of gum is growing then shrinking and repeat
Shoe with heels
Pout with face to indicate small
F prawd downward point line from left palm facing down
Gesture pointed front toe of shoe
Index fingers pointing downwards from ears
Claw hand with right hand starts in front of lips and moves outwards away keeping claw hand shape
V with right hand taps centre of front neck 1x
Hair bun
Pout with mouth to indicate small bun on head and twist claw fist to bun shape with right claw hand on head
Right hand index and thumb curves and moves up left wrist to emulate brackets stacking
Outline a necklace symmetrically from shoulders to centre with index/mulitple fingers
Texting but thumbs move at same time at heart
Index fingers start at sides of chin then bubble towards
Left palm facing right side, right finger gun taps into left centre palm 1x
Directional as a verb
X with both hands knuckles pointing outwards; right on top of left and swipes forward and out 2x
pinky taps right side under right eye 2x
Not yet
Right palm fingertips pointing down and palm facing back, palm at right side of body and shakes/flicks to back 2x
Ask if B is done with the chore
Affirm or negate
Chore, you finished
No, Chore finished not yet, Today afternoon
Post Office
Letter drop off/pick up
Post office man go, pick up
Hair appointment/do
Woman have appointment, hair do
Pharmacy /Medicine
Pharmacy store, woman go pick up
Borrow books from library
Library/Book store, man go, book/movie, borrow/buy
Dry cleaning
Dry clean woman go, dirty clothes drop off/clean clothes pick up
School drop off
School, mother, drop off, son
Mother, son, she drop off, him
School finished, mother pickup son
School, mother, bring, son
Pick up
People: close into fist
Objects: close into F
Both palms facing up, right above left, move in a diagonal across body where left palm ends by left hip
Woman have appointment, go see dentist
Gas fill
Woman go gas station, gas station (noun), full (right palm swipes across top of left fist to left)
Oil change
Woman go store, car, oil (finger spell), change
Zoo volunteer
Zoo woman go volunteer, animals, feed/take care/clean
Outline elephant’s curved trunk starting from nose with right palm facing down
Man have appointment, bring dog go see vet, check/vaccine/sick/test
Person, point, family point, help (directional), pack, move house
Left palm facing outwards, right index finger on centre palm, complex of hands shakes outwards 2x
Language but hands at fists at end of motion
Agreement verbs practice
Me throw chalk at him
She show him new blue shoes (shoes new blue OR new blue shoes)
You ask me to show him family pictures
R to X letter
Left palm fingertips up and palm facing body, right pinky side belly of palm knocks downwards on left palm like list
Joan gives her gray shirt to Betty (woman, point Joan, Woman, point, Betty, Her, gray shirt, she, gives)
Mike takes the pop from Bill
Frank shows his mother yearbook
Time, 7, morning
Left palm facing up, right index swipes in circles on centre left palm; like New but with right index finger
Once in a while
Left palm facing right, right index tip circles up in circles from left palm
Fists with both hands, right on top of left, right moves in horizontal circles on top of left
Gum story`
Boy enjoys chewing gum
His mother yells at him, she doesn’t like gum
Boy puts gum on chair seat and runs away
Nerdy boy with glasses, and bowtie walks and sits on chair, reads book, puts it away when finished and gets up but is stuck on chair, can’t stand
Picks gum and throws it on ground then throws away
Girl with bun earrings, necklace, bracelet, and heels is walking with her heels and gets stuck
Picks gum from heel and throws it as it lands on wall then walks away
boy and girl sweethearts go together girl against wall and boy hand on wall while he talks to her and she is in love, finished
girl walks away and boy’s hand is stuck on wall. He picks gum from hand and throws on seat then both walk away.
Boy comes back again and sees mother isn’t looking.
Sees his gum is still there. Gathers gum, puts it back in mouth, chews, blows. bubble, enjoys and walks away
Thumbs up fists middle phalanges together at left side of chest (heart level), thumbs move up and down bend simultaneously both hands