Nov. 14-17 Flashcards
Deaf president now
Rev. Jesse Jackson
CJ Jones
Deaf Comedian
Y with both hands, Y closest to mouth, alternate circles towards each other
Right hand on right cheek claw to close gently on cheek
V with both hands in front of chest, finger palms facing down fingertips out, alternate circles inward towards each other
Middle fingers flip up from chest 1x
Middle finger from chin to centre chest
X with both hands circle around head at same time (not alternating), fingertips pointing backwards
P or Y with both hands sway side to side same ways
R with both hands circle horizontally around head on each side; fingertips point back
Q with right hand circles on to left palm facing up
F starts together, fingertips pointing out, with both hands then separate
Fingers flutter from outside chest to centre
Thumbs tap each chest side 2x, open palms facing each other
“Vacation” but fingers flutter and stay in place instead of tap chest
“No” starts open on nose, middle finger touching nose,, then moves to centre chest and closes, fingertips facing left
T starts on nose and squiggles down
C palm facing outwards starts on left face and rainbows to right (like wreath)
C with palm facing outward turns inwards to body by right shoulder
R with both hands in front of chest horizontal with fingertip pointing both, move outwards forward
Beard motion
4 with both hands at centre chest and move outwards in slight U away from each other
Looks like a W motion when both hands moving
Open lights move up to close fists on each side
W circles on right cheek
B slides down right cheek`
Right hand on top of left open then close into fists as you move towards body
Right palm faces body, right fingertips move up and out of top of left palm
“Grow” (verb) is spring but 1x and slow
Right index points to left side, side of finger on forehead and swipes into letter X at right side of forehead
Left elbow angled upwards, left palm relaxed at centre chest
Right hand palm facing down swipes down at left elbow 2x
“Cold” but smaller motion
Remembrance day
Remember day
F with right hand, on left index finger tip together move up
E with both hands at chest sides Palms pivot turn into chest at same time
Lest we forget
We never forget
Index points circle, never, forget
Canada Day
Canada Day
Same as stars
Mother’s Day
Mother tap 2x then day
St. Patricks Day
Bunny ears curved with right hand circle then tap onto back of left fist which is pointing downwards
Father’s Day
Father tap 2x then day
Valentine’s Day
Heart (middle fingers draw heart on left side of chest) then day
Thumbs up with both hands right taps on heart, left taps on left hip
U with both hands move away from body (right on forehead, left in front of lips)
K’s on top of each other, right on top of left (knock 1x)
(Take care of is 2x knock)
Fingertips upwards, circle outwards alternating while fingers flutter
F with both hands interlock and pull away from each other; right hand fingertips up, left hand fingertips outwards
OR angle fists start interlocked and pull away from each other (like “story”)
Good looking
Good, then swipe right palm across face OR 2 swipes across face
Look Same/Look Different
Outline face (circle to left) then Same or Different
Look Same (Same person)
Outline face, then Y with both hands move outward forward 1x from chest sides
Angle palms at chest flick upwards 2x, fingertips touching chest to start and thumbs pointing up
Shawn Richardson
Funny artist
Graduated NTID in 1992
Specializes in humorous art on Macintosh and traditional media
Fingers open to pinch at chin 2x
Family small/new/young
Family then: small, new, or young
F with both hands in front of centre chest; right hand is slightly in front and above left; hands circle (right goes behind left) until right hand is directly in front of left
Wrists are crossed in front of centre chest with palms slightly clawed and open. Palms pull away to uncross into fists pointing outwards (not to sides)
I circles in front of right chest
Go out
Open fist at right forehead moves away into pinch fist
Stay here
Y with both hands, palms pointing down and move downward 1x
Stay there (home)
Y with right hand, palm faces out, moves away from right forehead 1x
Palms facing downwards, arms slightly angled to left, left palm in front of right. Hands pull back towards body into thumbs up fists pointing body/backwards.
What are you doing
You doing? (eyebrows down)
What will you be doing?
Tomorrow, you doing?
What were you doing?
Yesterday, you doing?
Thumbs up fist with right hand, thumb pointing back, and palm facing left side, swipes under cheekbone from ear to right side of chin 2x
House Clean
House then left palm faces upwards, and right palm swipes across it perpendicular (like money swiping away)
Fists with both hands palms facing body, they alternate moving upwards as the index fingers protrude from fist
R with both hands swipe inwards at each side shoulder 2x
Thumbs up fists with both hands thumbs point at shoulder (acromion processes) and point 2x
4 with both hands, fingertips spread, thumbs touching, then rest of fingertips clap together 2x simultaneously
Left index finger pointing upward, right hand does bunny ears and swipes from top to interlock ontop/around left index finger 1x
Institute National de Jeunes Sourds de Paris
First Public Deaf School in Paris France in the World
Started “School” in 17§0 with Abbe L’Epee
Government funded the school on July 29, 1791
Children of a Lesser God
Broadway 1980
Sarah Norman is a troubled young Deaf woman working as a janitor at a school for Deaf in New England. Teacher arrives at school and encourages her to set aside her insular life by learning how to speak aloud
“La Famille Belier”
CODA is adapted from this French film
Y with both hands right hand closer to face, circles alternate
Left index finger horizontal in front of centre chest, pointing to right side. Right index finger points outwards and swipes from top to bottom, crossing and flicking at the left index tip downwards.
Everyday Activities (Example)
-Woman have appointment, go out, see doctor, doctor, point, check check check
-Woman go ATM, take out/put in money
Asking when activity and responding
When asking: WHEN is last
When responding: WHEN is first
Asking what person will/does on a certain day
e.g. Next Saturday, woman doing what?
When asking AND responding, start with WHEN
X pointing outward/goes to whoever is asking who
Jacob, my great uncle is 87 years old
Your bird is not happy. It has no children.
His mother is my aunt
Zelda asks Ryan to put the apple in the wastebasket
The keys is under the chair
Thumbs up fists with both hands pointing upwards, palms facing slightly to each side. Palms curve inwards while right thumbs up fist moves in to touch left fist. 1x (Noun)
Close to vs Near
Close to: 1x and from inside body
Near: 2x and from outside of body
Left index finger pointing upwards in front of centre chest, right claw fist open with palm facing backwards, fingertips start touching left index finger, then right claw fist pulls back and away front left index finger towards right shoulder as fist closes.
Phyllis Frelich
Tony award for best actor
Deaf Actor
Marlee Matlin
Oscar award for best actor
Deaf Actor
X with both hands, fingertips pointing in to body, right hand starts on top and in front of left then palms circle (right moves behind left) until right hand is in front of left
When signing years
Break the 4 numbers into 2 separate groups
Left palm open and facing upwards, fingertips slightly outwards to right, right index finger belly swipes from left palm belly to fingertips 2x
William C. Stoke Jr
Hearing Professor at Gaulladet, teach English
Pioneering research on ASL and revolutionized its understanding in US
Tell world ASL is a true language
impact on deaf culture, education and sign language
1985 is when people started to see he was right!
Considered a hero in the Deaf community
Signed Name: claw hand with right hand taps on right side of head on hair
Left fist slightly angled upwards to right, with palm facing body (boxing hand), right fist slightly angled downwards and left, palm facing body, Left fist stays put, right moves and pinky side of fist knocks left fist on proximal phalanges 2x
F with both hands, thumb and index touching each other at centre chest, fingertips pointing outwards, left stays still, right fingertips twist/pivot front fingertips pointing up to out 2x
Left palm facing body slightly angled down to right hip; right lego hand clasps around the left fingertips and they shake together outwards away from body 2x
Left palm open and facing upwards in front of centre chest (slightly below), right palm open and facing left side fingertips outwards, pinky belly side of right palm swipes ontop and outwards on left palm
Charmaine Letourneau
Lived in Edmonton
First Deaf Canadian to the Order of Canada (2001)
Order of Canada Award
Teacher Deaf school
Enrich lives of Deaf and Hearing Canadians
Leader of Deaf community
Helped Deaf people have rights
Helped interpreters training in classrooms
Signed Name: C with palm facing face and fingertips touch right cheek near jaw
Directional Verbs
Give to (Angle fist; no pointing first, just directional)
Take from (Open palm facing down/outwards into fist, point first/after)
Show to (right index on left palm facing right side, point first/after)
Throw to (first to index and middle finger protrude; point first/after)
Ask to (X pointing outwards; no pointing, just directional)
Tell to (index finger starts from chin and flicks outwards with belly facing upwards in direction; no pointing just directional)
You tell me (point to you, then index finger faces face and taps chin then centre chest as in “me”)
Non directional verbs
Not all verbs are directional
Directional Verbs Practice
You show him family painting (Man, point, family painting, you show him)
You tell me that you are crazy (no osv for this)
Both palms in relaxed fist palms facing outwards at each side of chest start upwards and squiggle/zigzag down like dusting
IF small thing dusting, do same motion but only with one hand
OR can do stiffening motion in horizontal circle away body as if dusting a table/desk
Floor then right hand close fist in slight letter X, knuckle of index points outwards and move fist out in front and back to body in vacuum motion in front of right side of chest
Floor sweep
Left open palm facing up, right palm fingertips pointing down hover on top of left palm and fingers swipe front and back like sweeping
Dish clean
Dish: Letter C’s with both hands with only thumb and index fingers, finger tips point each other to centre chest
Dish clean: Left palm facing upwards, right fist middle phalanges circles on left palm
Dishwasher put in
Pretend open dishwasher door, then both hands in fists that flick downwards towards right hip as they open into relaxed open fists multiple times
Clothes wash
Clothes, then washing motion (right hand on top of left open/claw fists palms facing each other and twist in opposite directions)
then FINISH and put in…
X with right hand, fingertips pointing down and knuckle on left chin, swipes to right side of chin then in front of left chest turns to index finger pointing out which does circle motion like dryer door
Outside clean
Outside then clean (like house clean)
Left palm open facing up, right claw fist palm facing left palm and swipes towards body multiple times
Cut shrubs
Both hands in fists slight letter X, at each side of chest and move inwards towards centre chest like cutting with big scissors
OR machine, right fist in front of left and the hands move together to side/ whatever cutting direction
Fists with both hands at each side of chest middle phalanges facing outwards palms facing down, slight flick outwards and away body multiple times like mowing
Grass then mow
Fists in slight letter X with both hands, right in front of left and flick wrists upwards multiple times like shovelling
Garbage take out
Garbage then throw with both hands, index and middle fingers pointing up and back towards right shoulder
Garbage, dumping motion to side with claw hands, then tie bag motion
Garbage take out
Garbage then throw with both hands
Angle hands with both palms facing down direction to whatever you are feeding, left hand slightly behind right
Bills pay
BILL is fingerspelled then
Left palm open and right index finger checks on palm
If multiple bills payed, do motion multiple times at each direction (not in same spot)
Water plants
“spring” then water then cup tilt motion (can do cup, Y that tilts, or fist that tilts)
Make coffee
Coffee then make
Clothes fold
Clothes then open palms are facing upwards and alternate left clapping into right and right tapping into left
Put away clothes
Once folding is finished, fists with both hands palms facing outwards, fists move outwards and upwards diagonally away from body to open palms in whichever direction
Walk dog
Man dog take, go out, walk
House fix
F with palm facing outwards, turns inwards to X motion; both hands alternate doing this motion at each side of chest
Just do once with one hand if only facing one thing
How you feel doing chore
-Enjoy (happy OR both palms alternate circles at chest for formal)
-Don’t mind (Index on nose then flicks to point outwards away from nose)
D with right hand, thumb and middle finger intersection taps on back of left fist palm which is facing downwards 2x
Locations for non-present people
If talking about more than two non-present people who are not in any rank order, designate a location for each person along a horizontal arc in front of you starting on non-dominant side
Locations for non-present people
If talking about more than two non-present people who are not in any rank order, designate a location for each person along a horizontal arc in front of you starting on non-dominant side
House Check
House then right index finger taps nose and then goes into Checking motion on left open palm that is facing upwards
Right fist stacked on top of left fist, palms facing outwards, then fists pivot turn while still touching to face body (like a twisting motion of the fists on top of each other)
Events Calendar
Next __
Last __
Palms at each side of chest in front, facing upwards, index finger taps to pinch with thumb 2x
4 with right hand, back of hand touching under chin and swipes outwards 2x
4 with right hand, back of hand touching under chin and swipes outwards 2x