Nov 13 - Abdomen I: Abdominal Wall and Cavity Flashcards
Name the four boundaries of the abdomen
The superior, posterior, anterolateral and inferior
What is the superior border of the abdomen?
The diaphragm (fifth intercostal space)
What is the posterior border of the abdomen?
The lumbar vertebrae and quadratus lumborum muscles
What is the anterolateral border of the abdomen?
The muscles of the abdominal wall
What is the inferior border of the abdomen?
The pelvic brim
What is the functional difference between the thorax and the abdomen?
The thorax houses organs to keep you alive (heart, lungs, etc.). The abdomen houses organs for the harvesting of feul (stomach, intestines, etc.)
What is the main function of the abdomen?
It houses and protects the abdominal viscera - digestive organs, kidneys, spleen
Name the five functions of the abdominal muscles
I. Protection of abdominal viscera
II. Movement of the trunk
III. Compressing the abdominal viscera
IV. Allow expansion of abdominal cavity (parturition, etc.)
V. Expelling abdominal contents (micturition, defecation, parturition, vomiting) - increase intra-abdominal pressure
Name the four abdominal quadrants
The right and left upper quadrants and the right and left lower quadrants
How are the four abdominal quadrants divided?
The right and left quadrants are divided down the midline (median plane). The upper and lower quadrants are divided through the transumbilical plane
Name the three upper abdominal regions
The left and right hypochondriac region and the epigastric region
Name the three middle abdominal regions
The left and right lumbar (flank) region and the umbilical region
Name the three lower abdominal regions
The left and right iliac (inguinal) region (groin areas) and the hypogastric (pubic) region
What divides the upper and middle regions?
The subcostal plane
What divides the middle and lower regions?
The transtubercular plane
What divides the left and right regions from the middle (vertical) region?
The midclavicular planes
Name the layers of the anteriolateral abdominal wall from superficial to deep
Skin, superficial fascia, deep (investing) fascia, muscles, transversalis fascia, extraperitoneal fat/fascia and peritoneum
What makes up the superficial fasica?
The camper fascia and the scarpa fascia
What is the camper fascia?
The superficial fatty layer of subcutaneous tissue
What is the scarpa fascia?
The deep membranous layer of subcutaneous tissue
Name the four muscles of the anterolateral abdominal wall
The rectus abdominus, the exteral oblique, the internal oblique, the transversus abdominus