Nouns Flashcards
a masculine noun:- the man
der Mann
feminine noun:- the woman
die Frau
a neuter noun:- the child
das Kind
nouns ending in ‘ich’ are typically?
e.g. das Teppich (the carpet)
nouns ending in ‘schaft’ are typically?
e.g. die Gewerkschaft (trade union)
nouns ending in ‘ig’ are typically?
e.g. der Essig (vinegar)
nouns beginning in ‘ge’ are typically?
e.g. das Geschirr (the dishes)
nouns ending in ‘keit’ are typically?
e.g. die Sehenswürdigkeit (point of interest)
nouns ending in ‘ling’ are typically?
e.g. der Frühling (the spring)
nouns ending in ‘heit’ are typically?
e.g. die Schönheit, (beauty)
nouns ending in ‘ung’ are typically?
e.g. die Zeitung (the newspaper)
nouns ending in ‘ei’ are typically?
e.g. die Bäckerei (the bakery)
nouns ending in ‘lein’ are typically?
e.g. das Kindlein (young child)
nouns ending in ‘chen’ are typically?
e.g. das Haüschen (small house)
the masculine definite article (nominative)?
the feminine definite article (nominative)?
the neuter definite article (nominative)?
the plural definite article (nominative)?
masc indefinite article?
the feminine indefinite article (nominative)
the neuter indefinite article (nominative)?
What are the 6 main ways of forming plurals?
singular form
- nothing
- E
- (E)N
- +ER
- +S
- irregular
what is added to singular forms ending ‘en’?
no change
e.g. der Kuchen … Die Kuchen
(the kitchen)
In 3 cases of plural formation, an umlaut may also be added to bring the total to 9.
Which ones?
- nothing + umlaut
- E + umlaut
- ER + umlaut
what is added to singular forms ending ‘er’?
no change
what is added to singular forms ending ‘el’?
no change
what is added to the first vowel of some nouns to form a plural?
An umlaut
e.g. der Garten … die Gärten
(the garden)
plural of der Stuhl (the stool)?
die Stühle
plural of Geschenk (gift)?
die Geschenke
plural of der Tisch (table)?
die Tische
plural of die Apfel (apple)?
die Äpfel
plural of die Blume (flower)?
die Blumen
plural of der Lehrer (teacher)?
die Lehrer
plural of das Dach (roof)?
die Dächer
plural of das Auto (car)?
die Autos
plural of das Hotel (hotel)?
die Hotels
plural of der Chef (chef)?
die Chefs
what are the 4 cases of German Nouns?
- Nominative
- Accusative
- Dative
- Genitive
explain the nominative case
Nominative case is the default form of the verb, it is the subject of the sentence.
The man throw the ball.
The man is in the nominative case.
explain the accusative case
Accusative case is the object of the sentence.
The man throw the ball.
The ball is in the accusative case.
explain the dative case
Dative case is the recipient of the sentence.
The man throw the ball to the girl.
The girl is in the dative case.
explain the genitive case
Genitive case denotes ownership of the object of the sentence.
The man throw the boy’s ball to the girl.
The boy is in the genitive case.
nominative masculine articles (the, one and no)?
- der
- ein
- kein (no)
accusative masculine articles (the, one and no)?
- den
- einen
- keinen
dative masculine articles (the, one and no)?
- dem
- einem
- keinem
genitive masculine articles (the, one and no)?
- des
- eines
- keines
nominative feminine articles (the, one and no)?
- die
- eine
- keine (no)
accusative feminine articles (the, one and no)?
- die
- eine
- keine (no)
dative feminine articles (the, one and no)?
- der
- einer
- keiner
genitive feminine articles (the, one and no)?
- der
- einer
- keiner
nominative neuter articles (the, one and no)?
- das
- ein
- kein (no)
accusative neuter articles (the, one and no)?
- das
- ein
- kein (no)
dative neuter articles?
- dem
- einem
- keinem
genitive neuter articles (the, one and no)?
- des
- eines
- keines
nominative plural articles (the and no)?
- die
- keine
accusative plural articles (the and no)?
- die
- keine
dative plural articles (the and no)?
- den
- keinen
genitive plural articles (the and no)?
- der
- keiner
what is meant by the term, declension?
German nouns change their endings according to their :-
- gender
- case
- number
what is a weak noun?
A masculine noun, that with the exception of the nominative case, has all other cases ending in
-en or -n
- der Junge
- den Jungen
- dem Jungen
- des Jungen
Decline the masculine noun, Der Mann
Nominative, accusative, dative are the same.
An ‘S’ is added to the nominative to for the genitive
Note that -es is added rather than -s to aid pronounciation.
- Nom - Der Mann
- Acc - Den Mann
- Dat - Dem Mann
- Gen - Des Mannes
Decline the weak masculine noun, Der Elefant
‘EN’ is added to the nominative to form the accusative, dative and genitive cases. Note that -en is added rather than -n to aid pronounciation.
- Nom - Der Elefant
- Acc - Den Elefanten
- Dat - Dem Elefanten
- Gen - Des Elefanten
Decline the feminine noun, Die Frau
For all cases the noun endings are the same. This is true of all feminine nouns.
- Nom - Die Frau
- Acc - Die Frau
- Dat - Der Frau
- Gen - Der Frau
Decline the neuter noun, Das Buch
Nominative, accusative, dative are the same. An ‘S’ is added to the nominative to for the genitive. This is true for all neuter nouns.
- Nom - Das Buch
- Acc - Das Buch
- Dat - Dem Buch
- Gen - Des Buches
What are the diminutive endings in standard German?
-lein and -chen. e.g. das Mäuschen, das Tischlein
How may an adjective be converted to a noun?
by adding -heit to the adjective
e.g. krank (sick, ill),
die Krankheit (sickness, illness) - die Krankheiten (illnesses)
Decline the plural, Die Blumen
For all cases the noun endings are the same. This is true of all purals.
- Nom - Die Blumen
- Acc - Die Blumen
- Dat - Der Blumen
- Gen - Den Blumen
Translate “all of them”.
Decline “alle” (plural only)
alle declines like the definite article die
- nom - alle
- acc - alle
- dat - allen
- gen - aller
Translate “this”
Decline “dieser”
(masculine, feminine and neuter)
dieser declines like a definite article
- case - Masc__Fem__Neut Plural
- nom - dieser, diese, dieses, diese
- acc - diesen, diese, dieses, diese
- dat - diesem, dieser, diesem, diesen
- gen - dieses, dieser, dieses, dieser
translate “some”
einiger - declines like a definite article
translate “each”
jeder - declines like a definite article
translate “that”
jener - decline like a definite article
translate “many”
mancher - declines like a definite article
translate “such”
solcher - decline like a definite article
translate “which?”
welcher - decline like a definite article
How are possesive pronouns
e.g. mein (my) declined?
They are declined the same as indefinite
- Nom - mein, meine, mein,meine
- Acc - meinen, meine, mein, meine
- Dat- meinem. meiner, meinem, meinen
- Gen - meines, meiner, meines, meiner
What are the possesive pronouns my, your (informal, singular), and her (masc nom form)?
- mein
- dein
- sein
- ihr
What are the possesive pronouns our, your (plural) and their (masc nom)?
- unser
- euer
- ihr