Nouns Flashcards
fāma, fāmae
f. 1st rumor, report; fame, reputation
fōrma, fōrmae
f. 1st form, shape; beauty
fortūna, fortūnae
f. 1st fortune, luck
īra, īrae
f. 1st ire, anger
nauta, nautae
m. 1st sailor
patria, patriae
f. 1st fatherland, native land, (one’s) country
pecūnia, pecūniae
f. 1st money
philosophia, philosophiae
f. 1st philosophy
poena, poenae
f. 1st penalty, punishment
poēta, poētae
m. 1st poet
porta, portae
f. 1st gate, entrance
puella, puellae
f. 1st girl
rosa, rosae
f. 1st rose
sententia, sententiae
f. 1st feeling, thought, opinion, vote, sentence
vīta, vītae
f. 1st life, mode of life
venia, veniae
f. 1st favor, pardon
clēmentia, clēmentiae
f. 1st clemency, mercy
turba, turbae
f. 1st crowd, multitude
īnsānia, īnsāniae
f. 1st unsoundness, insanity
avāritia, avāritiae
f. 1st avarice
catēna, catēnae
f. 1st chain
rota, rotae
f. 1st wheel
perīculum, perīculī
n. 2nd danger, risk
arca, arcae
f. 1st box, chest
gemma, gemmae
f. 1st jewel, gem
ager, agrī
m. 2nd field, farm
agricola, agricolae
m. 1st farmer
fēmina, fēminae
f. 1st woman
fīlia, fīliae
f. 1st daughter, dat. and abl. pl. fīliābus
fīlius, fīliī
m. 2nd son
numerus, numerī
m. 2nd number
populus, populī
m. 2nd the people, a people, a nation
puer, puerī
m. 2nd boy, child
sapientia, sapientiae
f. 1st wisdom
vir, virī
m. 2nd man, hero
benevolentia, benevolentiae
f. 1st benevolence, kindness, goodwill
cōpia, cōpiae
f. 1st abundance
modus, modī
m. 2nd moderation
orīgō, orīginis
f. 3rd origin
deus, deī
m. 2nd god, voc. sg. deus, nom. pl. dī, dat. + abl. pl. dīs
fābula, fābulae
f. 1st story, tale
signum, signī
n. 2nd sign, proof
caelum, caelī
n. 2nd sky, heaven
habēna, habēnae
f. 1st strap; (plural) reigns
sōl, sōlis
m. 3rd the sun
equus, equī
m. 2nd horse
bāsium, bāsiī
n. 2nd kiss
bellum, bellī
n. 2nd war
cōnsilium, cōnsiliī
n. 2nd plan, purpose, counsel, advice, judgement, wisdom
cūra, cūrae
f. 1st care, attention, caution, anxiety
dōnum, dōnī
n. 2nd gift, present
exitium, exitiī
n. 2nd destruction, ruin
magister, magistrī
m. 2nd schoolmaster, teacher, master
magistra, magistrae
f. 1st schoolmistress, teacher, mistriss
mora, morae
f. 1st delay
u. nothing
oculus, oculī
m. 2nd eye
officium, officiī
n. 2nd duty, service
ōtium, ōtiī
n. 2nd leisure, peace
remedium, remediī
n. 2nd cure, rememdy
crūstulum, crūstulī
m. 2nd cookie
adulēscentia, adulēscentiae
f. 1st youth, young manhood; youthfulness
animus, animī
f. 2nd soul, spirit, mind
culpa, culpae
f. 1st fault, blame
glōria, glōriae
f. 1st glory, fame
verbum, verbī
m. 2nd word
invidia, invidiae
f. 1st dislike
supplicium, suppliciī
n. 2nd punishment
rēx, rēgis
m. 3rd king
bōs, bōvis
f. 3rd cow
amīca, amīcae
f. 1st friend
amīcus, amīcī
m. 2nd friend
custōs, custōdis
m. 3rd guard, watchman
terra, terrae
f. 1st earth, ground, land, country
cauda, caudae
f. 1st tail
pāvō, pāvōnis
m. 3rd peacock
discipulus, discipulī
m. 2nd learner, pupil, student
discipula, discipulae
f. 1st learner, pupil, student
īnsidiae, īnsidiārum
f. pl. 1st ambush, plot, treachery
liber, librī
m. 2nd book
tyrannus, tyrannī
m. 2nd absolute ruler, tyrant
vitium, vitiī
n. 2nd fault, crime, vice
uxor, uxōris
f. 3rd wife
frāter, frātris
m. 3rd brother
membrum, membrī
n. 2nd limb, part of the body
cēna, cēnae
f. 1st dinner, meal
mēnsa, mēnsae
f. 1st table
amor, amōris
m. 3rd love
carmen, carmenis
n. 3rd song, poem
cīvitās, cīvitātis
f. 3rd state, citizenship
corpus, corporis
n. 3rd body
homō, hominis
m. 3rd human being, man
labor, labōris
m. 3rd labor, work, toil; a work
littera, litterae
f. 1st a letter of the alphabet
litterae, litterārum
f. pl. 1st a letter (epistle), literature
mōs, mōris
m. 3rd habit, custom, manner
nōmen, nōminis
m. 3rd name
pāx, pācis
f. 3rd peace
rēgīna, rēgīnae
f. 1st queen
tempus, temporis
n. 3rd time; occasion, opportunity
virgo, virginis
f. 3rd maiden, virgin
virtūs, virtūtis
f. 3rd manliness, courage; excellence, character, worth, virtue
plēbs, plēbis
f. 3rd the common people
prīnceps, prīncepis
m. 3rd cheif, prince
honor, honōris
m. 3rd honor, office
servītūs, servitūtis
f. 3rd servitude
recuperātiō, recuperātiōnis
f. 3rd recovery
mortālis, mortālis
3rd a mortal
voluntās, voluntātis
f. 3rd will, wish
statua, statuae
f. 1st statue
plaustrum, plaustrī
n. 2nd wagon, cart
praemium, praemiī
n. 2nd reward
prex, precis
f. 3rd prayer
mors, mortis
f. 3rd death
dolor, dolōris
m 3rd pain, grief
cōpia, cōpiae
f. 1st abundance, supply
cōpiae, cōpiārum
f. 1st pl. supplies, troops, forces
laus, laudis
f. 3rd praise, glory, fame
lībertās, lībertātis
f. 3rd liberty
ratiō, ratiōnis
f. 3rd reckoning, account; reason, judgment, consideration; system; manner, method
scrīptor, scrīptōris
m. 3rd writer, author
soror, sorōris
f. 3rd sister
victōria, victōriae
f. 1st victory
urbs, urbis
f. 3rd city
nox, noctis
f. 3rd night
templum, templī
n. 2nd temple
sacerdōs, sacerdōtis
m. 3rd priest
hasta, hastae
f. 1st spear
serpēns, serpentis
m. 3rd snake, sea-serpent
error, errōris
m. 3rd a going estray, error, mistake
iter, iternis
n. 3rd road, way
auctor, auctōris
m. 3rd author
schola, scholae
f. 1st school
locus, locī
m 2nd. place; passage in literature
loca, locōrum
n. 2nd pl. places, regions
locī, locōrum
m. 2nd pl. passages in literature
morbus, morbī
m. 2nd disease, sickness
studium, studiī
n. 2nd eagerness, zeal, pursuit, study
dux, ducis
m. 3rd leader
castra, castrōrum
n. 2nd pl. camp (military)
iuvenis, iuvenis
m. 3rd young man, youth
praeda, praedae
f. 1st loot
somnus, somnī
m. 2nd sleep
ōrnāmentum, ōrnāmentī
n. 2nd decoration, fancy clothing
galea, galeae
f. 1st helmet
splendor, splendōris
m. 3rd brightness, shine
orbis, orbis
m. 3rd circle, orb
amīcitia, amīcitiae
f. 1st friendship
cupiditās, cupiditātis
f. 3rd desire, longing, passion; cupidity
hōra, hōrae
f. 1st hour, time
nātūra, nātūrae
f. 1st nature
senectūs, senectūtis
f. 3rd old age
timor, timōris
m. 3rd fear
vēritās, vēritātis
f. 3rd truth
via, viae
f. 1st way, road, street
voluptās, voluptātis
f. 3rd pleasure
annus, annī
m. 2nd year
immortālitās, immortālitātis
f. 3rd immortality
cavea, caveae
f. 1st cage
mūsa, mūsae
f. 1st muse
corōna, corōnae
f. 1st crown
occāsiō, occāsiōnis
f. 3rd opporotunity
fātum, fāti
n. 2nd fate; death; often pl. the fates
ōrdō, ōrdinis
m. 3rd rank
obsequium, obsequiī
n. 2nd compliance
odium, odiī
n. 2nd hate
animī, animōrum
m. 2nd pl. high spirits, pride, courage
mōrēs, mōrum
m. pl. 3rd habit, morals, character
dea, deae
f. 1st goddess, dat. + abl. pl. deābus
Graecus, Graecī
m. 2nd a Greek
cicerõ, cicerõnis
m. 3rd (Marcus Tullius) Cicero
caput, capitis
n. 3rd head; leader; beginning; life; heading; chapter
cōnsul, cōnsulis
m. 3rd consul
caverna, cavernae
f. 1st cave
cāseus, cāseī
m. 2nd cheese
ovis, ovis
f. 3rd sheep
tignum, tignī
n. 2nd log, stick, trunk of a tree
flamma, flammae
f. 1st flame
nēmō, nūllīus, nēminī, nēminem, nūllō, or nūllā
m./f. no one, nobody
adulēscēns, adulēscentis
m./f. 3rd young man or woman
māter, mātris
f. 3rd mother
medicus, medicī
m. 2nd doctor, physician
medica, medicae
f. 1st doctor, physician
pater, patris
m. 2nd father
patientia, patientiae
f. 1st suffering; patience, endurance
prīncipium, prīncipiī
n. 2nd beginning
titulus, titulī
m. 2nd label, title; placard
senex, senis
m. 3rd old man
tragoedia, tragoediae
f. 1st tragedy
mūrus, mūrī
m. 3rd wall
dīvitiae, dīvitiārum
f. 1st pl. riches, wealth
factum, factī
n. 2nd deed, act, achievment
signum, signī
n. 2nd sign, signal, indication; seal
silva, silvae
f. 1st forest, wood
vōx, vōcis
f. 3rd voice
imāgō, imāginis
f. 3rd image, reflection
stagnum, stagnī
n. 2nd pool of water
flōr, flōris
m. 3rd flower
eques, equitis
m. 3rd horseman
sapiēns, sapientis
m. 3rd wise man, philosopher
animal, animālis
m. 3rd a living creature, animal
aqua, aquae
f. 1st water
ars, artis
f. 3rd art, skill
auris, auris
f. 3rd ear
cīvis, cīvis
m./f. 3rd citizen
iūs, iūris
n. 3rd right, justice, law
mare, maris
n. 3rd sea
nūbēs, nūbis
f. 3rd cloud
ōs, ōris
n. 3rd mouth, face
pars, partis
f. 3rd part, share; direction
turba, turbae
f. 1st uproar, disturbance; mob, crowd, multitude
vīs, vīs
f. 3rd force, power, violence
vīrēs, vīrium
f. 1st pl. strength
formīca, formīcae
f. 1st ant
onus, oneris
n. 3rd load
lupus, lupī
m. 2nd wolf
cliēns, clientis
m. 3rd client, dependent
exemplar, exemplāris
n. 3rd model, original
taurus, taurī
m. 2nd bull
arx, arcis
f. 3rd citadel, fortress
collum, collī
n 2nd neck
bracchium, bracchiī
n. 2nd arm
memoria, memoriae
f. 1st memory, recollection
tempestās, tempestātis
f. 3rd period of time, season; weather, storm
nāvis, nāvis
f. 3rd ship
passer, passeris
m 3rd sparrow
gremium, gremiī
n. 2nd lap
tōnsor, tōnsōris
m. 3rd barber
barba, barbae
f. 1st beard
cappilus, cappilī
m. 2nd hair
īnsula, īnsulae
f. 1st island
victima, victimae
f. 1st sacrificial beast, victim
vēlum, vēlī
n. 2nd sail
scopulus, scopulī
m. 2nd rock, cliff
libellus, libellī
m. 2nd little book
levis, leve
(all) 3rd light; easy; slight, trivial
dīmidium, dīmidiī
n. 2nd half
simulātiō, simulātiōnis
f. 3rd pretense, insincerity
cūnctātiō, cūnctātiōnis
f. 3rd delay
rūmor, rūmōris
m. 3rd rumor, gossip
flūmen, flūminis
n. 3rd river
genus, generis
n. 3rd origin; kind, type, sort, class
hostis, hostis
m. 3rd an enemy (of the state)
hostēs, hostium
m. 3rd the enemy
lūdus, lūdī
m. 2nd game, sport; school
probitās, probitātis
f. 3rd uprightness, honesty
scientia, scientiae
f. 1st knowledge
argūmentum, argūmentī
n. 2nd proof, evidence, argument
auctor, auctōris
m. 3rd increaser; author, originator
beneficium, beneficiī
n. 2nd benefit, kindness; favor
familia, familiae
f. 1st household, family
Graecia, Graeciae
f. 1st Greece
iūdex, iūdicis
m. 3rd judge, huror
iūdicium, iūdiciī
n. 2nd judgement, decision, opinion; trial
scelus, sceleris
n. 3rd evil deed, crime, sin, wickedness
casa, casae
f. 1st house, cottage, hut
causa, causae
f. 1st cause, reason; case
fenestra, fenestrae
f. 1st window
fīnis, fīnis
m. 3rd end, limit, boundary; purpose
fīnēs, fīnium
m. 3rd boundaries, territory
gēns, gentis
f. 3rd clan, race, nation, people
mundus, mundī
m. 3rd world, universe
nāvis, nāvis
f. 3rd ship, boat
salūs, salūtis
f. 3rd health, safety; greeting
Trōia, Trōiae
f. 1st Troy
vīcīnus, vīcīnī
m. 2nd neighbor
vīcīna, vīcīnae
f. 1st neighbor
vulgus, vulgī
n. 2nd the common people, mob, rabble
cornū, cornūs
n. 4th horn
frūctus, frūctūs
m. 4th fruit; profit, benefit, enjoyment
genū, genūs
n. 4th knee
manus, manūs
f. 4th hand; handwriting; band
metus, metūs
m. 4th fear, dread, anxiety
mōns, montis
m. 3rd mountain
senātus, senātūs
m. 4th senator
sēnsus, sēnsūs
m. 4th feeling, sense
servitūs, servitūtis
f. 3rd servitude, slavery
spīritus, spīritūs
m. 4th breath, breathing; spirit, soul
versus, versūs
m. 4th line of verse
diēs, diēī
m. 5th day
ferrum, ferrī
n. 2nd iron; sword
fidēs, fideī
f. 5th faith, trust, trustworthiness, fidelity; promise, gauraentee, protection
ignis, ignis
m. 3rd fire
modus, modī
m. 2nd measure, bound, limit; manner, method, mode, way
rēs, reī
f. 5th thing, matter, property, businessm affair
rēs pūblica, reī pūblicae
f. 1st state, commonwealth, republic
spēs, speī
f. 5th hope
Stōicus, Stōicī
m. 2nd a Stoic philosopher