Nouns 02 Flashcards
an event (x2)
NB; there may be nuaces of meaning but both mean event.
el suceso el evento (sporting)
a carpet
la moqueta
a fabric
la tela
a factory
la fábrica
a condom
el preservativo
preservatives (food)
los conservantes
the gender
el género
money (in the sense of investment)
el capital
NB: a masculine word.
La capital would refer to a capital city.
the final (of a competition)
la final
la final del mundial del fútbol es imprevisible
the end / the ending (book/film)
el final
bottle top
el tapón
a guidebook
una guía
a guide (person)
un guía
NB: una guía would be a female guide BUT also a guide book - check for context
the front (the front line)
el frente
NB: gender… la frente is forehead
the order (in terms of arrangement)
el orden
the order (in terms of a command)
la orden
the cut (in skin)
el corte
the court (royal or architecture)
la corte
la vejiga
sugar lump
el terrón de azúcar
colds and catarrh
los resfríos y catarros
a brew / stock (liquid)
el cocimiento
a noun which means a ‘specific situation when a drug might not be recommended for use’ such as with a pregnant woman or infant.
las contraindicaciones
NB: both in the sence of a something that belongs to sombody and the qualities of a substance.
la propiedad
la manzanilla
a cloth
el paño
la profesionalidad
a time reference
(such as saying ‘yesterday… last year… ‘ etc.
una referencia temporal
tabloid headline / newspaper headline
el titular de prensa
housing / shelter
la vivienda
a sit-in (protest)
una sentada
a settlement (of people)
el asentamiento
the decline / declivity
nb: in decline
el declive
nb: en declive
military commander
el caudillo
an award / a gong / a prize
not like a raffle prize but cultural,
but note: nobel prize
el galardón
NB; premio nóbel
el seudónimo
a listing / a directory / a printout / a manifest
un listado
provisions - of the sort used to feed an army but also just food and water.
los víveres
a tight spot / a jam / difficulty
un apuro
el rayo
corner of the mouth / eye
la comisura de la boca / del ojo
nb: comisura is a corner or angle
highway / carriageway / road
NB: not ‘calle’ but like ‘roman road’
la calzada (romana)
a tiled roof
NB: not ‘techo’
el tejado
fire / fireside / light
nb; a la lumbre = by the fireside
(the sense of) touch
nb; it has a soft feel/touch
el tacto
NB; tiene un tacto suave
a pitcher (for water)
el cántaro
nb; llover a cántaros = to rain cats and dogs
clan / race / stock
la estirpe
la censura
heading / header / headline / titlepage
la cabezera