NOTECH Assessment Skills Flashcards
What are the FOUR NOTECH Categories?
- Situational Awareness
- Decision Making
- Co-operation
- Leadership & Workload Management
Describe the “Component Skills” assessed for
- System Awareness
- Environmental Awareness
- Anticipation
Describe the “Component Skills” of
- Problem Identification
- Option Generation
- Option Selection
- Review
Describe the “Component Skills” of
- Encouraging Particiption
- Consideration of Others
- Supporting of Others
- Conflict Resolution
Describe the “Component Skills” of
- Use of Authority and Assertiveness
- Maintaining Standards
- Planning and Co-ordination
- Workload Management
System Awareness is a component Skill of Situational Awareness.
What “Elements of Ability” do we use to measure this skill?
- Actively monitors aircraft systems and reports any change in status
- Verifies and acknowledges entries/selections made by other crew member(s) that relate to systems operation
Environmental Awareness is a component Skill of Situational Awareness.
What “Elements of Ability” do we use to measure this Skill?
- Gathers information about the environment relevant to the operation
- Utilises external resources as necessary
- Shares information about the environment with other crew members
Anticipation is a component Skill of Situational Awareness.
What “Elements of Ability” do we use to measure this Skill?
- Discusses future implications of current situation and identifies problems that may arise
- Considers possible time constraints and ensures other crew members are aware
- Discusses contingency plans
Problem Identificatiom is a component Skill of Decision Making.
What “Elements of Ability” do we use to measure this Skill?
- Considers all relevant information when identifying problems, consulting other crew members and/or external resources as necessary
- Reviews possible casual factors
- Considers possible time constraints
- Seeks consensus on nature of problem and implications
Option Generation is a component Skill of Decision Making.
What “Elements of Ability” do we use to measure this Skill?
- Seeks opinions from other crew members regarding the options that are available
- States which alternative courses of action should be considered as viable options in terms of feasibility and time frame
Option Selection is a component Skill of Decision Making.
What “Elements of Ability” do we use to measure this Skill?
- Considers the benefits and risks associated with each alternative course of action
- Considers alternative courses of action in terms of crew and/or aircraft limitations
- Confirms the selected course of action
Review is a component Skill of Decision Making.
What “Elements of Ability” do we use to measure this Skill?
- Checks actual outcome against anticipated outcome
- Time permitting, re-evaluates original decision making for soundness and/or possible improvement
Encouraging Participation is a component Skill of Decision Making.
What “Elements of Ability” do we use to measure this Skill?
- Establish an atmosphere for open communication and participation
- Encourages input and feedback from others
Consideration of Others is a component Skill of Decision Making.
What “Elements of Ability” do we use to measure this Skill?
- Takes notice of the suggestions made by other crew members even if he/she does not agree
- Takes into account the capability of other crew members and the demands placed upon them
Supporting of Others is a component Skill of Decision Making.
What “Elements of Ability” do we use to measure this Skill?
- Helps other crew members in demanding situations
- Provides encouragement
Conflict resolution is a component Skill of Decision Making.
What “Elements of Ability” do we use to measure this Skill?
- Keeps calm if conflict arises
- Suggests ways of resolving any conflict
- Concentrates on what is right rather than who is right
Authority/Assertiveness is a component Skill of Decision Making.
What “Elements of Ability” do we use to measure this Skill?
- Advocates own position
- Takes initiative to ensure task completion, involving crew members as appropriate
- Takes command if situation requires
Maintaining Standards is a component Skill of Decision Making.
What “Elements of Ability” do we use to measure this Skill?
- Ensures compliance with SOPs
- Intervenes if there is a deviation from SOPs if the situation requires
Planning and Co-ordination is a component Skill of Decision Making.
What “Elements of Ability” do we use to measure this Skill?
- Works with other crew members to ensure adequate planning
- Clearly states intentions and goals
- Consults other crew members and changes to plan if situation requires
Workload Management is a component Skill of Decision Making.
What “Elements of Ability” do we use to measure this Skill?
- Distributes tasks amongst crew members. Monitors stress/performance and, if necessary, modifies task distribution
- Prioritises tasks to ensure primary flight/operational requirements are met before secondary ones
- ·Where possible, ensures enough time is available for task completion