COAS Flashcards
How would you fly an SRA approach?
- Controller provides lateral guidance
- Controller provides advisory alt / range info
- At FAP, “start descent now, 3 degree glide”
- Advis. alt / range every 1nm (0.5nm if app finish less 2)
- Do NOT read back instructions
Set up and flying:
- FMGC = Landing runway only
- HDG / VS to be used
- Either to 2nm or 0.5nm
- VDEV will be displayed
- ROD = G/S * 5 (or G/S / 2 * 10)
How would you do a powerpush?
- OETD not available
- Must be attached to LH Main Gear
- Eng 1 only started after PP disco.
1) Discuss with operator regarding direction
2) Confirm Pushback Lever NORM (strg)
3) Start no.2 on stand after start up clearance
4) Push back after push back clearance
5) Follow instructions “left” “more left” straight”
* Left = tail left = STRG LEFT
6) Disco PP
7) Start eng 1
What would you do if you get a WING AIR BLEED LEAK on a hot day on stand?
- On a hot day, overheating may be detected around bleed ducts in the wing (124 degrees = ECAM)
- Some airlines have SOP to leave Slats in 1 when OAT above 30 degrees (not us)
If we have a WING AIR LEAK ecam on stand on a hot day:
- Consider deploying FLAP 1 after consideration of obstacles (e.g fuel truck, ground handling)
- Ensure wing area is clear
- Blue OVRD (maint panel) ON
- Select FLAPS 1
- Only Slats come out
- Blue OVRD (maint panel) OFF
- Select Flaps 0 (prevents FLAPS deploying if HYD PWR)
What is the procedure for retracting flaps on stand if contamination was suspected?
- Ensure inspection and approval obtained
When is a manual engine start recommended?
- after aborting a start because:
1) engine stall
2) engine EGT over limit
3) low start air pressure - expecting a start abort because:
1) degraded bleed Perf in hot and high
2) engine with reduced EGT margin in hot and high
3) marginal perf of external pneumatic
4) intermittent ECAM IGN a(b) faults during first start of day
When do we require two destination alternates?
When no WX information for dest available
- When WX below planning minima
- Landing performance requirements can not be assured at destination due dependence on specific wind component or runway state.
What WX must you take into account with regards to ceiling / RVR vs approach types?
RVR should be taken into account.
If non precision and circling, ceiling should also be taken into account.
When planning for an alternate, the TAF indicates in a prob/temp that the weather will be below limits.
Can this alternate be used?
YES as a PROB TEMPO may be disregarded.
When planning for an alternate, the TAF indicates in a TEMPO / PROB30/40 (both alone) that the weather will be below limits.
Can this alternate be used?
f transient / showery then it can be disregarded.
If it is persistent (e.g fog) then needs to be considered. Mean wind should be within limits but gusts can be disregarded.
What is the planning minima for a take off alternate?
- Minimum for expected instrument approach
- Taking into account OEI & MEL items
- Within 1 hour flight time OEI (max 320)
- Increased landing minima if OVW
Alternate distances:
T/O Alt: 320
Dest: 380 (A319)
Dest: 400 (A320)
What is the planning minima for a destination alternate if only a non precision approach is available?
MDA+ 200 / RVR + 1000
What is the planning minima for a destination alternate if Cat 2 approach available?
What is the planning minima for a destination alternate if only a circling approach is available?
Circling Minima
How long is a temp forecast expected to last for?
- Less than an hour
- If in broken periods, less than half the total period
- Fuel to fly for 30 minutes at holding speed
- 1500ft overheard alternate
- ISA conditions. Weight expected at ALT
If planning to tanker maximum fuel, what are the maximum landing weight considerations?
MLW - 1% / MTOW - 1%
TANKER fuel accounts for certified max weights but CANNOT allow for T/O / LDG weight limitations due to runway / climb performance requirements.
When can you NOT tanker fuel?
- Contaminated / slippery runways
- Performance limited runways
For fuel planning purposes, what is associated fuel usage with EAI + WAI in climb / cruise & hold
EAI: 1.1kg EAI + WAI = 2
EAI: 1 EAI + WAI 2
EAI: 2 EAI + WAI: 3
What is contingency fuel:
Fuel to cover for unforeseen circumstances. Can be burnt after push back / engine start.
- 5% of panned trip (or remaining trip if re=plan)
- 5 mins holding, 1500ft, ISA, Dest Aerodrome
When STAT figures available, contingency will be the greater of STAT95 / STAT99 (select pairs) or 5 minutes.