Failures and consequences Flashcards
What are the emergency descent memory items?
- PF Loop:
- Put oxygen masks on
- Select a lower altitude on the FCU and pull
- Select a heading off track
- Select and pull current speed
- If damage, push Mach/Speed button
- Read the FMA’s
- Select and use speed speedbrake slowly if required
- Refine, altitude, heading and speed
- PNF Loop:
- Put oxygen masks on
- Seat belt signs on
- Ignition mode selector to ignition
- Set squak to 7700
- Make a mayday call
- Consider oxygen masks if cabin altitude is past 14,000ft
What is the unreliable speed checklist?
- AP/ATHR off
- FD’s off
- Below thrust reduction altitude select TOGA and 15o nose up
- Above thrust reduction altitude select CLB and 10o nose up
- Above FL100 select CLB and 5o nose up
- If flaps full select flap 3
- Check speedbrake retracted
- Landing gear up
Primary method of recognition is to check the aircraft attitude with the thrust and the displayed performance. Use the GPS monitor page, repsect the stall warning. You can use the FPV is the altitude information is good.
Once the speed is stable you can then continue with the QRH and trouble shoot the ADR’s.
How would you proceed with an evacuation?
- Make sure the parking brake is set
- Carry out ECAM actions in nessesary
- CM1 call for the “Emergency Evacuation Checklist”
- CM2 Reads checklist, CM1 confirms by reading out
- Commander duties after:
- Get High Vis Jackets
- Take loading form
- Is the last person to leave the cockpit. Proceeds to the cabin and helps with Pax evacuation
- Last person to leave the aircraft preferably by the rear door if able
- Take command on the ground until emergency rescue units arrive
Excess Cabin Altitude
- Should be relied upon even if other sources don’t say so.
- Get an oxygen mask on.
- Initiate a descent according to emergency descent.
- Once descent is initiated check the position of the outflow valve, and if not fully closed, then close it.
Cabin overpressure
- No ECAM so go into the QRH ABN 21 procedure.
- Involves turning off packs and using avionics confirguration to dump cabin air overboard.
Pack Fault
(AIR Pack 1(2)(1+2) Fault)
- Pack valve disagrees with the selected poisition.
- If dual pack failure start a descent to FL100 or MEA.
- Attempt to reinstate pack if fault light goes out.
Emergency Electrical Configuration
(ELEC EMER Config)
- Due to loss of AC Bus 1 & 2.
- Ensure that the emergency generator is on line and deploy manually if required.
- Get the APU running if you can, have to wait 45 secs and and be below FL250.
- This powers the blue hydraulic system that then in turn powers the emergency generator.
- Emergency generator supplies both AC and DC ESS Buses.
- Below 125kts the RAT stalls and power is automatically transferred to the batteries. The AC and DC SHED ESS buses are shed.
- Below 100kts the DC BAT Bus is automatically connected.
- Below 50kts the AC ESS Bus is shed.
- As only PFD1 is available CM1 becomes PF
- Notable loses are fuel pumps (ignition on), anit-skid, three fifths of spoilers.
- Landing distances and speeds are increased greatly
Battery Only
- Power is only available for 30 minutes
- Similar to emer elec config but without FAC1 and FMGC1
- Attempt to bring the emer generator online
IDG low/high oil temperature
- The IDG should be disconnected.
- Assuming the associated engine is running, press the IDG button until the GEN FAULT light comes on.
- DO NOT press the button for more than 3 seconds.
- Use APU Generator if available.
- Loss of CAT III Dual capability
Generator Fault
- Try to reset the generator by turning it off then on.
- Use the APU
- CAT III Dual capability lost
- Split bus architecture - when apu generator connected, redundancy not there for a CAT III Dual
AC Bus 1 Fault
- Some or all of the equipment on AC bus 1 becomes unavailable, including TR1.
- DC Bus 1 is powered by DC Bus 2 via the battery bus.
- Power must be re-routed to the AC ESS bus which is done automatically on all our aircraft
- Once the AC ESS Bus is powered, it power the DC ESS bus via the ESS TR.
- Notable lost equipment:
- Blue Hydraulic system
- Spoiler 3
- RA1 - (Loose CAT III)
- Half the fuel pumps
- Nose Wheel Steering
- CM1 Windshield heat
AC Bus 2 Fault
- Some or all of the equipment on AC Bus 2 becomes unavilable including TR2.
- DC Bus 2 is powered from DC Bus 1 via the battery bus.
- The majority of the equipment has a redundant backup
- Systems lost:
- FO’s PFD and ND
AC ESS Bus fault
- It may be possible to recover the bus by transferring its power source to AC BUS 2 with AC ESS FEED button.
- Majority of this equipment has a redundant backup.
- Lost systems:
- Captains PFD and ND
- Downgrade to CAT I
- Landing distances unchanged
AC Essential Shed Bus
- Major issue is the loss of the pax oxygen masks
- Capt AoA
- Capt ND
- Landing distances unchanged
DC Bus 2 Fault
(ELEC DC Bus 2 Fault)
- F/O’s static probe sensor is lost, so ADR 3 should be selected to FO side.
- FCU 2 is lost, check baro ref on FCU and PFD agree.
- Landing distance increases up to 35% due to the loss of three ground spoilers per side and one reverser.
- Autobrake is not available.
- Slats and flaps slow.
- Engines in approach idle
- FAC 2 is lost, all speeds now provided by FAC 1
- FO window heat and wipers
- Only flight computers remaining are ELAC 1, SEC 1 and FAC 1
DC Essential Bus Fault
- Of particular importance, audio cards connecting VHF2 and VHF3 are lost in addition to VHF1 therefore all comms are lost.
- FCU 1 is lost as is GPWS and should be turned off.
- Landing distances increased due to the loss of reverser 2 and the the loss of the Blue Hydraulic System.
- Wing anti ice lost so if ice accretion takes place approach speeds need to be increased.
- Slats and flaps slow due to loss of SFCC1.
- Landing capability is CAT II due to the loss of AUTOTHRUST.
DC BUS 1 + 2 Failure
- Both channels of the BSCU are lost - no anti-skid.
- 3 spoilers from each side and both reversers - STOPPING PROBLEM
- Center tank pumps lost therefore fuel unusable
- Slats and flaps are slow
DC Emergency Configuration
- Defined as the loss of DC BUS 1 + 2, DC ESS BUS, DC BAT BUS
- The check assumes that DC ESS BUS can be recovered by deploying the RAT with thwe EMER ELEC PWR button.
- Severe increase in landing distance
Elevator faults
(F/CTL L (R) (L+R) ELEV Fault)
- Single elevator fails, SEC’s use remaining elevator to proivde pitch control. Speed brake not to be used.
- Dual elevator fail, only mechanism for pitch control is MAN PITCH TRIM.
- Long approach
- Don’t attempt to flare, leave power on
Stabilizer Jam
- Manual pitch trim is avaiable as mechanical connection to the stabilizer. May be possible to use when ELAC’s have detected a stabilizer jam, albeit heavier than normal.
- If it is usable then trim for neutral elevators.
- Alternate Law.
- If jammed, gear extension should be delayed until CONF 3 and Vapp are achieved.
- If mechanical connection has caused the jam, ELACS may not know, therefore normal law will remain but the procedure stays the same.
Aileron faults
- Lateral handling is not adversely affected even if both ailerons fail, as the systems automatically compensate by using the spoilers.
- Fuel consumption up by 6%
Spoiler Faults
(F/CTL (GND) SPLR (1+2) (3+4))
- Depends on whether it has failed retracted or extended.
- If retracted, handling should not be adversley affected.
- CONF 3, do not use speedbrake if 3 + 4 are affected.
- If fully extended:
- A/P may not have sufficient authority to control the aircraft.
- Fuel burn increases significantly + 55%.
- Find a compromise speed which reduces buffet.
- CONF 3
Rudder Jam
- Main indication of jammed rudder is undue and adverse pedal movement during roll manoeuvres caused by yaw damper orders being fed back to the pedals when they are no longer sent to the rudder.
- Crosswinds from the side the rudder is deflected should be avoided and a crosswind limit of 15kts applies.
- Control on the ground will be required by differential braking until sterrin ghandle can be used at 70kts.
- Landing distances are increased, do not use autobrake.
Flaps and or slats fault/locked
- Firstly, if on approach, select the speed and level the aircraft and get a heading.
- You need to establish a max operating speed that will avoid overspeeding the locked device.
- Unless there is an obvious reason not to (i.e. wing tip brake on, alignment fault, or fault due to dual hydraulic failure) the flap lever can be recycled.
- Increased fuel burn, increased landing distances
- Always flap 3 unless, flaps looked at full then flap full, or flaps and slats locked at 0 then flap 1 should be used to engage the go-around mode.
- Vapp may be below Vls - this is required due to tyre limiting speeds.
- If Vls > Vfe next, then fly Vls, select the next config then track Vls down with selected speed.
- Use autopilot down to 500ft.
- For the go-around, maintain flap/slat config. Fly Vmo - 10kts.
SEC Fault
(F/CTL SEC 1 (2) (3) FAULT)
- Each SEC controls either 1 or 2 spoilers per wing.
- SEC 1 and 2 also provide back up for the ELAC’s.
- SEC 1 provides spoiler position to the FAC’s, therefore do not use speedbrake if SEC 1 is affected.
- Dual SEC failure will lead to a loss of a reverser and loss of autobraking.
- If all SEC’s are lost, in addition to the above, flight controls revert to alternate law.
- DIRECT LAW will occur at slat extension due to routing of of LGCIU data to the ELACS via the SEC’s.
ELAC Fault
- In normal ops, ELAC 1 controls the ailerons and ELAC 2 controls the elevators and stabiliser.
- Failure of one will result in failover to the remaining computer.
- Provided no uncommanded manoeuvres then you can attempt a reset.
- Failure of both ELAC’s leads to the loss of ailerons and hence alternate law. One of the SEC’s will take over the elevators and stabiliser.
FCDC Faults
(F/CTL FCDC 1(2) (1+2) Fault)
- Single failure has no immediate effect
- If both fail, ELAC’s and SEC’s can no longer supply data to the EIS.
- F/CTL ECAM warnings are no longer generated.
- Warning lights in overhead panel are valid.
- Normal law with all protections just no indications and the stall warning system becomes active.
Fuel Leak
- You need to determine the cause of the fuel leak.
- Firstly add up fuel used and fuel remaining and see if they add up to fuel at engine start.
- Other indications of a fuel leak include fuel imbalance or excessive fuel flow from an engine.
- Get the cabin crew to check the wing and engine.
- Follow the QRH.
- Don’t use reverse thrust.
- Fuel flow rates (G-EZTA):
- 1 Engine - (FL100, 66T, 280kts) - 2500kg/hr, 1250kg/30 mins, 208kg/5 mins
- 2 Engines = 200kg/ 5 mins
Gravity Fuel Feeding
- Turn on the ignition in case of fuel interruption.
- Aviod negative G.
- If above FL300 for more than 30 mins then fuel has been aerated and maintain FL. If not, then fuel gravity feeding ceiling is FL300 if the aircraft exceeded FL300, FL150 if it didnt.
- Look at the QRH for more guidance.
Loss of Braking Memory Items
- Full reverse thrust.
- Release brake pedals.
- Anti-skid/NW off.
- Apply brake pedals again to a max 1000psi
- If still no braking then use successive applications of the parking brake to bring the aircraft to a stop.
Brake Temperature Limits
- 150 degrees between wheels on same gear with one reaching a temperature of 60 or 600 degrees.
- 200 degrees between the average of each gear.
LGCIU disagreement
- The LGCIU’s disagree on the position of the gear.
- In the absense of other ECAM warnings, the gear position can be assumed to agree with the gear lever position.
(L/G LGCIU 1(2) Fault)
- The FADECs use the LGCIU input to determine idle mode.
- Approach idle mode.
- Reversers INOP.
- GPWS uses LGCIU 1 to determine landing gear position, therefore this will need to be inhibited.
- With both lost, normal landing gear control and indicating systems are lost.
- Gravity extension.
Gear not down
- Indicates when the landing gear is not downlocked when RA’s below 750’ and N1 and flap setting.
Hydraulic selector valve Fault
The ECAM message may indicate two completely different conditions:
- Normal brake selector valve has failed in the open position. Full pressure applied to the valves, however, as long as anti-skid is available braking is normal.
- Steering selector fault has failed in the open poisiton. Steering remains pressurised. Unable to tow and if antiskid selected off then nosewheel goes to full deflection.
Single Engine Failure
(ENG 1(2) FAIL)
- Single engine bleed cannot support wing anti-ice and two packs.
- Do not use wing anti unless no damage has occurred. If icing accretion and no wing anti-ice then minimum speeds should be clean = Vls + 15kts, all other config Vls + 10kts.
- If no damage, then x-bleed valve can be opened at a cost of 1200ft to the SE gross celing. Now wing anti ice is available, however, one of the packs must be turned off.
- If less than 5900kg of fuel, effectively the aircraft will never be outside of fuel limits. However, you need to prevent fuel starvation from the live engine and feed accordingly.
- Be carefull about reducing speed below Vls.
- Use the APU, but there is no need to select the bleed on, if you do you loose wing anti ice.
- Cat 3 single only due loss of ability to split the electrical system.
Engine Stall
(ENG 1 (2) STALL)
- ECAM warning triggered when N2 is between 50% and idle (approx 60%).
- If no ECAM warning, then retard the thrust lever and see what happens. If parameters are normal turn on all the anti-icing to increase bleed demand.
Low Oil Pressure
- The sources for the ECAM ENG page and the ECAM warning are different.
- If there is a discrepancy between the two, a faulty transducer is the most likely cause and the engine can be operated normally.
- If both sources agree, shut down the engine.
Uncommanded reverser pressurisation
- Two valves that prevent pressure reaching the thrust reverser actuators.
- The most upstream of these valves called the HCU Hydraulic Control Unit if failing could result in an in-flight reverser deployment.
- Idle thrust should be selected.
Thrust lever angle sensor faults
- Each thrust lever has two TLA sensors.
- Failure of one only leads to a loss of redundancy.
- More difficult is when the sensors are in disagreement, then the FADEC makes the following assumptions:
- On ground - if neither sensor is in a take-off position, idle power is commanded. If one is in TO, and the other is above idle, TO thrust is selected. If one in TO and one in IDLE, idle is selected.
- In flight - once above thrust reduction altitude the FADEC will assume the largest TLA, limited to CLB is correct. A/THR will then manage thrust between this position and idle. Once slats extended and TLA’s indicate less than MCT, idle thrust is selected.
- If both fail, during to, thrust will be maintained until slat retraction. Once slats are deployed, IDLE thrust is selected and remains for the go-around.
Fadec Faults
- The FADECs have two channels, a single channel loss does not really mean anything.
- A dual loss means the engine must be shut down.
- If FADEC overheats, reducing thrust may reduce temperature enough to prevent shutdown.
What are the mandatory items to go-around for during an RNAV approach?
ADR Faults
(NAV ADR 1(2)(3) FAULT)
- A single ADR fault just mean switching to the hot spare and turning the affected unit off.
- Loss of two ADR’s results in alternate law. Air data switching is used as necessary and affected ADR’s are turned off.
- If 1 + 3 are lost then gravity gear extension NOT MENTIONED IN ECAM, only FCOM and then the gear wont go down.
RA Faults
(NAV RA (1)(2) FAULT)
- A single RA fault results in degradation of approach capability to CAT II.
- Loss of both results in direct law with the gear down, loss of ILS APPR mode (LOC still available).
IR Faults
(NAV IR (1)(2)(3) FAULT)
- A single IR fault will simply require ATT/HDG switching.
- It may be possible to recover the IR in ATT mode. This is done by setting the IR into ATT mode. Then going into the MCDU data screen, IRS monitor, then enter the aircraft heading.
- A dual IR fault will lead to loss of PFD indications on at least one side so use ATT/HDG switching to recover. It will also lead to alternate law.
FAC faults
- Failure of a single FAC results in loss of redundancy and hence loss of cat 3 Dual.
- If both FACs are lost, you loose Yaw damping Flight envolope, Low speed warning and windshear detection.(YFLOW)
- Alternate Law.
Yaw Damper faults
- Single failure leads to loss of redundancy and again loss of Cat III Dual.
- With a dual failure the controls revert to alternate law.
Rudder Trim Faults
- Single loss of rudder trim from a single FAC only results in loss of redundancy.
- If complete loss, only Cat I is available.