Northern Runway OPs Flashcards
How will Pilots become aware of planned Northern Operations?
GAL will issue a NOTAM
If planned Northern Ops are cancelled what must the ATSA do?
Place a message on the ATIS until the planned start time has passed.
What types of approaches are possible on 08L/26R?
SRA terminating at 2nM
When can 08L/26R be used preferentially?
When the tailwind is 5KT or less
What must GAL do to the Airfield before Northern activation?
Remove large A/C from 170/171 and 140s
Place barriers across access roads and RETs
Inspect Northern surface and lighting
withdraw contractors from the airfield
Which messages should be on the ATIS during Northern ops?
“This runway has two synchronised flashing white lights, one at each end of the threshold bar”
” Expect RNP approach”
Where can Vehicles Free Range during Northern ops?
North of Juliet
Which mode should the Tango crossing be in during Northern ops?
Controlled mode.
During the time between Main runway closing and Northen being open can A/C be given Pushback or Taxi clearances?
A/C can be given pushback but cannot taxi until the appropriate taxiway lighting for the proposed runway is displayed
Can A/C under tow, during northern of taxi on Zulu west of Zulu 1?
As Zulu West of Z1 is deemed to be a runway movement A/C under tow will require a leader escort
Explain the Juliet taxiway restritions for Code C A/C during Northern ops.
Juliet (J5-P) can be used by all code C providing
IRVR( or met vis if unavailable) 1500m or more
The position of all A/c can be monitored continiously
Stop bars are available at night
Explain the Juliet restrictions for large A/C on Juliet during Northern ops.
A/C with wingspan >50m will be infringing the runway until east of Sierra
Boeing B767-200/300 are 47m but with winglets exceed this limit. Therefore it must be clarified whether the A/C has winglets or not.
Which taxiways will be unavailable when 26R/08L is in use?
Alpha-November between N & M
Alpha Sierra between Papa & Mike
Alpha between A3 & A1
They will be closed with bolton barriers with centre line suppressed
How must A/C be instructed to line-up on 26R?
Must be via Charlie, must be in one transmission with no intermediate holds.
Where will GMC clear departing A/C to on 08R?
S1 ( for langer A/C & code C) R1 Q1 (for Code C)
With AMSGCS unavailable,during northern ops, and A/C unable to be continiously visually monitored how many A/C are permitted to taxi around the airfield at once?
One A/C, although multiple may pushback.
When should AGL be switched on during Northern Runway ops?
30 mins before Main runway closure
What should the AGL taxiway brilliancy be during Northern ops?
LPOs should not select a brilliancy other than 10% without reference to AIR.
Is NA available during northern ops?
What routes are available to line up on 26R?
All routes will finish with J-C-26R
How is Taxiway Juliet lighting configured during northern ops?
Must be in the opposite direction to runway in use.
Can an A/C on Northern Rwy approach, continue their approach if the Juliet taxiway lighting is showing for them (lit in the same direction as runway in use ?
Yes they can continue approach but the lights must be reverted by the time the A/C is 3nM from touchdown.
Once arriving A/C is 4nM from touchdown A/C moving on Juliet (with lights) would be instructed to hold position so the lights can be switched
What Areas are AIRs responsibility during Northern ops?
Juliet- West of 27 Zulu- West of Z1 AN AS A P+N- south of P1/N1
During Northern Runway 08L ops Explain the procedures for ZONE A/ZONE B?
When aircraft have been cleared to take off or land:
No A/C or vehicles permitted on taxiway Zulu west of Z1
No A/C allowed in ZONE A
No A/C larger than code C in ZONE B
Landing A/C has touched down
Departing A/C has passed Whisky